Chapter 1024
Six days later, Quan Cong's fleet appeared in Cam Ranh Bay.

The geographical location of Cam Ranh Bay is very good, the draft of the port is very deep, and the end of the port goes deep into the land, it is an extremely good sheltered port.

However, it is precisely because the scale here is too large that it is impossible to support the construction of a large-scale port here without using a lot of manpower and material resources and a large-scale commercial fleet for trade.

So, in fact, in order to welcome Quan Cong's fleet, Bu Zhi just built some simple berthing ports here, and all the facilities are very simple.

Quan Cong then ordered all the sailors to go ashore to rest.

Sure enough, Quan Cong met Bu Zhi, governor of Jiaozhou, and after a discussion, Quan Cong learned a lot about Lin Yiguo.

Moreover, the news that surprised Quan Cong was that Zhuge Ke was still active in Lin Yiguo for Sun Wu's great plan to restore the country.

Quan Cong had to admire Zhuge Ke's perseverance to the end.

But he admired it, and he still ordered someone to send the news to Jiangling City to report to Liu Chan.

Four days later, Quan Cong's fleet had been resupplied with all kinds of supplies, and the damaged hull at sea was completely repaired by workers from Jiangdong Shipyard who contracted the project, and the soldiers were refreshed.

In addition, at this time, they can finally get rid of the bean sprouts they eat every day, and the soldiers are naturally even more energetic.

However, it is indeed thanks to the credit of those bean sprouts that the soldiers did not develop symptoms during the long-term water voyage.

Then, Bu Zhi bid farewell to Bu Zhi, and led the navy fleet out of Cam Ranh Bay towards Champa.

And long before Quan Cong's fleet arrived at Jinlan Bay, the marine troops commanded by Lu Dai, You Tu, Zhang Ni and others had already launched operations ahead of time.

This is mainly because Jiaozhou is mountainous and the roads are not suitable for large-scale military operations. In addition, in order to cover up their whereabouts, they only stationed their troops in Jiuzhen County to the north of Rinan County.Therefore, if their army wants to enter Linyi to fight in the country, they have to pass through a long and narrow Rinan County.

It is actually reasonable for their army to start operations in advance.

When Lu Dai's troops arrived in the southern area of ​​Rinan County, they encountered the Linyi army who was defending there near the border, and the two sides immediately started a war.

In this way, those speculators in Rinan County who were unwilling to retreat finally escaped.With Lu Dai's army here, it is absolutely impossible for Lin Yiguo's army to go north.

Three days later, when the first warship of the Shu Han navy appeared in the sea area of ​​Champa, the whole city of Champa immediately boiled.

The Shu Han army finally came, and the target was indeed Zhancheng.Although they couldn't see the fleet yet, their vanguard had already arrived here, showing a hideous face.

In fact, long before the arrival of the Han army, General Fan Tong of Champa reluctantly accepted Zhuge Ke's suggestion and took some countermeasures.

First, Fan Tong ordered people to scuttle several large ships and block the port;
Secondly, the 1 Champa guards guarded the sea and the port day and night, and hoarded a large number of arrows and other things. Once the port fell, they would immediately retreat to the city to resist.

In addition, the envoys sent by Lin Yi lived up to everyone's expectations and successfully persuaded the Funan Kingdom's fleet to join the battle.Then, they forcibly requisitioned the ships of domestic merchants that could be used for combat, and formed a joint fleet with the fleet of Funan Kingdom.

That fleet is now lurking on the back of several islands less than [-] miles away from Zhancheng, and is on standby at any time. Once the Shuhan navy appears to attack Zhancheng, it will seize the gap and come out from behind to attack the Shuhan fleet.

These measures are not clever, but to achieve this point, Zhuge Ke calculated in his heart that Zhancheng could at least hold on until the Shu Han army's logistical supplies encountered difficulties, and in the end he could only choose to retreat voluntarily.This is because he has already seen one point: the Han army may not have enough food and grass when the Han army is far away. Once the Han army is short of food and grass, the crisis in Linyi Kingdom will be alleviated.

Moreover, this time the lord Fan Xiong handed over the defense and command tasks of all the troops in Champa to Fan Tong. Fan Tong was loyal to Fan Xiong. Of course, he could not live up to the lord's expectations!

In terms of marine troops, the combat effectiveness of the Shuhan army is indeed stronger than that of the previous Jiaozhou troops, but the information sent back from them shows that the land troops of the Shuhan army cannot easily break through the direction of the Linyi army.Therefore, for Quan Cong's fleet, he may choose to fight alone in the end.

As the news of Quan Cong's fleet appearing along the coast was sent to Champa, Fan Tong jumped up and rushed to the port with his people.

At this time, under Quan Cong's order, the Shuhan navy fleet was moored on the sea for the final formation.

On the sea level, black dots appeared one by one, and even the sky became cloudy. Under the raging waves, the majestic bow of the ship appeared in Fan Tong's eyes. Riding the wind and waves, the entire sea became restless.

One, two, three...

The size of the fleet is so huge that it has merged with the sea surface and disappeared into the distant sea surface.

"This is the Shu Han navy!" Fan Tong gasped.

He had imagined many times the scene of the Shu Han navy appearing in the sea of ​​Champa, but until today, he did not realize how ridiculous his previous imagination was.The densely packed ships and countless half-open sails are like the white wings of seabirds suddenly growing on the sea surface, making people feel small when they see it.

Lin Yijun at the port also showed a look of fear.

The warships of the Shuhan army are too tall, they are like monsters floating on the sea, ready to choose and devour at any time!
Fan Tong swallowed hard, turned around and said to the general in charge of guarding the port behind him: "You must not be good at going out to fight the enemy, as long as you hold the port firmly. When the time comes, there will naturally be us The reinforcements are going to compete with the Shuhan navy!"

After Fan Tong finished speaking, his body trembled a little because of extreme tension and even fear.

Quan Cong's flagship Wei Nan no longer appeared in front of the entire fleet to lead, he was surrounded by the fleet in the central position and was tightly protected.

The sky was cloudless, and the sun on the sea was even more dazzling. The flagship's next step was the surging sea water, which slapped the hull and made a clattering sound.

Quan Cong's commander-in-chief flag was raised on the deck of the Weinan, and as if a signal had been received, all the ships also raised their flags.

Quan Cong let out a bright silver armor, with a calm face, standing on the high deck with his hands behind his back, holding his sword with one hand, his eyes finally fell on the seashore.

"At this time in Jiangdong, it should be autumn and the air is refreshing, but the weather here is still as hot as summer! It is really a magical place. Is it true that there are no four seasons here as the rumors say?" Quan Quan Cong muttered, and then said to his lieutenant Ling Tong, "Order the fleet to launch an attack on the port! At the same time, order our landing combat troops to get ready to attack and seize the port!"

The war drum on Weinan was the first to be beaten.

All the ships responded with the sound of war drums, and the dozens of smaller ships that had already lined up in front of them broke away first and headed for the bay.

Lin Yijun, who was tensely on guard on the shore, seemed a little confused at this moment. They had sunk the ship and blocked part of the waterway. I don't know if it will work?

Soon, the ships of the Shuhan navy told Lin Yijun the answer with practical actions.

Under the command of their respective commanders, they circumvented the wreck area with extremely skilled driving skills, as if they knew the exact location of the wreck completely.

In fact, Quan Cong had already obtained information from Bu Zhi, so of course he was able to know the exact location of the sunken ships.Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for him to send those smaller ships into battle first.

After approaching the port, there was a huge roar from the ships, and all the long-range attack weapons equipped on the battleships opened fire, and all kinds of stone bombs and fireballs poured down towards the port indiscriminately.

(End of this chapter)

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