Chapter 79
"Brother Feng, how about Miss Jenny? She's pretty good, right?" Langz laughed softly, "It's pretty good." Lin Feng nodded in praise.

Luther next to him said: "It's not just good, I've been out for a few years, and I've seen a lot of beauties. But Miss Jenny, tsk tsk, that's for sure. Brother Feng, what do you think of Miss Jenny? Is it interesting?"

Lin Feng was stunned for a while.Of course he was interested in Gianni, but he would never say it.

Langz also looked at Lin Feng with a look of 'men can understand': "Brother Feng, it's normal for the strong to have beautiful women. If you don't seize the opportunity now, after leaving this team, you will have no chance. "

"You two." Lin Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry.After getting along with Langz and Luther for a long time, Lin Feng also found that the two of them were just two living treasures.

Of course, generally all mercenaries will entertain themselves, after all, they are a group of people dancing on the tip of their knives, and they may die in the next moment.If you don't know how to entertain yourself, your spirit will easily collapse.

"Miss Jenny and her siblings have come out." Luther whispered.

Lin Feng turned his head to look, and sure enough, Miss Jenny and her younger brother Keen were walking towards a bonfire, and beside the bonfire was the old servant of their siblings.

That aristocratic boy 'Kean' couldn't help but looked towards the clouded clouded leopard again out of curiosity.

The black clouded leopard immediately grinned and showed its cold fangs, and Keen was frightened and grabbed his sister's hand tightly, and Miss Jenny also looked towards Lin Feng as if aware of it.

Miss Jenny nodded slightly in embarrassment and apologized, then took her brother to sit by the campfire.

"Sister, that monster is so handsome." Keane's bright eyes were full of longing, "One day, I can also have a powerful monster."

The old servant next to him smiled and said: "Master Keen, subduing a monster is not that simple. To subdue a powerful monster, you must make the monster surrender. To subdue a monster, you must defeat him head-on. As far as I know. Among the leopard monsters, the weakest are level seven monsters. That Master Feng is a real strong man."

"The weakest monsters are level seven monsters?" Keen gasped, "Grandpa Lambert, are you as good as Grandpa Lambert?"

In Keane's heart, the one he admired the most was actually this Grandpa Lambert.

When he and his sister were in the Holy Alliance, they had nothing to rely on at all.It was Grandpa Lambert who was protecting them. If it wasn't for Grandpa Lambert, the nobleman in the town would have sent someone to snatch his sister away.He saw with his own eyes that his grandfather Lambert smashed the shield of the noble guard with one punch, easily defeating the dozen or so soldiers.

"Me? With my little ability, someone can easily kill me with one move." Lambert smiled and touched Keen's head, "Master Keen, when you get to the O'Brien Empire, what do you want?" Be careful, there are many masters in this world. I can only protect you in small towns, but in big cities.”

"It's okay, I'm going to inherit the position of the city lord this time." Keen raised his head proudly, "What are you afraid of when you become the city lord?"

Seeing Kean like this, Jenny touched Kean's head happily and dotingly: "Kean will be a great city lord in the future."

"Of course." Keane was very confident.

Gradually, most of the people went back to sleep in the carriage, only a few mercenary guards were patrolling around.As for Lin Feng, he was sitting cross-legged on the ground, and the Hei Yu epee was placed flat on his knees.

There are three levels of epee practice, the third stage is the practice of 'potential'. Lin Feng doesn't know how the ancestors of his family cultivated, but the method of Lin Feng's cultivation is to imitate Lin Feng's method in the original book: the soul fits the earth, fits the boundless wind .

The earth has its own unique pulsation.

The unique pulsation and rhythm also made Lin Feng immersed in it.But the wind that fills the boundless world is most closely related to space.The wind that fills the space is also a key part of comprehending 'potential'.

Immerse yourself in nature, feel nature

In this case, Lin Feng could not feel the passage of time at all.In the middle of the night, most of the people in the convoy were fast asleep, only a few mercenary guards were on alert.


In the middle of the night, the cold wind was blowing, stirring the ends of Lin Feng's hair, and Lin Feng's closed eyes opened abruptly.Then he inserted the Hei Yu epee into the scabbard behind him.

"Get up." Lin Feng patted Luther and Langz twice.

Both Luther and Langz were desperate mercenaries on the edge of the knife. They couldn't die from a deep sleep and woke up immediately.Langz and Luther looked at it, and it was only midnight.

"Brother Feng, it's late at night, why don't you sleep?" Luther was dissatisfied in his heart, but he didn't dare to complain.

"There are robbers coming." Lin Feng said casually.


Luther's sleepy eyes seemed to be closed again, but he opened them suddenly, stared at Lin Feng in shock and said, "Brother Feng, what are you talking about? The robbers are here?"

"A bandit group of about a hundred people is about 300 meters ahead. They are slowly approaching here." Lin Feng said directly.

Lin Feng, who has read "Coiling Dragon" thoroughly, possesses the ability of "prophecy". Moreover, Lin Feng has already reached the sanctuary at this time, and his mental power can easily cover hundreds of meters around him. Even ants laying eggs cannot escape the impact of Lin Feng's mental power perception.

Luther was taken aback.

"Don't stand there stupidly, you will wake up the brothers soon." Langz was very calm.

"Oh, I know." Luther immediately went to call the mercenaries one by one, while Langz directly reminded the vigilant mercenary guards.

The soundly sleeping mercenaries were naturally unhappy to be woken up in the middle of the night.

"The robbers are coming." One sentence scared them all to their feet immediately.

"Where are there robbers?" The mercenaries who woke up looked around in the darkness, and there were no ghosts.All the mercenaries were dissatisfied.

The leader of the mercenaries, a bearded man grabbed Langz by the skirt of his shirt: "You said there were robbers. Where are they?"

"It's not me, Brother Feng said it." Langz said hastily.

"Oh?" The bearded man was startled. For Lin Feng, the master who came in halfway, the bearded man didn't dare to offend the black leopard when he saw the black leopard. If a master said so, he would definitely not make fun of them.

At this time, the bearded man also heard very slight dense footsteps in the distance.

With the strength of the bearded man, he has already heard it clearly.

"There are robbers. Get ready, get ready" the bearded man's terrifying voice immediately alerted everyone, and even woke up many sleeping businessmen and hitchhikers.

These nearly a hundred mercenaries lined up in an orderly manner.

"Haha, Malone the Bearded, I didn't expect you to be so vigilant. I haven't seen you for many years. You have made progress. It seems that a sneak attack will not work, and we can only attack by force." Only a loud laugh was heard, and then figures in black one by one Appeared in front of the convoy.

"It's you?" The bearded man's complexion changed when he saw the one-eyed blond man in the lead.

The one-eyed snake 'McKinley' is still very famous in this two-way zone of hundreds of miles of road.He is famous for his cruelty and strength.

"Wow" the cry of the baby in the convoy sounded.

"It's a robber." Many people panicked.

"Quiet." The bearded man roared, and many people in the convoy immediately organized arrangements to get everyone together, and some adults took up weapons and prepared to resist.

The bearded man looked at the one-eyed blond man: "One-eyed snake, don't be too extreme in doing things. In this case, brother, I will offer five thousand gold coins. How about making way?"

"Five thousand gold coins?" The blond one-eyed man sneered, "Mallon, do you think I'm McKinley's beggar? In a word. One hundred thousand gold coins, I'll let you go. Otherwise, hum."

All the mercenaries' faces darkened.

One hundred thousand gold coins?They received this protection task, with a total salary of only [-] gold coins.If you send [-] to the other party, they will pay you gold coins instead.After all, according to the rules of mercenaries, once they take over the task of protection, even if some robbers have to be dispatched, the money will be paid by the mercenary team.

"One-eyed snake, don't go too far. If you don't die alone, you should be satisfied with five thousand gold coins." The bearded man grabbed the giant axe, "Otherwise, it depends on who is stronger." The bearded 'Ma Long' still Somewhat confident, he had fought against McKinley in the past, and his strength was about the same.He believed that McKinley hadn't succeeded in the sneak attack, so he shouldn't have dared to attack desperately.

"That's it, brothers, do it." McKinley shouted suddenly.

All of a sudden, a group of robbers held weapons one by one.Howling angrily, they rushed up one by one.This scene really surprised Malone.

"Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!"

The archers on both sides opened their bows mercilessly, but in this kind of battle of hundreds of people against hundreds of people, a small number of archers really has little effect.

"Ma Long, go to hell." McKinley rushed up holding a sharp long knife. With a touch of his foot, the whole person jumped more than ten meters, and then slammed towards Ma Long with great strength. Hack it.

Malone also grabbed the giant axe and slashed back, not to be outdone.

"Om..." The surface of the long knife glowed with dark black light.


Malone only felt his hands tremble, and he couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"You?" The bearded Malone looked at the one-eyed McKinley in surprise. He was well aware of McKinley's strength.Resist head-on.Their own heavy weapons dominate.But now the opponent actually has the advantage, this
"You're right. I've already stepped into the realm of an eighth-level fighter." McKinley's face was full of pride.

"No wonder you attacked without hesitation." Malone understood at this moment.

"Boss, there is a beautiful woman here." Suddenly a voice sounded.

McKinley immediately turned his head to look, and saw Jenny with a pale face in panic. At this moment, Jenny was protecting his younger brother in panic, and his pitiful appearance was indeed very touching.

"Haha, that girl is mine." McKinley immediately became excited.

"court death!"

Lin Feng pulled out the black jade epee in an instant, and slashed towards McKinley with one stroke.


The terrifying weight of the Heiyu epee combined with the terrifying strength directly smashed the eighth-level warrior McKinley into a pulp.The soul was also instantly swallowed by the underworld, and the dead could not die anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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