Chapter 98
The five Buck brothers lived in the Eighteen Principalities of the Northern Territory.They were orphans who were adopted by an old man who they called grandpa.

Grandpa has an ordinary tavern, enough to raise these five brothers.The five brothers have been very strong since they were young. Their grandfather used to be a soldier in the army, who trained them since childhood. Who would have thought that these five brothers were surprisingly talented.When he was only 16 years old, his body alone reached the sixth level.Now the five brothers are just over 30 years old, and their bodies have reached the eighth level.

After the grandfather died, the five brothers joined the army.

In the eighteen duchies of the Northern Territory, these five brothers were in one of the duchies, and they were heroes.Lead the army to look at everything.In the battle between the principalities, the eighth-level fighters are already considered the top. These five brothers are so sturdy, and their attack power is terrifying.

They were finally discovered by the people of the Holy See of Light. The Holy See of Light immediately dispatched the two closest ninth-level powerhouses to lead the troops there. They resisted, but the people of the Holy See of Light killed all their families directly.

The five Buck brothers stared at this group of people with hatred.

Three of the five brothers originally had wives and children, and the other two brothers also had women they liked, but now the people of the Holy See have destroyed everything.

"They've arrived."

Lin Feng, who pays attention to that courtyard every day, has discovered that there are finally people in the courtyard that has been empty all this time, and there are quite a few people listening to the voice.

The five Buck brothers were in the same room, and outside the room were two eighth-level fighters guarding them. The two of them just looked around casually, and sometimes said a few words to each other.


Facing the moment of life and death, the two of them looked aside as if aware of it.But they only saw two strange purple rays of light.

Bright blood flew from the necks of the two of them.

"You, who are you?" No matter how bold Buck was, he was a little shocked in his heart.

The answer to Buck was the purple sword light.


The dark golden ropes broke under Lin Feng's 'Purple Blood Excalibur' one after another.After comprehending the 'potential', Lin Feng's realm of using the purple blood soft sword has also reached a new level.

This 'potential' does not distinguish between weapons.

Fists can also cause the power of heaven and earth, and so can swords.The Zixue soft sword itself was extremely sharp, coupled with Lin Feng's dou qi infusion.It was easy to split that rope.

Seeing that the ropes were all broken, the five brothers immediately understood that the person in front of them was here to save them.Before I had time to say thank you, I suddenly "huh."

Hearing a cold snort, a thin man came out of the room. The short silver hair like steel needles made this man very resolute and indifferent.Especially those cold eyes.

Lin Feng turned around with a faint smile and looked at the man: "Steller?"

"You are Lin Feng?" Stele frowned.

"Yes, it was me." Lin Feng smiled and nodded, "Lampson also died at my hands."

"You..." Steller pointed at Lin Feng, speechless.

"Surprised?" Lin Feng smiled and said, "But I won't tell you the reason."

"Very good, very good, since you are the murderer of Lampson, I will also arrest you today." The corners of Steller's mouth curled up slightly, showing an indifferent smile.

"Catch me?" Lin Feng sneered: "There are a few sacred monsters that died in my hands, but I have never killed a strong human sanctuary so far. Today I will take you."

"Hmph, you're not ashamed to say something!" Stele smiled coldly, and drew out his long sword.

Seeing Steller drawing his sword, Lin Feng unhurriedly drew out the Hei Yu epee.Then with a fluttering swipe, the Hei Yu epee cut through the space in an instant and appeared above Steller's head.

Steller's face changed drastically, but at this time he had no time to dodge, so he had to take it hard.

The long sword shining with metallic luster in his hand immediately moved towards the top of his head.

Hei Yu's heavy sword collided with the long sword, "Crack!"

There was a crisp sound, and the long sword snapped instantly, followed by "Poof!"

Steller was directly smashed into a pulp by Heiyu's epee, and he couldn't die any more.

"With this level of strength, you still dare to be arrogant in front of me. You really want to die." Looking at Steller who had become a pile of mud, Lin Feng curled his lips in disdain.

His ability to implement Teller is not bad among the strong in the sanctuary. Although he has little understanding of the mysterious laws, he has cultivated his fighting spirit to the peak of the sanctuary.

But it's a pity that his opponent is Lin Feng, a pervert.

Lin Feng is a dragon blood warrior in the sanctuary, and his speed is already faster than Steller's.

Moreover, Lin Feng still has a lot of understanding of the two mysteries of 'fast' and 'slow' in the law of wind.You must know that the 'fast' and 'slow' mysteries belong to the 'Speed ​​Mystery'. If Lin Feng can completely integrate the two mysteries, even a powerhouse who is one level higher than them will not be able to suppress him in terms of speed.

Although Lin Feng's comprehension of the two great mysteries is still very shallow, his speed bonus has soared to a terrifying level.

In addition, as a dragon blood warrior, Lin Feng was not comparable to Steller in terms of strength.

Being completely suppressed by Lin Feng in terms of speed and strength, it is not too wrong for Steller to be instantly killed by Lin Feng with a sword.

Of course, Lin Feng's terror is not limited to this, Lin Feng's strongest method is not physical attack.

Lin Feng is not only a warrior in the sanctuary, but also a magister in the sanctuary. His spiritual power is as vast as the sea. In addition, Lin Feng has already comprehended the bottleneck level in the rules of life. His soul attack can be said to be invincible below the god level. .

If Lin Feng had used a soul attack on Steller just now, Steller would have died faster.

"Lin Feng, it's been a long time, and now I'm showing off my power when I see you."

A frivolous voice was heard, and a man in his thirties with loose black hair and a loose robe walked over.He was still the same as before, as if he had just woken up.

Looking at the man walking in front of him, Lin Feng smiled: "Xisai, I haven't seen you for a few years, but you have stepped into the god level, congratulations."

With Lin Feng's strength, who else could appear in front of him silently without being noticed by him, except for a god-level powerhouse?

Speaking of this matter, Xisai was also extremely proud, and immediately laughed: "I also made a breakthrough a year ago by chance."

"Xise, this is not like your style. When did you learn to be humble?" Lin Feng teased.

"Compared to you pervert, I can't do without humility!" Xisai sighed.

In fact, Xisai had come a long time ago, and he had also seen the scene where Lin Feng killed Steller in seconds.Xisai is confident that before he breaks through, he has hundreds of ways to put Steller to death, but it will definitely not be as easy as Lin Feng, as easy as crushing an ant.

So even if he broke through to the god level now, he still admires Lin Feng's strength.Xisai believes that a genius like Lin Feng, once he breaks through to the god level, will definitely kill him in seconds.

However, Lin Feng ignored Xisai's emotion, turned his head to the five Buck brothers and said, "Quickly call Master Xisai."

Although the five Buck brothers didn't know who Lin Feng was, but Lin Feng had saved them just now, so he could be regarded as their savior, so Lin Feng naturally agreed to his order.

The five brothers respectfully called out to Xisai: "Master Xisai."

Xisai waved his hands indifferently, and he didn't care about the eighth-level powerhouses at all.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Xisai, take a good look at who they are?"

"Huh?" Xisai turned his head and looked at the five Buck brothers curiously.

Suddenly, Xisai's lazy eyes narrowed, and he turned his head to Lin Feng and said, "Everyone follow me and leave here, there are quite a few people watching here. And I guess there should be some strong people in the sanctuary who have sensed the strong fighting fluctuations here."

In Deke County City, there are no sanctuary powerhouses around.

The nearest powerhouse is nearly a thousand miles away, even the sanctuary powerhouse, it still takes a while to fly a thousand miles away.

Lin Feng and his group immediately followed Xisai and quickly left the battle site. They left Deke County City that night and came to the barren mountains. Xisai asked everyone to stop and rest.

"Let's spend the night here today first." Xisai said with a sigh.

At this moment, Xisai did not have the usual unrestrained unrestrainedness, but instead had a sense of vicissitudes.The five Barker brothers were all baffled, and only Lin Feng, who knew the overall situation, knew Xisai's inner feelings at this time.


The bonfire was burning, and the five brothers Xisai, Lin Feng, and Buck were all sitting around.

It is more dangerous to spend the night in the wild.But who threatened Lin Feng and his group, especially one of them was a god-level powerhouse.

"Why did you save us?" the eldest of Buck's five brothers buzzed.

Lin Feng shrugged, pointed to Xisai, and said nothing.

Xisai glanced at the five brothers, and asked without answering, "Where is your father? Where are your relatives?"

"My relatives are all dead, as for my father? We have been orphans since we were young." The eldest Buck replied, they are all over 30 years old now, and they live in the Eighteen Principalities of the Northern Territory where wars are frequent. How about it.

After all, under the war, there were many orphans in the Eighteen Principalities of the Northern Territory.


Xisai sighed, "I didn't expect that after so many years, the 'Amanda Family', which was famous for Magnolia, would decline to such an extent."

"The Amanda family?" The five Buck brothers looked at each other in a daze.

"Yes, your five brothers are members of the undead warrior family 'Amanda Family' among the four ultimate warrior families." Lin Feng nodded.

"Undead warrior? How is it possible!"

The five brothers all stood up in shock. They were orphans since childhood.How dare you think that you will be a member of the ultimate warrior family?

"Your body is very strong." Xisai sighed.

The five Buck brothers looked at each other, and then nodded.The second of the five brothers, Anke, nodded and said: "We can't cultivate fighting spirit, but we have the strength of an eighth-level fighter just relying on our bodies."

"With an eighth-level body, except for the four ultimate warriors, how can ordinary people break through the physical limit and reach such a level." Xisai said shaking his head.

Only the four ultimate fighters can only practice the unique secret code of fighting qi, and other fighting qi cannot be cultivated.

"Among the four ultimate fighters, the undead fighters have the strongest body. They are famous for their strongest defense and strong attack. It's just that their speed is weak." Xisai sighed, "Buck, you five brothers are so young. Level eight. Except for the 'undead warrior' who is physically the strongest among the four ultimate warriors, who can do it?"

"Apart from your family ancestors, I'm afraid I know you undead warriors best. You are definitely undead warriors, there is no doubt about it." Xisai said firmly, "And your five brothers are very talented. If you practice "Undead Secret Code", then it is likely to have entered the ninth level now."

(End of this chapter)

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