i have a super island

Chapter 786 Everything was planned as early as

Chapter 786 Everything Was Already Planned
Leaving from Wan Guo City, Brutal and Olo chased towards the east on the fastest boat.

The two of them were eager to return home, and they only wanted to return to Ofina as soon as possible, and try not to resupply if there was no supply along the way, just to catch up with Ofina in the shortest time.

Finally, after sailing day and night for five days, the two caught up with Ofina and her party on an indigenous island.

Seeing the two people who suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, Ofina was also moved by their loyalty, and apologized for her previous behavior of leaving them behind.

At that time, Ofina didn't think too much, she just felt that seeing Bruto seemed to get along well with Equation, and she enjoyed staying on the island, so she made such a decision.

But now she understood that these warriors followed her to the end.

As such, the past is the past.

Ao Feina will take them to continue to the east.

Along the way, Ofina and the others not only looted the islands along the way, but also captured the young and strong natives to train them as warriors, and then cut down the trees on those islands to make new warships.

All this was done for one purpose, that is to prepare for the attack on Nile.

After a lot of strength along the way, Ofina and her party finally got close to Nero.

When she came to an archipelago three days away from Nile, she inquired about the current situation in the sea off Nile, and learned that there were countless pirates, big and small, entrenched in the sea off Nile.

There are countless merchant ships traveling to and from Nile all over the world, and Nile's coastal defense force only has a huge golden fleet, which gives space for those pirates to exist.

As the queen, Ofina knew best that the first thing to do before looting Nile was to subdue these pirates.

If these big and small pirates are not dealt with, these guys will take the opportunity to do something behind their backs.

For this reason, dealing with One-Eyed is only an introduction, and the purpose is to attract several other big pirate leaders.

So from the beginning to the end, it wasn't the Tinavians who were reckless, but the plan that Ofina had laid out long ago.

There was chaos on the coast.

The boulders projected from the warships broke the inner defenses of these pirates, and it turned into a defeated situation in a blink of an eye.

On the battleship, Brutal's face revealed a look of pride and complacency.

During these days in Wanguo City, he not only built a ship for Equation, but also left behind the shipbuilding information. He also used the trebuchet in the city to study the method of making the trebuchet, and improved it and installed it directly on the battlefield. on board.

Now the warships of the Tinavians can not only transport soldiers, but also launch boulders, becoming a real warship.

The coalition forces of the three pirates broke up, and Ao Feina took the opportunity to lead the soldiers to charge up and hack and kill, causing countless casualties in a short time.

After a fierce battle, Cyclops, Baldhead, and Grandma Tan finally chose to surrender, and took their remaining troops to kneel down to Ofina to swear allegiance.

Thus, before attacking Nero, Ofina made the final preparations.


Wan Guocheng.

On the shore, Equation and Li Qingman were walking.

The scenery of the sea under the setting sun is beautiful, and it is rare for the two of them to have such a chance to enjoy a moment of leisure.

"I don't know if Bruto and the others have caught up with Ofina," Fang said.

"It's been so long, I should have caught up with you long ago." Li Qingman's eyebrows showed a trace of worry, "I just don't know where she will take those people."

"That's not a question, she only has Nero in her heart, and of course she brought her warriors to kill Nero."

When she was in Wan Guo City, Ofina wanted to loot Nile, and now she went to the east, there is no doubt that there is only one destination, and that is Nile.

Li Qingman worried: "Actually, I'm quite worried about her."

Fang Fang said: "She is a queen worthy of respect. If possible, I would like to meet her again." After speaking, Fang Fang realized something, and quickly turned to look at Li Qingman. Seeing that there was no change on her face, he knew She didn't care about these at all.

"Although it is a robbery for her to attack Nero... But I really don't want anything to happen to her."

Speaking of which, Li Qingman also has a kind of queen's aura, probably because of his sympathy with Ofina, which made her care about this friend very much.

Fang put his arms around her and comforted her: "Don't worry, each of us has our own destiny, and she is destined to become a great conqueror."

The two returned to town from the beach.

At this time, Lu Fengmei came to the door and took the initiative to report the recent situation to Fang Fang.

"Wood is needed for glass burning, wood for iron and copper smelting, wood for burning charcoal and bricks, and wood for shipbuilding. If this continues, the trees on our island will be cut down before new iron ore is discovered. Finished."

Originally, the island was rich in tree resources, but then two-thirds of it was destroyed by the fire. In addition, the rapid development of the island recently led to the forest being cut down too fast, and the newly grown trees could no longer keep up. up.

Lu Fengmei said: "The middle part of the island is still left on the island, or we should cut down that side as well."

"No, not there."

Fang Fang immediately thought that Hathaway was still hiding there. If the forest was cut down, Hathaway would be in trouble if she had no hiding place.

"Old Lu, if you cut it down, what about the small river on our island? That forest is the reservoir on our island."

"That's right, it can't be cut down, and the small river will suffer if it is cut down." Lu Fengmei asked for advice, "Then what should we do now, there is not much wood that can be used on the island at present."

"Obsidian Island in the north."

Fang Fang thought for a while, and the island closest to Wan Guocheng is Obsidian Island, and there are still many trees on it, and all the trees that can be cut down will be cut down, and they will be transported to Wanguo City.

Lu Fengmei said: "There is not enough wood for an obsidian island. Now that there are so many people on our island, those natives still want to use wood to build houses. Some people will secretly cut down trees in the forest in the middle of the island at night."

Fang Fang said: "In this way, first use the wood from Obsidian Island to save the emergency, and then transport all the trees from the surrounding islands to Wan Guo City. As for the illegal cutting of trees on this island, I will issue new regulations. Anyone without a license is prohibited from cutting trees. , This matter is handed over to the security team to deal with."

"Okay, let's do this first. Tomorrow I will arrange for someone to cut the wood from Obsidian Island and transport it back."

Lu Fengmei left, leaving Fang Fang and Li Qingman behind.

Li Qingman pulled the equation and said: "Actually, I have considered this issue before. Now that our scale is getting bigger and bigger, the demand for wood is also increasing day by day. The wood on the island is really limited, and it is closely related to fresh water. We have to think about it. There must be a better solution.”

The equation is also a headache, he also thought about it, but there is no resource that can replace wood, and too many places on the island need to use wood, and this matter has to be discussed in the long run.

(End of this chapter)

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