The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1005 Fox dead head mound

Chapter 1005 Fox dead head mound
After Jin Zheng heard about Sima Zhao's plan, facing his impending death, he still didn't change his face and his heart beat, but the expression on his face was extremely excited.

Jin Zheng looked quite excited and said to Sima Zhao: "Young master's plan to assassinate Wei Yan is really a clever plan. There is a very high possibility that he can successfully assassinate Wei Yan. I, Jin Zheng, will die without complaint!"

Sima Zhao nodded sadly to Jin Zheng, and said: "As expected, I did not misunderstand you, Jin Zheng, you are such a courageous and insightful man! After you leave, I believe that you and my master and servant will meet again on Huangquan Road soon. At that time, we will go to the underworld together!"

What Sima Zhao said was extremely sensational, and Jin Zheng was both sad and moved when he heard it.

At this time, Kim Il, who had been standing behind Kim Jong, had already woken up from the extreme astonishment just now.

Then, Jin Ri couldn't help but shouted loudly: "Wait! Young master, why do you insist on appointing my elder brother's head, instead of asking me, Jin Ri, to present the head first and let my elder brother take it with you?" Assassinate Wei Yan!"

When Jin Zheng heard this, he turned around and looked at Jin Ri, his eyes immediately turned red.This is his blood brother, relatives who can entrust each other with their lives!

Then, Jin Zheng smiled wryly, and said to Jin Ri: "Second brother, in fact, no matter who brings the head of you two to assassinate Wei Yan, do you think it is possible to come out of Wei Yan's army alive in the end? So, You and I are just choosing who to end our lives early."

Kim Jong's words completely and completely shattered the little hope left in Kim Il's heart.Because he still hoped that after Jin Zheng assassinated Wei Yan, he would still be able to survive.In this case, Jin Il's death was worth it. That day, Jinyin saved the two of them from the white-eared guards with his own life, and now he also wants to save Jinzheng's life.

Jin Ri said with a hint of tears: "No! As long as it is you, big brother, you will definitely be able to come back alive in the end!"

With a wry smile, Jin Zheng stretched out his hand and patted Jin Il's shoulder, shaking his head, obviously advising Jin Il that such thinking is too naive.Let me ask, even if Zhao Yun is as skilled in martial arts, he may not be able to rush out of the army, let alone a little Kim Jong!
Jin Ri understood Kim Jong's extremely paranoid character very well, he was exactly the kind of person who would not look back when he hit the south wall, otherwise it would be impossible for him to be still thinking about the revenge of the family that year, and for revenge, he could also Abandoning his identity, he took refuge in Sima Yi's family as a humble ranger, and regarded Sima Yi as his master.

Jin Ri knew that Jin Zheng could not be persuaded now, so he changed his goal and said to Sima Zhao: "Young master, please let my brother take my head to see Wei Yan? We cannot do without Jin if we want to rejuvenate." My elder brother, besides, I am already a crippled person, and there is not much use left in this world!"

Sima Zhao was a little surprised that there was such a deep affection between the Jin brothers, which he could not have expected in advance.

In fact, Sima Zhao really didn't predict this.He himself is in the family, and there are really a lot of relatives and brothers. His father alone has eight brothers. In Sima Zhao's generation, he does not know how many children he can have.Therefore, Sima Zhao actually didn't have much feeling for brotherhood, at most, his brother Sima Shi had better feelings than others.

However, the reason why Sima Zhao named Jin Zheng who was in good health was because of careful consideration, and it was not a random decision.

Sima Zhao coughed lightly, and said to Jin Ri: "I don't agree with your request. What's more, what Jin Zheng just said is actually very correct. Whoever takes the lead in assassinating Wei Yan wants to live It's almost impossible to come back."

Jin Ri's mood was agitated, and he couldn't help saying loudly: "But there is still a glimmer of hope to come back alive!"

Sima Zhao smiled bitterly, and said, "Okay, I'll explain it to you. Kim Jong is in good health, and his own martial arts are higher than yours, which is indeed an advantage. But you must also know that there is a long hair on his face. The scar looks very vicious. But you, Jin Ri, have a crippled right hand. You take the head to see Wei Yan. Wei Yan is an arrogant person, so he must be less wary of you. And this is exactly It is a guarantee that you can successfully assassinate Wei Yan!"

Jin Ri was immediately speechless by Sima Zhao's words.

Sima Zhao's considerations are not limited to these.

He continued to say to Jin Ri: "Besides, you can think about it for yourself now. When you face Wei Yan alone with the strength of the two of you, will you have a chance to kill Wei Yan from the front?"

Jin Ri was silent for a while, and finally gritted his teeth with difficulty and said: "If my brother can't do it, I can't do it either."

Sima Zhao smiled slightly, turned to look at Jin Zheng, and signaled him to speak.

Jin Zheng immediately replied with certainty: "Wei Yan's martial arts are very strong. There are not many people in the world who can defeat him head-on. Maybe Ma Chao, Ma Mengqi, Zhao Yun, and Zhang Fei can do it. But I sure can't do it."

Sima Zhao nodded, then turned to Jin Ri and said, "Did you hear what Jin Zheng said? He can't directly face Wei Yan's personal force. So, how are you brothers going to avenge Wei Yan? Of course it is only You can kill Wei Yan by relying on surprise. Kim Jong himself is destined to be guarded by Wei Yan, so there is a great possibility that he can only assassinate Wei Yan from the front. There are too many precautions, and you can take advantage of Wei Yan's relaxation of vigilance to assassinate him! In this case, your probability of success must be higher than that of Kim Jong."

Sima Zhao's long speech is definitely very convincing.

But even so, Jin Ri still couldn't calm down easily, and said to Sima Zhao with tears, "But he is my only elder brother after all, how can I bring his head to see Wei Yan!"

Sima Zhao shook his head and let out a long sigh.He didn't answer Jin Ri with a word, but stretched out his hand and patted Jin Ri's shoulder lightly, as if everything was understood.In fact, Sima Zhao knew very well that the effect of not speaking at this time is definitely better than any language, and the more words are spoken, the worse the effect will be.

Sure enough, Kim Jong spoke up.

He said to Jin Ri: "Second brother, don't be too sad. Since your family was wiped out by Wei Yan, and even the third brother was killed for us, we have no meaning to live on. We The reason why we have to linger until now is nothing more than because we are still burdened with the only mission of revenge for our family. As long as we can succeed in revenge, whether we can survive in the end is no longer important!"

At the end of Jin Zheng's words, his feelings had become extremely sentimental, so much so that even his voice became a little trembling.

Sima Zhao watched coldly from the sidelines, and then sighed again in a very timely manner.

Then, Sima Zhao turned around with his hands behind his back, no longer looking at Jin Zheng and Jin Ri.Next, it didn't really matter which of the two brothers died first. It all depended on how Kim Jong persuaded Kim Il.

At this time, Jin Il had already burst into tears, knelt down in front of Jin Zheng, and cried, "Brother, please let me go first!"

Jin Zheng also knelt down to Jin Ri suddenly, and said excitedly: "Second brother! Don't you understand what I just said to you? Since we are all facing death, we must finally succeed in revenge! Therefore, What we are deciding now is not who will die first, but who will have the greatest chance of avenging Wei Yan successfully!"

After Kim Jong finished speaking, the two brothers hugged each other and wept bitterly.

After a while, the two had had enough crying.

Only then did Jin Zheng pat Jin Ri's arm, and said, "Second brother, it's too late for you to think about it. You must remember that after I die, you must not be too sad, and you must be happy for me. Our people, for the sake of my third brother, must also avenge me successfully!"

Hearing this, Jin Ri couldn't hold back his feelings again, and burst into tears again.

At this time, Jin Zheng suddenly turned around, kowtowed his head to Sima Zhao's back, and said, "Thank you, young master, for being able to fulfill our brother's desire for revenge. We two brothers are deeply grateful. I only hate that our brothers are incompetent. I can't protect you to go back to Jinyang, you must take care of yourself!"

Sima Zhao turned around, accepting Jin Zheng's obeisance frankly, and nodded with a serious expression on his face.

Then, Kim Jong bowed in the direction of Jinyang in the north, and said: "My master has shown great kindness to my Jin brothers, and I will bid farewell to you again on Jinri."

The master that Kim Jong-mouth was referring to was obviously Sima Yi in the distant Jinyang.

Then, Kim Jong turned and bowed three times in the direction of Hanzhong to the east, apparently saying goodbye to his hometown.

Sima Zhao suddenly said in a soft voice: "Birds fly back to their hometowns, and foxes will die on the hills."

This sentence by Sima Zhao is actually an idiom commonly used in the Warring States Period.It comes from the ending paragraph of Qu Yuan's "Nine Chapters Ai Ying" in "Chu Songs", and it seems to have appeared in "Book of Songs".

It means: Although the bird flies far away, it will eventually return to its hometown; when the fox dies, its head must face the hill where it was born.It is used as a metaphor for nostalgia for the hometown.

After doing all this, Kim Jong seemed to feel relaxed all of a sudden.He turned his head and smiled at Jin Ri, stood up from the ground, and said, "Second brother, take care, I will leave all the rest of the work to you."

After finishing speaking, the long sword worn by Jin Zheng was suddenly pulled out, and a cold light flashed on it.

There was only a squeak, and Jin Zheng's long sword had already sliced ​​across his neck.

The blood flew up with a big head, and then fell to the ground. The direction the face was facing was exactly the direction of Hanzhong County in the east.

Jin Jong's arm was still tightly grasping the long sword in his hand, blood continued to spurt out from the severed neck, spattered Jin Ri, and then fell down with a loud crash.

Jin Ri exclaimed and got up from the ground, he didn't care about the blood, just hugged Jin Zheng's body and cried bitterly.

Sima Zhao let out a long sigh, but it seemed like he was also relieved.

He looked at Kim Il, who was already crying bitterly over Kim Jong's body, and shook his head.Then, he looked at Kim Jong's head that had fallen to the ground, and shook his head again.

His state of mind seemed to be a bit complicated, with a hint of sarcasm, but also a bit of pity, and his emotions were completely mixed together.

Sima Zhao walked over, leaned over and picked up Kim Jong's head from the ground, seeing that the eyes on it were still wide open.Sima Zhao frowned, and muttered in a low voice, "Why don't you close your eyes..."

Stretching out his hand to wipe the top of the head, Kim Jong's eyes just closed.

Sima Zhao walked to Jin Il's side and put Kim Jong's head next to Jin Il.

(End of this chapter)

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