Reborn Panlong

Chapter 450 Lin Feng's Plan

Chapter 450 Lin Feng's Plan (2)
At this time, many main gods had already quarreled over Lin Feng's defeat of Di Ya.

"Lin Feng has two avatars of the lower main gods, so he has more power of will than the lower main gods. How can he beat you Diya?"

"The gap between the lower main god and the upper main god is huge."

A group of incredible murmurs, these main gods can't believe this.

The middle main god is nearly a hundred times stronger than the lower main god, which is two parts of will power.As for the ratio between the upper main god and the lower main god, the gap is even bigger.

"This Lin Feng has more than two clones of the lower main gods. As far as I know, he also has a clone of Dzogchen." Di Ya said.

"Even so, Lin Feng's strength is almost equal to that of the middle god, so he can't be your opponent, Di Ya?" Beirut interrupted suddenly.Because of Lin Feng's relationship, he and Diya were on opposite sides at this time.

Dia coldly glanced at Beirut, "Beirut, don't forget that you are also the main god of my wind lineage."

"Haha" Beirut laughed suddenly, "Diya, my main godhead is from the white tiger, not from you, Diya."

"Hmph!" Diya snorted coldly, but did not answer.He also understands that Beirut will never submit to his jurisdiction.

"Di Ya, even if this Lin Feng has two clones of the main god and one clone of Dzogchen, he has two more powers of will than ordinary lower gods, and is only comparable to the middle god. How can he deal with you?" a cyan The man with long hair and fish scales on his forehead said with a smile.

Being able to call Diya by his first name, his strength and status are naturally at the level of dominance.His doubts are naturally more influential than Beirut.Other main gods also echoed.

"Everyone!" Di Ya, the ruler of the wind element, sighed deliberately, "I tried my best, but I still couldn't hurt him. Even, I didn't force Lin Feng to use his innate magical powers of the Azure Dragon Clan. The reason why Lin Feng is so Strong, I guess he must have other Dzogchen clones!"

Suddenly, there was an uproar!
"Other Dzogchen clones?"

All the main gods, as well as most of the main gods who had been watching the show without speaking, were shocked.Even the other rulers, including Augusta, looked at Lin Feng with lightning-like eyes.

You know, in the entire world, for countless years, there are only more than 30 known Dzogchen experts.Even if it is the main god, there are only a small number of them, who have perfected the mysterious law of the law and reached the state of Dzogchen.

How long has Lin Feng been practicing? Can one person have several Dzogchen avatars?
Not to mention that the other main gods didn't believe it, even the Bauhinia Lord God who had a good relationship with Lin Feng looked at Lin Feng in disbelief.

She doesn't know exactly how many clones Lin Feng has.

However, Lin Feng was on the way from the Amethyst Mountains to the Xuefeng Tianji Mountains, and in the residence of the Four Gods and Beasts. Through her spiritual observation, she witnessed that Lin Feng cultivated a death clone in the Amethyst Mountains. Cultivated a thunder clone, cultivated a destruction clone in the residence of the four gods and beasts, performed ancestral hall baptism, and broke through the water system to become a god in Hualongchi.

At the same time, she also saw Lin Feng's life avatar and destiny avatar through her spiritual consciousness.

In addition to now, the well-known earth clone and wind clone, Lin Feng has at least eight clones.

It's just that among the eight clones, some of them have reached the state of Dzogchen, which is beyond Bauhinia's ability to know.

As for Lin Feng's fusion of the rules of fate and the rules of life to create a fusion clone, she didn't even know.

Only a few people like Hongyi, Vivia, Beirut, and Qinghuo were the ones who really knew Lin Feng's details.

Seeing that many main gods turned their attention to him, Lin Feng couldn't help but smile coldly in his heart.Originally, his plan was to use his strength to shock Diya, without him controlling his strength. In this way, plus the death master and life master are from his own side, the matter of killing Theresia by himself can also be turned into a small matter. .

But now the trend of things has deviated from Lin Feng's plan.Lin Feng understood that all of this was deliberately controlled by someone behind the scenes, and this person was Auf, the Master of Fate who always had a smile on his face.

Lin Feng couldn't help feeling a little admiration for Auf, a person who hides a knife in his smile.

Auf is not only extremely strong, but also has a great strategy.I don't say a word, but I can control everything in my hands.

Lin Feng also understood Auf's purpose in doing this, and he wanted to take this opportunity to test out his own details.

He, who was not valued by him originally, has repeatedly done things that surprised him.First, he violated the rules of heaven and earth, leading to the arrival of the supreme god of destruction, but he was not punished. Then he killed the lower god Theresia, and then defeated the master of the wind system, Diya.

All of this is not something a normal lower lord god can do.

For such an unstable factor as himself, Auf naturally had to investigate clearly.

"I can prove that Lin Feng is indeed as powerful as a master." Botieer, the lower god of the fire department who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said: "Everyone, just a few decades ago, Manlu and I, because of a The envoy of the Lord God and Lin Feng had some disputes. Originally, Manlu and I should not be afraid of Lin Feng when we teamed up, but I didn't expect that Lin Feng would burst out with the aura that only a master-level powerhouse can have. Although we didn't really fight, but only Based on this aura, it can be judged that this Lin Feng definitely has the power to dominate."

Seeing that many main gods looked at him, Manlu also nodded and said: "It is true. At that time, this incident happened on the plane of the water god, and the master of the water department can testify."

The master of the water system sitting next to the red clothes heard the words, and said aloud: "Decades ago, Lin Feng, Betie'er, and Manlu did have some disputes on my water god plane. As for whether Lin Feng The aura of dominance broke out, but I didn't know it."

At that time, several main gods in the water god plane also echoed, and it was true.

Diya alone may not be able to convince the main gods, but coupled with the testimony of Botieer, Manlu, the master of the water system and several water master gods, it has convinced many gods who did not believe that Lin Feng has the strength of the master level. .

Lord gods, especially masters, generally speaking, don't bother to tell lies.What's more, the number of main gods speaks the same word.Could it be that so many main gods conspired to design Lin Feng?
Obviously impossible.

"Lin Feng, do you really have the power to dominate?" Auf, who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly asked.

"Yes." Facing everyone's gaze, Lin Feng nodded in recognition.When this happened, Lin Feng couldn't help denying it.

One stone caused a thousand waves!

"It really has the strength of a dominator!"

Many main gods who were not sure in their hearts at first finally believed in them completely.Others said that it might be a bit false, but even Lin Feng himself admitted that this matter must not be false.

But soon the main gods started discussing again.Lin Feng only has two clones of lower main gods and one clone of Dzogchen. At best, they are comparable to the middle main gods. How can he possess the strength of a master? Even the master of the wind system, Di Ya, is no match for him.Is it true that Lin Feng has several Dzogchen avatars, as Di Ya, the master of the wind system, guessed?

"Everyone." Botieer seemed to like the feeling of being watched by everyone, and at this moment he attracted the attention of the main gods to himself, and said loudly: "It was also decades ago that several envoys of the main gods under my command went to Magnolia After wandering around the plane for several months, I learned from them that Lin Feng is a legend in the Yulan plane. From the dying old man to the child who just walked, everyone on the Yulan plane knows Lin Feng's name. Even Lin Feng's growth story can be recited backwards."

"Botie, many of our main gods are from the material plane, and Teresia, who has just fallen, is also from Dylan's material plane. Which of these main gods from the material plane is not a legend in the plane they come from What's more, it's not unusual for Lin Feng to become the main god for less than ten thousand years, so it's not unusual for him to be worshiped by the whole magnolia mask." The main god of Xuefeng raised his eyebrows and said.

"Pash, what I want to say is the next sentence." Botie glanced at Pash, and continued: "They stayed in the Magnolia plane for several months, and learned that Lin Feng not only owns the earth, water system and wind In addition to these three clones, there are also two clones of light and destiny. That is to say, Lin Feng has at least five clones. If these five clones have reached the state of Dzogchen, then Lin Feng's strength should be comparable to Dominate it."


As soon as Botieer said this, the main god shouted out, "This Lin Feng has not practiced for ten thousand years, how could he have five Dzogchen clones, and Dzogchen is so easy to achieve."

Many main gods nodded in agreement, apparently they also did not believe that Lin Feng alone could have five Dzogchen clones, this frightening fact.If this was the case, wouldn't they have lived on dogs all these years?

Most of these sympathetic main gods have not reached the state of Dzogchen.

Lin Feng sneered in his heart when he heard that, "This Botieer was completely instructed by Auf, based on some information obtained from the Yulan plane, it's just a random guess."

I know my own affairs.It is true to say that I have reached the state of great perfection in the four elements of earth, water, wind, and destiny, but in terms of the law of light, I am still in the state of the upper god and have not broken through.

"It turns out that Lin Feng still has clones of the light system." Lord Bauhinia thought to himself, "It seems that Lin Feng may have clones of all eleven systems. I guessed right before."

At this time, the Lord Bauhinia God's eyes were unusually deep, as if he was reminiscing about the past, and seemed to be thinking about something.

More than sixty main gods gathered on the plane of the wind gods to discuss Lin Feng's strength and the matter of killing Theresia. However, Lin Feng's fusion clone left the underworld at this time, and headed towards the heavenly world through the turbulent flow of space. In the direction where you are, rush to it at top speed.

(End of this chapter)

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