The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1026 Capture the Port

Chapter 1026 Capture the Port
The long knife couldn't help stabbing upwards, and a captain who was walking in the front roared: "The battle flag of the big man is behind us, and the governor personally supervises the battle. The captain of the school is willing to die with the kings, everyone. Will you shed blood with me?"

"Dare to die!" The soldiers walking on the same boat struggled to speak at the same time.

"Dare to die!"

"Dare to die!"...

One after another came into the boat, followed by the sound of shouts that soared into the sky.

The soldiers of the Marine Corps have already breathed a sigh of relief. They are different from the ordinary army. They are all selected from thousands of people.

Walking under the cover of the battleship behind, it was easy to pass through the shallow water near the shore.

There were as many as 3000 navy and marine troops dispatched this time, and they had practiced this kind of landing operation countless times. Therefore, when these hundreds of ships approached the coast briskly, no one talked or laughed. People's faces are all calm, and the only thing that can be heard in the ears is the sound of low waves.

Fan Tong on the shore already felt that something was wrong. He never expected that the enemy army would attack the port with small boats and troops.

Moreover, the other party can easily avoid the damage of various offensive weapons flying above to their own people by saying this!
Fan Tong couldn't help being in a mess, so he ordered indiscriminately: "The archery team enters the port to shoot arrows, and the Han army is not allowed to land."

Hundreds of Linyi army's archers drew their bows and set their arrows, but their morale had dropped to the lowest point at this time, so how could there be any morale to fight back?They shot several rounds step by step, but the effect was not very good. Most of the arrows fell into the sea. Occasionally, there was a low cry from the walking boat, and someone was hit by an arrow, and they were immediately picked up from the walking boat, waiting for treatment after landing.

The navy and marines were silent, but the rustling design of the enemy's archery team made them more murderous and aroused the anger in their hearts.

The first walking boat quickly approached the harbor that was piled up with bluestones, and the captain standing on the bow surrounded by guards immediately shouted: "All disembark and assemble!"

On the first ship, a group of marines leaned on the side of the ship and jumped out of the port. They took out their shields and weapons and gathered around the captain as quickly as possible to block the enemy's archers from attacking this side!
The battle flag and dragon flag of the Shuhan army were erected first.

Then, more and more walkers rushed to the shore of the port, and teams of marine soldiers landed and assembled on the port, bursting out with loud waves.

Soon there was a black crowd of the Shu Han army in the port, just like the tide slapping on the beach, followed by a cry of killing, and under the waving of the World War I flag, everyone roared and rushed towards the port.

The strength of Lin Yi's army is their combat skills in the mountains and mountains, but they have never been in contact with the marine troops that suddenly appeared from the sea.

Facing the overwhelming Shu Han army, Fan Tong could only urge his men to rush out to meet them.

The first navy and marine team first encountered an obstacle set up by the Linyi army. A pair of Linyi troops were closely lined up in front of them, and it seemed that they were used to intercept the enemy troops.

The soldiers of the Linyi Army were short in stature, with scant clothing and dark skin, and their skin was extremely shiny when exposed to the bright sunlight.The weapons in hand are mostly knives and guns.

They shouted in words that the Han people could not understand, and rushed towards the Shu Han army.

They originally wanted to disperse each other, but as soon as they made contact, they tried the power of the Marine Corps.Holding their terrifying long knives high, they rushed into the Lin Yi army without hesitation.

Lin Yi's army resisted first, but many people from behind continued to rush forward.

Not far away, new follow-up landing troops are also coming ashore.

The number of troops in the Han army became larger and larger, and the short Lin Yijun finally lost his last courage and began to collapse.

From the contact and fighting between the armies of both sides, to the retreat of Linyi's army, it took no more than half an hour, and it was definitely a battle with extremely obvious advantages.

Lin Yi's army was able to show off their might and power near Jiaozhou, and it was because they did not meet the truly elite Shu Han army.Their single, simple, brave and ruthless fighting became a burden in the face of the Shu Han army's group combat.

The combat of the Shu Han Navy and Marine Corps is a group, and the result is clear at a glance. Every navy and marine team is closely surrounded by the captain. The captain advances, they advance, and encounter the enemy. Who will cover, who will attack and kill, who will be the wing protector, the division of labor is detailed, and each performs its duties, so that every team is like one person.

What's more, a very strict hierarchical system has been established in the army of the Shu Han, and many officers who have been professionally trained by the Taixue Order and the previous institutions under the jurisdiction of the Zhenjun Military Division have rushed into the grassroots level, which has greatly improved The professional quality and combat effectiveness of the army.

Organizational strength is the key to combat, especially in this era of hand-to-hand combat, an army with strong willpower and the ability to maintain its formation at all times is very beneficial in this era.

No matter in terms of the quality of soldiers, daily military training, and even the selection of soldiers, the Lin Yi Army is far behind the carefully selected navy and marine corps.

Therefore, even if Linyi's army is used to defend the city, when it faces the Shuhan army's navy and marines, it is inevitable that it will be defeated in a short period of time.

When Fan Tong saw that the army he was so proud of was defeated so easily by the enemy, he couldn't help being so angry that the three corpses jumped up, and immediately sent someone to stop the army from fleeing.

But Fan Tong's efforts were in vain. The army's defeat could not be stopped, and the soldiers fled towards Champa.

Fan Tong couldn't help yelling and cursing loudly, his short body was furious, and it looked like a monkey was jumping on the ground.

But Fan Tong also knew that he could no longer organize his troops to resist the attack of the Shu Han army in front of him.

Therefore, Fan Tong made a decisive decision, and immediately stepped on his horse, turned around and rushed towards the gate of Zhancheng with his guards.

Fan Tong hated those soldiers who were unwilling to use their lives so much, so his retreat was a rampage, as if he was venting his anger on the soldiers. Just use horses to knock them into the air or trample them to death.

As a result, where Fan Tong's guards passed by, there was a new killing and commotion there.

(End of this chapter)

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