i have a super island

Chapter 199 The Birth of Soap

Chapter 199 The Birth of Soap

Regarding the volcanic island, apart from Li Qingman, Equation did not tell the other two.

According to what Li Qingman said, if the volcano erupts one day, it will be the end destined by the heavens, and there is no way to escape it.

So instead of thinking about those unexpected accidents that don't know which day will happen suddenly, it's better to focus on the present moment and live every day with your heart.

This is also true, Fang Fang kept the news of the submarine volcano in his heart, as if he had never known about it, and it was impossible to tell Song Zhixi and Ah Yue about it.

Life on the island is leisurely and leisurely, because there is no competition here, and everyone does their own thing well every day, and they will not be in a hurry like living in a big city. There is no time to stop and examine themselves. Being left behind by the fast modern rhythm.

On the island, even if ten days and a half months pass, you will find that there is nothing you can't leave behind, because every day here is so leisurely.

However, the life on the island is not really peaceful. The leisure mentioned here mainly refers to the relationship between people. You don’t have to care about interpersonal relationships like you do in urban society. Much simpler, we all work together to survive together.

On the island, more challenges come from nature. It is the competition between man and nature, against the weather, against disasters, against animals, against the sky, against the earth, and against the sea. It is possible to lose your life because of this.


The next day, the soft morning sun shone on the sea, making the eastern sea sparkle with golden light.

Not long after, the sun jumped out of the sea, and the sunlight immediately became bright and dazzling.

On the hillside, in front of the flat ground at the entrance of the cave, after Ayue's hard work yesterday, a brand new wooden frame was finally built, and the pumpkin seedling was also working hard to live up to expectations.

The small seedlings have already climbed up the tallest log, and the stems below have become thicker, and the color has changed from fresh green to darker dark green.

All of this is in the eyes of everyone, and everyone is happy for the thriving growth of the pumpkin seedlings. Anyway, this is the most commemorative pumpkin seedling. It was planted after everyone came to the island. The first vegetable seedling, and what everyone has to do now is to take good care of it and wait for the day when it will bloom and bear fruit.

After seeing the growing pumpkin seedlings, Li Qingman remembered that he had another important thing to do, which was to make soap.

After killing the crocodile that day, she brought back a large piece of golden fat, and now all she has to do is to make soap from this fat.

To put it bluntly, Li Qingman did not have any experience in making soap, and his understanding of soap was only that oil would undergo a saponification reaction after being mixed with lye, eventually forming hardened soap.

In fact, in terms of making soap, Equation may know a little better than Li Qingman.

So it is Li Qingman's matter, but it is actually done with the help of Fang Fang. This time, the "husband and wife" are of the same mind, and their benefits cut through gold.

In order to make soap, the first thing you need is to refine the fat of the crocodile into oil.

Equation first cut the large piece of fatty suet into uniform small pieces with a knife. Because the piece of fat had been stored for a day, there was an indescribable smell when cutting, and the crocodile The oil is already fishy, ​​and the smell is really eye-catching.

Seeing Fang Fang blinking non-stop, his eyes flushed, and tears were about to flow down, Li Qingman suppressed a smile and said, "Why don't you let me do the cutting."

"No, let me do it, this thing smells too strong, and it will be troublesome if you get this smell on your hands and can't wash it off." Fang Fang shook his head, his hands are full of this fishy smell now, he doesn't want to Let Li Qingman also get this smell all over his hands.

"Hee hee, okay, I'll go to Zhixi's place to have a look."

Li Qingman was secretly happy, and once again felt that Fang Fang cared about him.

When Li Qingman entered the cave, Fang Fang dared to let out a drop of old tears that he had held back for 30 years. This thing tastes too damn strong. Next time you want to hunt crocodiles, you must remember to hurry up. The oil is refined.

After working for a long time, I finally chopped up the fat that was more than ten kilograms.

There was a cry from inside the cave, Li Qingman and Song Zhixi came out together, smelling the smell of Fang Fang, the two women couldn't help wrinkling their noses at the same time.

Fang Fang also knew that his body stinks, so he said helplessly: "There is no way, I can only do this, I hope the soap can be successfully made, and then use soap to wash away the smell of my body."

Next, the three moved stones together, set up a simple stove on the ground, and then put a special large pottery pot on it, poured a small amount of water into the pottery pot, and finally lit the fire. Start boiling water.

When the water boiled, Fang Fang poured all the cut fat down, and the fat rolled in the boiling water, and the fat was continuously boiled out.

Fang Fang kept stuffing wood under the stove to make the fire more intense, and the water in the clay pot was about to be boiled dry in a short time, leaving only the boiled fat.

The fat also began to boil at high temperature, and the oil in the fat was slowly fried out. A large plate of oil weighing more than ten kilograms was fried until only a small amount of oil residue was left, and the clay pot was full. It's all shiny crocodile oil.

To say that frying oil is actually quite simple, not a difficult job, the equation is to remember that grandma used to fry lard like this at home, so I learned how to use it to fry crocodile oil.

The only thing that is not good is that today's crocodile oil is really smelly, especially when the fat is thrown into the pottery pot, the smell that comes out, and it is really sour when heated again .

Not to mention the three people at the entrance of the cave, even Ayue, who was working on the hillside, was disgusted by the smell, and ran quietly to the beach to hide for a long time.

"It's finally done."

Fang Fang was finally able to take a long breath, and the smell just now was finally blown away by the sea breeze.

The brows of Li Qingman and Song Zhixi were also relieved, and looking at the shiny crocodile oil in the pottery pot, the bad mood just now disappeared in an instant, and some of them were just jealous of the first piece of soap made by themselves on the island expect.

"The oil doesn't seem so smelly anymore." Li Qingman said excitedly.

"Yeah, compared to before refining, this smell can be said to be very weak." Song Zhixi also said.

Fang Fang smiled with satisfaction: "It is worthy of our hard work. The oil has been prepared. How is your alkaline water?"

"It was still filtering just now, it should be fine now."

When Equation was cutting board oil outside, Li Qingman and Song Zhixi used plant ash to make alkaline water in the cave, and it just came in handy now.

(End of this chapter)

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