i have a super island

Chapter 571 Hunting

Chapter 571 Hunting
At eight o'clock in the morning, Equation woke up on time.

A good night's sleep restored him to his former spirit.

This is the advantage of the three-shift rotation, which allows people to have enough rest time. Under such a rotation system, the mental state of everyone in the camp is far better than before.

After waking up, Fang Fang came outside the camp to check on Song Zhixi and the others' work progress.

The time came just at the moment when Lu Fengmei took out the burnt red bricks from the brick kiln. Before she got close, she heard Lu Fengmei's loud laughter, followed by the sound of other people laughing.

Hearing the continuous laughter, needless to say, the equation also guessed what was going on, and I was even more excited. From this moment on, there were fired red bricks on the island.

"How is it, did it work?"

Fang Fang came to the brick kiln with a happy face.

Lu Fengmei held a burnt brick in one hand and knocked it together hard, making a crisp sound.

The brick was broken into two pieces with a "dang". From the broken cross-section, the inside had been burned through, and it was completely a good brick.

"what do you think?"

Lu Fengmei grinned excitedly, and threw the broken half of the brick into Fang Fang's hands.

Holding this half of a brick, the more I look at the equation, the more I like it.It's just a pity that Lu Fengmei used a mini kiln this time, and the total amount of bricks fired was less than 200 yuan, which is still too small.

Lu Fengmei knew what Fang Fang was thinking, and said with a smile: "It's the first time, just to see if it can be successful. If this method works, let's build a bigger kiln."

Fang Fang threw the brick back into the pile of bricks and said, "Don't worry, it's not bad to have this small kiln burning, let's take it step by step."

Behind the equation, those Black Tooth warriors who just surrendered yesterday were very curious when they saw these bricks, and they were whispering to each other, discussing these rectangular "stones".

"Xiao Liang, what are they talking about?"

"Everyone is very curious, what are these stones?"

Fang Fang smiled slightly and said: "This is called a brick, and it is very useful. We will rely on it to build houses, arrow towers, and city walls in the future."

Xiao Liang had a surprised expression and couldn't believe it.

The equation didn't explain too much, but let everyone gather and start assigning today's tasks.

Song Zhixi led his men out of the trench and returned to the camp to rest; Blake led his men up to the trench to start working; some of Fang Fang's men stayed in the camp to guard, and the others followed Fang Fang to hunt outside.

Because it is a special period, everyone has adopted a shift system, and Rebecca is no longer responsible for cooking at a fixed time every day, but cooks all the food at once and distributes it to everyone according to the head.

A series of changes made this group look like a running machine, rumbling forward without stopping at all.

Leaving the camp, Fang Fang took Xiao Liang and two other Black Tooth warriors with him.

An important reason for not wanting to bring too many people is that the target is too large and easy to be exposed, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Now the situation on this island is clear, only the Equation side and the Egret side are left, and the two parties are vying for the final ownership of the island.

Although the only enemies to be guarded against are the Egrets, but you can't take it lightly when you leave the camp, because there are dangers in the woods, and it is very likely that you will encounter people from the Egrets.

Without the Black Tooth tribe entrenched in the north of the camp, Fang Fang solved a serious worry and led the people directly through the woods towards the lagoon.

The purpose of going to the lagoon is to hunt crocodiles. It is an inland lake. Although humans cannot drink the lake water, there are so many crocodiles living there that it makes the scalp tingle.

"Xiao Liang, tell everyone to be careful."

"Yes, Master."

The equation reminds everyone to be careful not to make too much noise throughout the whole process, so as not to be discovered by the enemy.

It is right to be cautious, because there are only four of them in a group, if they really encounter a large group of egrets, they will definitely die.

Perhaps it was because of fear of something. What Fang Fang was most worried about was meeting people from the egret tribe on the way to hunt, but just when he was about to reach the lagoon, he heard the shouts from the front.

"There is someone ahead, everyone stop."

Fang Fang stood still, turned his head and waved at the three of them.

Xiao Liang listened intently, and whispered, "Master, they seem to be hunting."

We are about to come to the lagoon, so Fang Fang is naturally unwilling to go back home like this. We have to see what is going on before we talk about it.

Even if you want to run, you must first confirm the strength of the opponent. If there are only a few people on the opposite side, then it would be great. Give them a surprise attack, kill their people and then snatch their prey.

"Everyone, keep quiet and touch it with me."


Led by Fang Fang, Xiao Liang and two other Black Tooth tribe fighters followed him and lurked towards the lake.

Cautiously came to the lake, hid in the woods, and secretly observed the situation in front of him.

By the lake, I saw a group of barbarians fighting with a crocodile.

The crocodile was very big, no less than five meters in length. It was lured to land by these barbarians, and its situation was beyond recovery.

The savages of the Egret tribe stood separately, poked up with their spears and ran away. As long as the crocodile chased one of them, the rest would poke up with their spears from behind.

Seeing the skilled cooperation of these people, it can be seen that their combat effectiveness is definitely not weak.

More importantly, there are twelve barbarians here, while there are only four on the side of the equation. This ratio is not necessary for the two sides to fight at all.

"Master, should we retreat first?"


Xiao Liang is asking for the opinion of the formula, and the other two black teeth warriors are also waiting for the decision of the formula.

For the equation, it is really unwilling to make the decision to retreat. If the big crocodile is brought back, it will be enough for everyone to eat for two days.

It's really a pity to let such a big fat duck fly away like this.

But an elbow can't break a thigh, and four people hit twelve, even if the first sneak attack can kill a few, when the opponent counterattacks, there will definitely be casualties.

After weighing again and again, Equation decided not to take this risk, and chose to stay put for the time being.

However, there is still a turning point for everything. When Equation was waiting for the opportunity in the woods, he saw a tree swinging irregularly in the opposite woods.

This immediately attracted Equation's attention, and when he looked under the tree, he saw James hiding there.

Seeing James for the first time, Fang Fang showed a look of great joy. Although he was surprised that James would appear here, as long as he saw him, he felt that the matter was stable.

(End of this chapter)

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