The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1001 Warning Wei Yan

Chapter 1001 Warning Wei Yan ([-])

In fact, Liu Chan didn't have such an idea at all.The current Chang'an is really not safe enough, and it is impossible to become the capital of Shu Han.But the problem is that some people have already had such a view, and they are obviously unwilling to move the capital from Chengdu, because it is obviously not good for them.

This is like moving the capital of South Korea today.It is obvious that the capital Seoul is so close to the border, and the countries in the north can easily shoot a shell into the urban area.But the people of Seoul have been preventing the capital from moving out for their own monetary interests, at least to keep housing prices high.

And once this kind of view is formed, it depends on you that it will spread rapidly, and eventually lead to the floating of people's hearts.

In fact, when Liu Chan was in Chang'an earlier, he had already received a report from the Prime Minister's Office on this matter.Moreover, they predicted that since the absence of His Majesty the Emperor in Chengdu for a long time, the hearts of the people in Jingzhou and even the Jiangdong area, which has always been the most stable, seemed to be gradually becoming floating.

Therefore, Prime Minister Zhuge Liang knew that Liu Chan's position in Chang'an would be the most favorable situation for the military defense of Yongzhou's border, but he still had to write a letter to Liu Chan, asking Liu Chan to return to Chengdu as soon as possible.

It can be seen that the stability of the Chinese regime from ancient times to the present is so poor!

For Zhuge Liang's document, Liu Chan really has no possibility of objecting.It is impossible for him to cause riots in Jingzhou, Yangzhou, Yizhou, and even the more distant Jiaozhou because of a desolate Yongliang and Liangzhou!

These places are the real foundation for the founding of the Shu Han and the raising of finances.The two prefectures of Yong and Liang are just a springboard for the Shu Han army to destroy Cao Wei and unify the world in the future.What is more important between them is naturally a clear thing.

Therefore, Liu Chan immediately gave a reply to Zhuge Liang's document, and decided to deal with the affairs of Yongzhou in the shortest possible time, and then return to Chengdu.

Before Liu Chan's reply, Shangshu Lingfazheng had already helped Liu Chan draw up his opinions, which were actually consistent with Liu Chan's ideas.This is why all Liu Chan had to do at that time was to give a reply instead of giving a reply in person.

As the documents were sent to Chengdu, Liu Chan immediately summoned Wen Hui, the governor of Yongzhou, and Fei Yi, the governor of Chang'an, and ordered them to take over the government affairs of Yongliang and Chang'an in an all-round way.

Then, out of consideration for the safety of Yongzhou's border defense, Liu Chan decided to go out to inspect the border defense situation in person.

After all, Liu Chan already knew at this time that the person who served as the commander of the Youbing Erzhou Army this time was the famous Sima Yi in history.For Sima Yi, Liu Chan is now a man who has experienced many battles and has no reason to be afraid, but he certainly does not dare to take it lightly.That's why he thought of going out to inspect the border defense before leaving Chang'an.

Having said that, Wei Yan is not a talent in government affairs, so of course the thoughts in his heart cannot be as far-reaching as Liu Chan's thinking, and as profound as Liu Chan's thinking.

Now that I heard Liu Chan's words, I realized that it had been almost two years since Liu Chan immediately became Chengdu.It is true that I have never heard of any emperor who can make the capital immediately for such a long time before.Even when Emperor Xiaowu launched a counterattack against the powerful Xiongnu, he never left Chang'an, and he always commanded the army's battles remotely in Chang'an.

Therefore, Wei Yan realized that things might indeed become serious.

He immediately said to Liu Chan: "Thinking about it now, His Majesty has indeed left Chengdu for too long. If you don't go back quickly, I'm afraid the country will become unstable."

Liu Chan nodded and said, "It is precisely because of this that I have to come out in a hurry to inspect the border defense! General Wei, now I must give you a warning."

Wei Yan's expression changed, warning?It seems that His Majesty is dissatisfied with himself.

Wei Yan quickly said: "If your Majesty has any dissatisfaction with the last general, please punish him."

But Liu Chan waved his hand and said with a smile: "What punishment is not punished. You and my monarch and ministers have known each other for more than ten years, so I know you well. I appreciate General Wei very much for your daring to fight. Fight bravely, but I must also warn you that your army is now responsible for the most important mission of my Shu Han, which is responsible for defending the northern front of Yongzhou. And do you know which enemy you are facing now? ?”

Wei Yan thought for a while and said, "What Feng Yijun is facing directly now should be Cao Wei's army in the direction of Bingzhou. The army there is now under the command of Sima Yi."

Liu Chan nodded, Wei Yan's answer did not disappoint him, it was a correct answer.

Liu Chan said: "It is precisely because the enemy you are going to face directly is Sima Yi, that's why I want to warn you, you must be careful and cautious about this Sima Yi! You must not have the slightest thought of taking it lightly!"

Wei Yan felt very strange in his heart, why when His Majesty said these words, he felt that His Majesty seemed a little worried.

It should be said that Sima Yi's power in Cao Wei is becoming more and more powerful at this time, not to mention that he is one of the four major ministers.In addition, being in the prime of life and dying, compared with Cao Ren's old age, he really has a great advantage. In the future, he must be the most powerful generation of the Cao Wei regime.

However, Sima Yi is becoming more and more famous in the territory of Cao Wei, which does not mean that he is also famous in Shu Han.

In fact, Sima Yi became famous a little late, and almost never personally led troops to fight against the Shu Han army, so Wei Yan didn't know much about Sima Yi's military talent at this time.

And this is what Liu Chan is most worried about an arrogant person like Wei Yan: Liu Chan is not worried that Wei Yan will face a powerful enemy, but he is worried that Wei Yan will face an insidious and cunning enemy.

Therefore, Liu Chan had to warn Wei Yan. ? ?Liu Chan nodded, Wei Yan's answer did not disappoint him, it was a correct answer.

Liu Chan said: "It is precisely because the enemy you are going to face directly is Sima Yi, that's why I want to warn you, you must be careful and cautious about this Sima Yi! You must not have the slightest thought of taking it lightly!"

Wei Yan felt very strange in his heart, why when His Majesty said these words, he felt that His Majesty seemed a little worried.

It should be said that Sima Yi's power in Cao Wei is becoming more and more powerful at this time, not to mention that he is one of the four major ministers.In addition, being in the prime of life and dying, compared with Cao Ren's old age, he really has a great advantage. In the future, he must be the most powerful generation of the Cao Wei regime.

However, Sima Yi is becoming more and more famous in the territory of Cao Wei, which does not mean that he is also famous in Shu Han.

In fact, Sima Yi became famous a little late, and almost never personally led troops to fight against the Shu Han army, so Wei Yan didn't know much about Sima Yi's military talent at this time.

And this is what Liu Chan is most worried about an arrogant person like Wei Yan: Liu Chan is not worried that Wei Yan will face a powerful enemy, but he is worried that Wei Yan will face an insidious and cunning enemy.

Therefore, Liu Chan had to warn Wei Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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