Reborn Panlong

Chapter 428 The Harvest of the Year

Chapter 428 The Harvest of the Year
Fusion in the plane of God.

On one side is the torrential flood, on the other side is a towering mountain, Lin Feng is suspended in the sky.

"Haha" Lin Feng smiled and opened his eyes, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"Finally succeeded!" Lin Feng sensed the time and knew the time, "It only took me 1000 years to create the two god planes, but it took 4000 years to create this fusion god plane." Lin Feng said with emotion Very, this time Lin Feng spent an astonishing 5000 years!
You know, even with the addition of these 5000 years, Lin Feng's practice has not been ten thousand years.

Less than 3000 years ago, Lin Feng had become a master god, and even reached the existence comparable to a rule-type master.

And these 5000 years at the speed of the main god, 5000 years of practice, the progress is already shocking enough.

But Lin Feng, in the high-intensity creation, comprehended it for 5000 years, and his achievements were even more astonishing.

"Unexpectedly, in order to create the plane of gods, almost half of the laws of the earth and the laws of the water system were merged." Lin Feng couldn't laugh or cry. Everything he understood was to serve the creation and fusion of the plane of gods. Therefore, the laws of the earth and the laws of the water system It is normal to have such achievements.

of course
Lin Feng has practiced for 5000 years, and the greatest benefit he has obtained is not the fusion of the law of the earth and the law of the water system.It is about the comprehension of various laws and mysteries in constructing space and time.This will be of great benefit to Lin Feng whether he merges the seven elemental laws into the space law or the four major rules into the time law in the future.

Lin Feng found that no matter the earth god plane or the water god plane he created, there is a complete space inside, no different from the Magnolia plane.The earth god plane created by himself has lakes and oceans, as well as glaciers and thick fog, while the water god plane also has mountains, rivers and high cliffs, and even gravity exists.

As far as the difference is concerned, the earth element is more concentrated in the earth god plane, the water element is more concentrated in the water god plane, and the elements and energies of each system in the magnolia plane are more balanced, there is no obvious difference.

Lin Feng once tried to tear a space crack in the water god plane he created. Lin Feng's soul merged into the entire god plane, and he could clearly feel that the power of the nearby space was quickly mobilized to repair the space crack.While repairing this space crack, Lin Feng not only noticed the mystery of 'Water Restoration', but also noticed the mystery of 'Life Force'.

It stands to reason that to create the plane of the water-type God with the avatar of the main god of the water-type, there should not be mysterious applications such as 'gravity space' and 'force of life', but this is not the case.

It was this doubt in his heart that made Lin Feng decide to create a fusion god plane.

In the process of creating the fused god plane, Lin Feng paid special attention to this issue, and finally, Lin Feng finally found the answer.

In the process of using the power of the Great Landlord God to create the plane of God, the laws of heaven and earth will automatically make up for the lack of other laws and rules.By analogy, when the main god of the water system uses the power of the main god of the water system to create the plane of the gods, the laws of heaven and earth will automatically make up for the other required laws and rules except the law of the water element.

And when Lin Feng used the power of the land master god and the water system master god to create the plane of fusion gods, the laws of heaven and earth made up for the rest of the laws and rules except the laws of the earth and the laws of the water system.

"Hongmeng once said that the four subsidiary universes are based on earth, wind, water and fire, and the four kinds of energy to build the universe. After that, the two kinds of energy of light and darkness were born, and the energy of lightning was born as the power of punishment."

"It seems that my previous conjecture is not wrong. The seven rules of earth, feng, shui, fire, thunder, light and darkness form a complete space, while the four rules of life, death, fate, and destruction, as the rules of the universe, form a complete time. The relationship between time and space The sum is the universe."

Lin Feng looked at the three god planes he had built, and murmured, "Although the god planes I built are not called universes, they also have complete laws of time and space, and are part of this universe. "


The waves beat against the cliff.

Lin Feng suspended in the sky, calmed down, and looked around.

The plane of fusion gods only has a radius of ten thousand li, but there is no sun in this space.

Lin Feng looked up and uttered a word: "Light!"

Immediately centered on the power of the main god, endless elements were gathered, and the elements were compressed crazily, and then a dazzling spherical sun was formed in the sky!The sun is suspended at a very high place, radiating light wantonly, shining on this space.

As soon as Lin Feng moved his mind, he formed a plane barrier around the sun to protect the sun.

"Usually, it can constantly absorb external elements, and then release them in the form of sunlight, which lasts forever." Lin Feng smiled lightly.Then, in the same way, the moon was created on the back of the earth.In this plane of gods, the sun and moon will also rotate according to the plane, constantly rotating.

When the sun rotates below the horizon and reaches the back of the earth, the moon just rises above the horizon.

"It's all done." Lin Feng looked around.There is earth, there are mountains, there is sea water but there is no life.However, life cannot be created by Lin Feng today.Unless he reaches the level of the master of the universe.


A crack suddenly opened in the distant sky, and two figures flew out of it.It was Beirut in black and Qinghuo in white.Both of them looked surprised and curious.

"Haha. Lin Feng, although your fusion god plane is small, in terms of the stability of the plane, it surpasses the seven major god planes and is close to the four highest planes." Beirut swiped his hand and drew a space Crack, still commenting in his mouth, "And on this plane, the elements of earth and water are so rich. If a person with good talents in the two aspects of earth or water has cultivated in this plane from birth, he will become a god." The chances of cultivating on the ordinary material plane are definitely more than twice as high. Moreover, the time to become a god will be much shorter."

Lin Feng smiled helplessly: "Don't make fun of me. It took 4000 years to create such a small plane. And in terms of speeding up the cultivation, it's not as good as the secret room on the underground plane you created. The underground plane The chamber of secrets is more than just a bonus effect for cultivating the two elements of the earth and water."

Beirut waved his hand and said: "How big is the secret room of the underground plane I built? It is less than ten square meters anyway. Besides, only people above the sanctuary can enter and practice, and those below the sanctuary can't resist the endless wind."

"Okay, you two don't flatter each other." Qinghuo looked around and smiled, "Create planes, unfortunately, we can't create life."

"The creation of life is not a field that our Lord God can step into." Beirut smiled lightly.

"Who said we can't create life?" Lin Feng glanced at Qinghuo with a smile in his eyes, "Qinghuo, after you return to Yulan and marry a wife, I promise you will be able to create life in ten months. Come life."

"Marry a wife and have children?" Qinghuo was stunned when he heard the words, and then laughed and cursed: "Lin Feng, I am not like you. I have two wives in my family and go to provoke the Lord of Death, even the Lord God of Bauhinia is not clear to you. of."

"I can declare that my earth avatar is the main messenger of Bauhinia, other than that, there is nothing unclear about it." Lin Feng said helplessly.

"Okay, we are not interested in your relationship with the Bauhinia Lord God. You just need to explain clearly to your wives." Beirut smiled lightly, then looked at Lin Feng, and said with some expectation, "Lin Feng, it will take 5000 years , with your cultivation speed, especially after becoming the main god, there are two clones of the main god, and now the speed is more than a hundred times faster than the main god. In 5000 years, how far have you cultivated?"

Qinghuo's eyes also lit up, looking forward to looking at Lin Feng.

"For the past 5000 years, I have focused my energy on creating the plane of God. As for cultivation, I have been delayed." Lin Feng smiled lightly, "However, in the past 5000 years, I have also cultivated the law of the fire element to the state of Dzogchen. The law of the water element It has already merged with the law of the earth for the most part."

Beirut and Qinghuo looked at each other.

Lin Feng's achievements were a bit low in the eyes of the two of them.Not to mention cultivating the other four principles to Dzogchen, at least two to three principles can be cultivated to perfection.After all, the 5000 years after the main god can definitely catch up with the achievements of the main god's 50 years of cultivation before.

But Lin Feng's subsequent words made it clear to them.

"Although these 5000 years have not achieved much improvement in cultivation, they have paved the way for my future cultivation." Lin Feng said to himself: "In 10 years, at most 10 years, I will be able to completely master the laws of the seven elements. Merge into one and comprehend the complete law of space."

(End of this chapter)

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