Reborn Panlong

Chapter 65 Warcraft Siege

Chapter 65 Warcraft Siege
"Father, immediately notify all members of the chamber of commerce, pack up your things immediately, and flee north." As soon as Yale left the hotel, he found his father, Monroe Dawson.

"Huh?" The potbellied Monroe Dawson looked at Yale with a look of surprise, and asked puzzledly, "Yale, what happened?"

"Father, I'm running out of time. Hurry up and pack your things. If you're late, you'll be too late." Yale didn't explain the reason, and even if he said it, his father couldn't believe it.If he didn't believe in the brotherhood with Lin Feng, he wouldn't believe in such absurd things.

"Boss, is what you told Yale just now true? Are you really going to attack the city with monsters?" Beibei sent a voice transmission to Lin Feng's soul.

"That's natural, otherwise why do you think I went to Wushan Town last night to make the residents of Wushan Town flee to the north?" Lin Feng smiled and said.

Lin Feng didn't have great kindness, but he attached great importance to emotion. Although the "Day of Destruction" was inevitable, Lin Feng would not let his hometown people in Wushan Town die tragically under the claws of monsters like the original book.

Lin Feng rushed back to Wushan Town last night, and as the patriarch of the Baruch family and the owner of Wushan Town, he persuaded all the residents of Wushan Town to flee north.At the beginning, the residents of Wushan Town were skeptical, but when Lin Feng showed his strength in the sanctuary, they packed up their belongings one after another, took their families with them, and fled north overnight.

At this moment, in the Green Leaf Ludbus family, Kalan is taking Alice and Rowling to toast the guests.

Suddenly "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

A terrifying sound resounded outside, the sound was so low that the ground even shook, and the tiles above the hall shook and fell down.

"What happened outside?" The nobles in the hall were all shocked.

"Rowling, Alice, don't run around." Kalan immediately followed his father and ran out of the hall. Many nobles ran outside, wanting to see what happened outside. sound.

But at this moment, "Boom!"

A huge foot fell from the sky and stepped directly on the front yard of the Debs family. The huge foot just stepped on Bernard, Karan and his son who had just walked into the front yard. With the sound of bones shattering, Bernard, Kalan and his son were trampled into pureed flesh, and the ground was stained red with blood.

The soles of the feet were three to four meters long and covered with golden fluff.

"Ah!" Many people looked up and saw the true appearance of this monster.

This is a golden-haired great ape with a height of nearly 30 meters and the height of an eight-story building. The eyes of this giant golden-haired great ape are like two big purple wheels. The encircling vigor made the air vibrate even more.

Kalan did not escape the established fate, and still died under the big feet of the purple-eyed golden-haired ape.

The purple-eyed golden-haired ape raised its head and shouted excitedly, but what it said was human words: "Haha, kill, kill me, kill them all, kill them all. Whoever kills more, the king, will definitely give you More rewards, haha, kill"

"Boom, roar"

Everyone heard the roars from all directions, as if there were all kinds of monsters roaring all over the world.Suddenly everyone saw endless flying monsters appearing in the sky covering the sky and covering the earth.

"Winged Bird, it's Winged Bird!" Someone suddenly shouted.

A group of densely packed bird-winged dragons flew from afar, so many that they couldn't be counted for a while.

In an instant, everyone felt as if the end was coming. At this time, few people would feel pity for Karan and Bernard who were trampled into flesh by the purple-eyed golden-haired ape.

"What the hell happened?"

Everyone was confused, just now they were attending someone's wedding banquet, but a sanctuary monster 'Purple-eyed Golden Ape' unexpectedly fell from the sky, and there seemed to be a large number of monsters following it.The dense pterosaurs in the sky are even more frightening.

Not only here, but the entire Finlay City was taken aback.

At this moment, Yale, George, and Renault, who had received Lin Feng's information in advance, and the guards of the Dawson Chamber of Commerce had already fled outside the city of Finlay.

Yale turned his head and looked at the city of Finlay, which had been covered by countless flying monsters behind him, feeling terrified in his heart.George and Renault were also stunned. At this moment, they finally believed what Lin Feng said.

Even Monroe Dawson, who has seen the big world, has never seen so many monsters, overwhelming and dense, and all kinds of monsters are full of eyeballs.

"Everyone give me speed up, fast!" Monroe Dawson roared.

The sky above the entire city of Finlay, as well as the ground, are full of such giant monsters.The entire city of Finlay was completely plunged into doomsday, unable to resist.The weakest giant dragons are generally eighth-level monsters. Who would dare to resist if more than a hundred giant dragons came to kill them?
It is the ace knights of the Temple of Light. It is estimated that a collective dragon flame of more than a hundred dragons can wipe out most of them.

"Doomsday. Doomsday!"

The entire Finlay City was completely in dire straits.But the residents of Finlay City don't know that the number of monsters arriving now is only a small part, because most of the monsters are still the monsters on the ground.In terms of speed, ground monsters are slower than flying monsters.

Therefore, the flying monsters came first.

On the wall of Finlay City, the soldiers on the wall were completely stunned. Today is the Wannian Magnolia Festival, and they celebrated it at noon with a good meal, but now there are boundless monsters.Especially in front of "Warcraft, so many, so many." Those soldiers were completely stupid.

The ground shook, and outside Finlay City, hundreds of thousands of wind wolves were rushing towards them. Hundreds of thousands of wind wolves were rushing collectively. It was so terrifying that just looking at it would make people feel ashamed. People are scared.

"Where is the magician, magician"

"Magic Crystal Cannon, get ready"

The city guard officers roared loudly one by one, trying hard to get the army ready.In fact, they knew that it was useless to try their best, because a large number of flying monsters descended in Finlay City.

"Captain, what is that?" Suddenly a soldier stared blankly at the sky.

The captain also looked over, and saw a giant monster flying over at a high speed in the distance. This giant monster didn't have wings at all, but it flew over in such a volley, the speed was shocking.

"Flying in the air. Yes, it's a sanctuary monster, a sanctuary monster!"

The captain felt really hopeless.


At the same time, there was a terrifying roar from far away in Finlay City, and a huge figure was seen running over from behind the wind wolves at a very high speed. This huge figure ran too fast, ten times faster than the wind wolves.I'm afraid it's not much slower than the Sanctuary Warcraft in the air.

This is a giant monster with a height of 30 meters.It looks like an enlarged giant lion.It's just that its eyes are blood red!
A magician in the city of Finlay exclaimed: "The sanctuary monster 'Blood-eyed Mane Lion', oh my god, it's another sanctuary monster. The blood-eyed mane lion, the Behemoth family only has gold! Only Beamon can compare with him."

Everyone is stupid.

The strength is completely out of comparison.

(End of this chapter)

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