Chapter 58
"My lord!" The waiter's voice came from outside the spring water garden.

Lin Feng paused, then moved his hand, and the purple blood sword in his hand disappeared.

"Come in." Lin Feng said at this time.

Immediately, a pretty maid ran in quickly, looked at Lin Feng with a hint of admiration, and immediately bowed her head and said respectfully: "My lord, the Debs family sent someone to send an invitation card." As she spoke, she picked up the invitation card .

Lin Feng looked at the invitation.

The main color of the invitation is red with a gold surround around the edges.The two characters of "invitation" are on the cover.


Lin Feng took it, then flipped it open, and what he saw was really what he thought.

"June NO.18, Karan held an engagement ceremony with Alice and Rowling. Rowling?" Lin Feng frowned as he looked at the contents of the invitation. As in the original book, to be engaged to both Alice and Rowling.But seeing Alice's name written in front of Rowling, this time Alice should be the official wife.

"You can step back." Lin Feng said calmly.

"Yes, my lord." The maid said respectfully, and then left the spring garden.

"Boss, the Debs family, is that Alice going to get engaged?" Beibei jumped onto Lin Feng's shoulder, and stretched her head to look at the invitation.

"Huh, Rowling? Who is Rowling?" Beibei looked at Lin Feng in doubt.

"Beibei, when did you become so gossip?" Lin Feng chuckled, then threw the invitation into the interspatial ring, sat down cross-legged, and practiced Dragon Blood Dou Qi.

June NO.18.

According to the priests of the Bright Holy See, this is a very good day.The Debs family chose this day for their engagement ceremony.

On this day, there was a lot of traffic and people coming and going at the door of the Debs family.

There are aristocrats, rich men, beautiful ladies, pretty noble ladies, and handsome noble youths.On this day, in the entire city of Finlay, it can be said that the Debs family is the place where the nobles gather the most.

"Master Lin Feng, come"

The voice of the waiter of the Debs family became louder, and Lin Feng, wearing a black gentleman's attire, stepped into the lobby of the Debs family's mansion.

Many nobles in the hall stopped talking almost at the same time, and turned to look at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked around the hall with a slight smile on his face.Lin Feng's demeanor was completely in line with the gorgeous demeanor of the nobleman.

"Master Lin Feng, welcome to come."

Bernard, who was talking with the guests, immediately walked towards Lin Feng, and next to Bernard was the gorgeously dressed Kalan.Kalan is today's protagonist!

Although Lin Feng has no official titles, his outstanding achievements in stone carving and magic are worthy of the title of 'Master'.

"Mr. Bernard." Lin Feng smiled slightly, "Congratulations on your son's engagement to two beautiful ladies at once."

"Thank you, thank you," said Bernard enthusiastically.

Kalan also said respectfully: "Master Lin Feng, welcome to come, I hope you can have a good time today."

Lin Feng glanced at Kalan, just nodded and didn't say much, then looked at Bernard: "Mr. Bernard, you can receive other guests, I will go to the side first."

The hall of the Debs family is really big. Hundreds of nobles and rich people gathered here and it is not too crowded at all.Ladies and noble ladies dressed in beautiful and trendy clothes, shuttled happily among the crowd like proud peacocks.

Especially after Lin Feng arrived, many noble ladies couldn't help making friends with Lin Feng.

"Lord Lin Feng, you are really amazing. I have been learning stone carving for three years, but I can't even carve the basic shapes well." A noble girl with beautiful long brown hair was talking enthusiastically to Lin Feng Then, "Master Lin Feng, you are really amazing. You are only a little older than me, but you are already close to the level of masters such as Proulx and Hopkinson. Master Lin Feng, can you guide me? "

As the noble girl spoke, she looked at Lin Feng expectantly with her big beautiful eyes.

Lin Feng felt uncomfortable being looked at by a beautiful woman so 'purely', but Lin Feng still tried his best to maintain the image of aristocrat, and said with a smile: "It takes enough wrist strength to carve stone carvings, you are so weak and beautiful In fact, it’s enough to learn oil painting.”

Many noble ladies may know that Lin Feng is not married yet, and he is alone.So many noble ladies came to pester Lin Feng.

But the parents of those noble ladies were happy to see this scene.

Because almost all the nobles in the Kingdom of Finlay understand that if any family can catch Lin Feng, the wealthy son-in-law, then this family will definitely take off!
Who is Lin Feng?

The second magic genius in history, and a master-level stone carver, even the Kingdom of Finlay and the Holy See of Light are determined to recruit him, and he will definitely become a big shot in the Holy See of Light in the future.His future status may even surpass that of the king of the Kingdom of Finlay!
"Lin Feng." A hearty voice sounded.

Lin Feng turned his head and looked: "Your Majesty."

For Clyde, Lin Feng can be as calm as water.Looking at "Coiling Dragon" from his perspective, Clyde is not considered a bad person, and even a relatively wise king, but because Clyde was the indirect enemy that caused the death of his mother Linna, Lin Feng had to kill him.But I can't talk about how much I hate it.

From Clyde's point of view, there was nothing wrong with what he did.It is understandable that people make money and birds die for food, and it is understandable to capture people with pure souls and dedicate them to the Holy See in exchange for benefits.It's just a pity that although Lin Feng understood it, it couldn't be his reason not to kill Clyde.

The surrounding noble ladies immediately saluted respectfully, not daring to be too entangled.Only then did Lin Feng secretly heave a sigh of relief, and hurriedly walked towards Clyde.With the king, at least those noble ladies dare not mess around.

"Lin Feng, do you like it?" Clyde whispered jokingly close to Lin Feng's ear.

Lin Feng couldn't help but glanced at Clyde: "Your Majesty, you don't have to tease me."

"Haha" Clyde couldn't help laughing.

Suddenly, the voices in the entire hall fell silent, and Clyde also turned to look at the door of the hall, his eyes lit up and said: "Hey, it seems that today's heroine has come out."

Lin Feng also looked over.

I saw Kalan holding a beautiful woman with his left and right hands.Both women wore gorgeous dresses and had glittering ornaments on their long blonde hair.One is Alice and the other is Rowling.

Lin Feng's gaze rested on Rowling, and he sighed inwardly: "This Rowling is also a one-in-a-million beauty, and this Kalan is really blessed, to be able to sit on the two beauties of Alice and Rowling, and share the same beauty. blessing."

"Everyone, let me introduce you." Bernard's voice sounded, and Bernard still had a smile on his face. "My son Kalan held an engagement ceremony with Miss Rowling and Miss Alice today."

Speaking of that, Bernard walked up to Karan, pointed to Rowling and said, "This is Miss Alice, the wife of my son Karan, and this is Miss Rowling."

Suddenly, there was a muffled discussion in the entire hall.

"Everyone, you can sit down now." Bernard said with a smile.

The nobles and rich people in the entire hall took their seats one by one.At the banquet, some members of the Debs family were still very enthusiastic.

Holding the wine glass, Lin Feng walked to the corner of the hall and sat on a sofa casually.

"Boss, I heard a lot of people talking about you." Beibei jumped onto Lin Feng's lap.

Lin Feng drank the wine in his glass lightly, "Let them discuss as they discuss!"

"Hey, Boss, you completely stole the limelight from Kalan and became the protagonist of today's banquet." Beibei jokingly said.

Lin Feng had never attended any banquet before, and most of the people who came to visit him were turned away.So although Lin Feng's reputation is resounding, few people in the imperial capital know him.

Most of today's guests are seeing Lin Feng for the first time, so Lin Feng really has the intention of snatching away the aura of the protagonist Kalan.

Sitting in a corner, Lin Feng quietly watched Karan, Alice, and Rowling circling among the guests, drinking by themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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