Chapter 196 Invite Qian Zhiqing to Home for Dinner


prison Break?

As far as I can remember, this never happened.

Xie Yan was very suspicious, and Xie Fan who was at the side became excited after hearing the news on the radio:
"Sister, the murderer, he even escaped from prison in Hong Kong City and came to our province!"

The corner of Xie Yan's mouth twitched twice:

"I heard it."

Thanks, no need to repeat.

The cheap brother didn't understand the deep meaning in his sister's words:

"Fuck, what about the real version of the movie? Prison escape?"

So tm handsome!
Maybe, boys at this age are more in the second grade. A murderer escaped from prison, and no one knows where he is hiding, and whether he will attack the people around him again.

Really thought it was a movie?
This is the reality in reality, and danger will erupt at any time!

To put it bluntly, it is because I haven't done enough papers that I can have the leisure to think about other things.

Xie Yan tapped the table with her fingers:
"Thanks! Fan!"

The excited person suddenly woke up:

"Sister? What's the matter?"

"Do you remember what was said in the news just now?"

After hearing so much news, how can I remember it?
Xie Yan rolled her eyes:
"The official father made it clear that I hope all the citizens and friends of S province must pay attention to safety, report to the police in time when they find problems, and don't have direct conflicts with them!

Give you 1 minute to remember this sentence for me! "

This brat, as excited as he is at the moment, if he really meets him, I'm afraid he won't feel the slightest sense of crisis.

In the face of a vicious murderer, if you are no match for him, you will be the one to die!
However, how many ordinary people can really face a murderer?

So, it's better to prevent the explosion in advance.


Xie Fan didn't have the guts to choke back:
"I know, I know, it's impossible for people to come to our place to break the ground."

How many years has Xiejia Village lived in peace?

Anyway, nothing like this has happened in recent decades.

During the meal, Ye Taohua mentioned Qian Zheng again:

"Yanyan, that male classmate of yours is quite nice, he found a lot of papers and question books for Fanzi.

With so much help, do we have to invite someone over for a potluck? "

Human relations, that's basically it.

There is nothing that can be given to others in return. In rural areas, this kind of thing is usually to invite people home for a meal, which is the strongest thank you.

Xie Yan did not object:


Hearing that her daughter agreed, Ye Taohua began to think about when to invite someone to the house?
"It's definitely not going to happen at noon, how about tonight?
It just so happens that there is more than half of the meat your father cut back yesterday. As for the vegetables, the mushrooms you planted under the eaves have grown again, and there is still half a chicken marinated in the jar. What do you think, the head of the house? "

"You can do it as you see it, and I can do anything."

Every household in the village is housekeeper by an old woman. Except for going to work, the men basically don’t work when they go home, so they only need clothes to stretch out their hands to eat and open their mouths.

Although Xie Xiguo loves his wife more than other men in the same village, he doesn't worry about many things.

No way, get used to it.

Seeing that no one objected, Ye Taohua quickly made a decision:
"Then it's settled like this, Yanyan, you can go and invite your classmates to your house for dinner later."

"Okay, got it."

Xie Yan did not find someone at the home where Qian Zheng was currently staying, but found him at the educated youth point.

After two days of repairs, the dormitory in the educated youth spot is taller and more spacious than before.

Not only Qian Zheng is here, but Sun Bo and Li Haiyue are also here. Everyone is bored and doesn't want to take a lunch break. No, they can only gather around at the educated youth spot to complain about the terrible life at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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