Reborn Panlong

Chapter 430 Return to the Hometown

Chapter 430 Return to the Hometown
Not long after the rock disappeared, at a height of more than 1000 miles from the cliff, a figure in a sky blue robe suddenly appeared, it was Lin Feng.

"I didn't expect that after fusing the four mysteries of 'Earth Movement', 'Wind Movement', 'Water Movement', and 'Fire Movement', it can achieve a teleportation-like effect, and can melt the body into the void, but But there is no teleportation speed." After appearing, Lin Feng shook his head and sighed, as if a little dissatisfied, and then laughed again, "If I use this trick to melt myself into the void, I will be considered the main god, without the power of will If you can control this space, you can never even think about discovering my existence. As for the master god's consciousness, even the master god's consciousness at the master level is impossible to discover the clues."

After a brief exchange with the clone, Lin Feng knew the time, "It turns out that more than 750 years have passed. It took more than 700 years to fuse these four mysteries, and this speed is faster than I imagined. It's just that the principles of these four mysteries are the same. , and they are all low-level mysteries, so it is naturally easy to fuse them. If it is a middle-level mystery or a high-level mystery, even if it takes a few times more time, it will be difficult to successfully integrate them."

For Lin Feng's retreat this time, he first spent more than 40 years sorting out a total of 27 mysteries of earth, wind, water and fire, and then spent more than [-] years integrating these four kinds of mysteries.

"Nearly 800 years have passed since the last plane war ended, and this war between hell and heaven will end in just over 200 years. It's time to go out and find some envoys of the main god. "

Lin Feng naturally knew the importance of this plane war.If the Heaven Realm wins this war of planes again, then the seven main gods of the destiny line will be given the power of will again.This is obviously not what Lin Feng wants to see.

"Go to hell first."

Lin Feng swiped with one hand, and a door of space appeared out of thin air. With one step, Lin Feng came into the turbulent flow of space.Spreading out his consciousness and identifying the direction, Lin Feng rushed directly towards Hell.

One of the four highest planes, hell!
A purple cold moon like a sickle hangs in the night sky, emitting a misty purple monster moonlight, covering the boundless world below.

Located in Karosha in the west of Hell, a dragon-shaped metal life is galloping through the sky.

In this metal life frame, there are two midgods sitting at a round table, talking and laughing casually while drinking unknown fruit wine.

"Jerry, this mission started from Bauhinia Rainbow Leaf City, crossed the sea of ​​stars and mist, and arrived at Kalosa Qianyan City. There were hundreds of battles on the way. If we were not lucky, we would not have survived to this day." Among them A man with fiery red hair said with emotion.

"Luke, although this mission takes a long time and is extremely dangerous on the way, the commission is high. It's all in Karosha, and there are at most ten years before we can reach the destination Qianyan City. With the two commissions together, you can buy a cheaper house in Qianyan City, and live a leisurely life from now on, no need to accept missions, and live a life of licking blood on the tip of a knife." Another mid-level god move Raise the glass, "Come on, Luke, for our bright future, do it!"

"Okay, huh?" The fiery red-haired man picked up his wine glass and suddenly gave a sound of surprise, looking out the window in a daze through the metal life, "Jerry, look, what is that?"

The middle god man named Jerry turned his head to look out the window quickly, and happened to see, a thousand meters away from their metal life, a space crack opened in the sky suddenly, and a figure appeared.

This figure is none other than Lin Feng who came from the fusion god plane.

"The upper god? No, it must be the upper god of Dzogchen, or even the main god." Jerry suddenly exclaimed.

As a middle god, Jerry has never seen Dzogchen, let alone the main god, but he also knows that being able to appear from a crack in space is definitely not something that ordinary high gods can do.

The corner of Lin Feng's mouth twitched, and he glanced at the metal life form. Naturally, he couldn't escape Lin Feng's spiritual sense for Jerry's exclamation, but Lin Feng didn't care.Spreading his consciousness, Lin Feng soon knew where he was.

"Karosha." Lin Feng smiled lightly, and in the next moment, Lin Feng had turned into a long rainbow and disappeared in the northern sky.

Bauhinia is located in the north of Hell.The destination of Lin Feng's trip is the Amethyst Mountains of Bauhinia.

Lin Feng has always been grateful for the main god of Bauhinia.

Back then, when Lin Feng was still a high god, the main god of Bauhinia gave Delia a main artifact that combined soul defense and material defense.At that time, Lin Feng was not strong enough to see anything.But with Lin Feng's current eyesight, he can naturally see the extraordinaryness of this main artifact.

For the highgod, the main artifact does not make much difference between good and bad.After all, no matter how bad the main artifact is, it is still the main artifact, and cannot be destroyed by a higher god.But for the main god, the quality of the main artifact is particularly important.After all, the main battle between the main gods is to use the main artifact, and the main god has the ability to destroy the main artifact.

Lin Feng could see that the main artifact given to Delia by the Lord Bauhinia back then was absolutely the best among the main artifacts, and even his own Coiling Dragon Ring could not compare with it before it was destroyed.

Even with the strength of Delia's upper god, this main artifact can block the full blows of ordinary lower gods, including soul attacks and material attacks.Of course, that's all. After one blow, this main artifact will be damaged.After all, Delia's strength is too weak compared to the main god.

If a lower main god is used, this main artifact can barely resist for a while even in the face of an ordinary law-type master.

Afterwards, the Lord God of Bauhinia interceded for himself with the Supreme God, which moved Lin Feng even more.Although the 'Destroy the Supreme God' did not let him go because of the plea of ​​the Bauhinia Lord God, but Lin Feng will never forget this kindness.

Although hell is extremely huge to gods, it is nothing to the main god.

At Lin Feng's speed, it took only half a day to cross the sea of ​​stars and fog from Kaluosha to Bauhinia.

The Amethyst Mountain Range is vast, with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, surrounded by white mist, and the blood-colored sunlight shining in the sky, refracted in the white mist, forming a gorgeous scene.

Suspended in the sky, looking at the familiar scenery of the Amethyst Mountains in front of him, Lin Feng felt like returning to his old place.

Back then, when I came here for the first time, I was only in the highgod realm, and I didn't even reach the Dzogchen.Now only a few thousand years have passed, and he is already a master-level powerhouse.The gap between the front and back cannot be counted.

Not long after Lin Feng landed in the Amethyst Mountains, "Lin Feng." A gentle voice sounded, and beside Lin Feng, the fuzzy purple energy slowly condensed, forming a figure, which was the Bauhinia Lord God wearing a loose lavender robe.

"Bauhinia." Lin Feng looked at the person in the lavender robe in front of him and grinned.

(End of this chapter)

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