i have a super island

Chapter 150: A Fierce Fight

Chapter 150 A Fierce Fight

Watching a living person being swallowed by a crocodile is such a shock that no matter how strong a mentality is, it is unbearable.

On the top of the cliff, Li Qingman and Song Zhixi were so frightened that they sat on the ground paralyzed, their hearts seemed to have stopped beating. This scene was like a nightmare surrounding their heads.

In the sea, the man threw himself on the crocodile's back like crazy, raised his fist and smashed it, but the human fist was not even as raindrops in front of this giant monster several meters long, even if the man exhausted all his strength, he smashed it. By the time the fist was cracked and bleeding, the crocodile was not damaged at all.


There was anger in Fang Fang's eyes, it was the big guy hiding in the water, it also attacked the lamb on the island last time, and this time it lurked under the water and attacked the poor woman again.

At that moment, Fang Fang only thought that he must never let this man-eating crocodile go, even if he couldn't kill you, he definitely couldn't make you feel better.Seeing him draw out the last arrow, with a stern expression and his arm motionless, he aimed at the crocodile's eyes.

A feather arrow pierced through the air.

The arrow shot by Fang Fang hit the left eye of the crocodile, and the crocodile's eye burst open immediately, and blood spurted out.

The alligator was in pain and rolled wildly in the water, throwing the dark-skinned man into the water.

The man still wanted to continue to catch up with the crocodile in the water, but how can ordinary people compare to the crocodile in the water? The huge tail of the big crocodile swung vigorously a few times, like a torpedo, and quickly disappeared. In the murky dark sea.

"Stop chasing!"

Fang yelled at the man.

And that man turned a deaf ear to the voice of the equation, and only wanted to win back his wife from the crocodile. He plunged into the water and chased the crocodile for more than ten meters, but there was nothing in the sea. The crocodile has disappeared.

"Ah! Ahh!!"

On the surface of the sea, the man's grief-stricken cry came.

No one thought that in the blink of an eye, a large living person became the food in the mouth of this crocodile, which was an unbearable blow to everyone present.

Enduring the pain of losing his lover, the man blamed Fang Fang for all his hatred for the crocodile. His eyes stared at Fang Fang, almost bursting into flames. , maybe the ending is another look.

Fang Fang stood on the reef with his eyes blank. This happened so suddenly that he was still in a daze after it was over.

The dark-skinned man had already swam to the shore, and climbed out of the water full of anger. There was a wound about [-] centimeters on his arm, which should have been scratched by the crocodile's teeth when he was fighting with the crocodile. , blood was still flowing from the wound.


The man angrily walked up to Fang Fang, and stretched out his hand to grab Fang Fang's neck.

Fang Fang took a step back, avoiding the man's hand, no matter whether he could understand or not, he still said loudly: "I am also sorry that such a thing happened, but it was the crocodile that ate your wife, not me!"


The man didn't care what the equation was talking about, he just wanted to settle the account on the equation's head, and suddenly raised his hand and punched the equation in the face, which made the equation's eyes stare.

Fang Fang also lost his temper, spat aside, threw the bow and arrow aside, and started to fight the man directly.

Not to mention that this man has a lot of brute strength, it should be the strength that he has trained in fighting against the wind and waves in the sea all year round. At first, the equation couldn't beat him, so he pushed him to the ground.

Although Fang Fang suffered a disadvantage in terms of strength, such a long experience of surviving in the wild made him extremely agile. Even if he was pressed to the ground, he could quickly break free, and instead slipped to the back of the man and gave him a hand from behind. He hit him hard.

That man was a guy who could fight dozens of rounds with crocodiles in the water, and his ability to resist punches was beyond Fang Fang's imagination. Before Fang Fang could give him a few punches, the man turned his head and pressed Fang Fang to the ground again.

Watching the two wrestling in the rocks, Li Qingman and Song Zhixi were anxious on the top of the cliff, fearing that Fang Fang would be hurt by this man.

Suddenly, Li Qingman bent down and climbed down the cliff.

"Qingman, what are you doing?" Song Zhixi asked in surprise.

"Go down and help the equation!" Li Qingman's eyes were terrified.

From Li Qingman's standpoint, this island is the home of the three of them for their livelihood, and the others are all intruders from outside. Now that someone wants to harm the equation, she will definitely not stand idly by.

In the rock pile, Fang Fang was still wrestling with the dark-skinned man, and both sides had paint on their faces.

"Damn it, kill me, right?!"

Fang Fang spit out bloody saliva to the side. He was punched by this guy in the mouth during the fight just now, and the inside was broken.

That man also looked like he wanted to avenge his wife. His eyes were red now, and he wanted to tear up the equation with his hands. How could he be merciful.

In a blink of an eye, the two scuffled again.

In fact, Equation has always kept his hand. If you really want to fight, it's like dealing with a poisonous scorpion. Just stare at the wound on this man's arm and you won't believe he can't kill him. After all, he feels that the other party's wife is gone. Time can't be cruel.

It was this kindness that allowed the equation to be held down by this man.

This time, the man touched a stone in his hand and smashed it down according to the temple of the equation.


Seeing that Fang Fang was doomed, he suddenly heard a scream from the man, and when he looked again, the man's wrist was actually stabbed.

It turned out that at the critical moment just now, Li Qingman had rushed to the scene from the cliff. Seeing that the equation was in jeopardy, Li Qingman didn't think much at all, pulled out the dagger hanging from his waist, and pierced the man's wrist fiercely.

His wrist was pierced, and blood spurted out. The man roared in pain, and threw Li Qingman away, trying to pull out the dagger stuck in his wrist.

The situation was completely out of control at this point. If he was allowed to pull out the dagger, Li Qingman and himself would definitely be in danger, but he would be fine. Fang Fang absolutely cannot tolerate anyone hurting Li Qingman.

At that moment, Fang Fang finally calmed down, and put his hand into the wound on the man's arm.

The wound was already very deep, but this time Fang Fang even grabbed the bones inside, and the pain directly caused the man's eyes to turn black, and he knelt down on the ground.

Fang Fang took advantage of the opportunity to pull out the dagger from his wrist, put it down with one foot, and pressed the dagger against his neck.

"Come again! Come again?!"

Finally subduing this lunatic, Fang Fang yelled at him as if he was venting.

(End of this chapter)

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