The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1045 The meeting of important ministers

Chapter 1045: Gathering of Important Ministers ([-])

Facing Liu Chan's vented anger, Dong He felt very annoyed in addition to bearing it. This Quan Cong became the supreme commander of the military at a young age, so he would become more and more arrogant because of this.So, why did you make the mistake of clicking like this?

Dong He was really angry this time, feeling that he couldn't bear the anger in his heart, and this Quan Cong had to give him the necessary punishment in the future.Otherwise, he, Dong He, and the great Sima might be killed by him in the future!This bastard Quan Cong!

But to be irritated is to be irritated, there is always work to be done, work to be done.

Therefore, Dong He immediately appeased Liu Chan and said: "Your Majesty, things have come to such a point now, and Quan Cong has committed irreparable mistakes, and now getting angry and annoyed is useless. What we need to do now is to Develop relevant countermeasures in the shortest possible time.”

Liu Chan looked at Dong He.Dong He was dressed in a black official uniform and a crown hat. His expression looked haggard, not only his temples, but his hair was already grey.His health has never been very good, and if it weren't for the soaring medical level of the Shu Han, he would not have lived to his present age.

Liu Chan couldn't bear to see Dong He, so he sighed, nodded, and said, "Ai Qing, although the mistake Quan Cong made this time seems small, no one would have thought that the impact would become so overnight. Furthermore, concealing and not reporting such things cannot be tolerated, otherwise, people will follow suit in the future. Therefore, before formulating new countermeasures, I want to first formulate a policy against Quan Cong. Punishment, what do you think?"

Before Dong He came to see Liu Chan, he must have thought about it.After all, Quan Cong is one of the commanders under his command, it is impossible to want to or not.

However, Dong He said, "Your Majesty, can we discuss this matter later?"

Liu Chan raised his brows and straightened his body all of a sudden. He was obviously dissatisfied with Dong He's answer, and asked, "Why is this? Please explain clearly."

Dong He replied: "Your Majesty, the previous dynasty has a mirror for such things. When Emperor Xiaowu was in power, and he was in the third year of Zhenghe, Li Guangli, the general of the Second Division, conspired with Prime Minister Liu Quyu to push Mrs. Li's son before he went to the Xiongnu. Liu Wei was the crown prince, and when things happened later, Liu Quyu was cut in half, and Li Guangli's wife was imprisoned. Because Li Guangli was afraid of being punished, he had to lead his army to surrender to the Xiongnu."

It should be said that Dong He was concerned about Quan Cong's military power.Although Quan Cong is different from Li Guangli, who relied on Emperor Wu's concubine sister as a mediocre person, Quan Cong's status is very noble no matter in the Eastern Wu era or the current Shu Han era.Such a young man with high ambitions, coupled with the fact that His Majesty the Emperor has favored him day by day in recent years, has repeatedly entrusted him with important tasks, which may have made his heart a little proud.

Such a character, at this time, has a situation very similar to that of Li Guangli back then, commanding an army thousands of miles away to fight against foreign countries.

So, once His Majesty suddenly ordered Quan Cong to be severely punished in Jiangling City, and even Yao Kong was about to fire him, would Quan Cong be willing to bear such a result in his heart?

At that time, the best result is that Quan Cong accepts the punishment obediently and returns to Jiangdong or Jiangling City to accept the punishment.

But in the worst case, it must be a result that the Shu Han could not afford: Quan Cong, like Li Guangli, led his army to surrender to foreign countries. He had done this kind of thing once before.It can be seen that he is not a person without courage and strong determination, and his methods are ruthless enough.

Or, Quan Cong simply led the army to proclaim himself king in Linyi Kingdom.The possibility of this happening actually exists.The current situation in Linyi Kingdom is in chaos.The army in Quan Cong's hands is considered to have the strongest combat effectiveness, not only a powerful fleet, but also enough land troops.It is estimated that no one will be able to do anything to him by then.

After Dong He's reminder, Liu Chan also thought about the deep meaning of Dong He's words in his heart.

He couldn't help sighing in his heart, unexpectedly, Liu Chan also had a day when he was afraid of the generals under his command because there were too many mercenaries!
No matter when Liu Chan is, he has always consciously limited the power of the army.However, because he was so enthusiastic about developing overseas trade and opening up the Maritime Silk Road, he kept paying the greatest attention to the navy, and Quan Cong, the commander of the navy, was naturally, unknowingly, subdued. Liu Chan gave him great power.

On this point, Liu Chan had to admit that it was indeed his negligence, so that judging from the current Shu Han officialdom, there really wasn't any general with more military power than Quan Cong.Quan Cong had already become the man who had the most powerful army in the Shu Han army.

Therefore, this is why even Quan Cong's immediate superior Sima Dong He, when he heard that Liu Chan was going to punish Quan Cong, his first reaction was to dissuade him!

Facts speak louder than words.With the strength that Quan Cong has now, it is of course impossible to be stronger than Liu Chan, but if Liu Chan forcibly punishes Quan Cong himself, there is definitely a possibility that Quan Cong will react aggressively.Liu Chan knew that he was absolutely unwilling to bear such a loss, and the Shu Han would weaken a lot of national power because of this.

Therefore, at this time, Liu Chan was suddenly pushed to the top of the cliff by Quan Cong: If he can't bear it, he will put the country at great risk; patience for the time being seems to be beneficial to the country, but it will obviously hurt the prestige of himself and the Da Sima Mansion.

Liu Chan couldn't help waving his hands, and finally chose to compromise in the face of the reality.

In fact, has he made all kinds of compromises over the years?Various compromises were made with the residents of Moling, and then the whole territory of Jiangdong was compromised with the Shanyue people, in exchange for the final stable situation in Jiangdong; compromise with the Prime Minister's Mansion in Chengdu, compromise with Shangshutai, and compromise with Da Sima Only when the governments compromise with each other can the various policies of the Shu Han and the decision-making of the Northern Expedition and even overseas expeditions be made...

Only then did Liu Chan say to Dong He: "Forget it, let's put Quan Cong's matter on hold for now, and the Da Sima Mansion will write a letter to Quan Cong himself in your Da Sima Fei's name. Let's reprimand him severely first. If we even have this point If you don't do it, then you will lose your majesty, and being laughed at by the people of the world will also encourage the arrogance of other army commanders. Then, we will start to discuss the new countermeasures of Lin Yiguo here."

Dong He is very pleased that Liu Chan can make such a decision.Although imperial power is absolutely supreme in this era, it does not mean that the emperor can make any decision as he pleases.In fact, the emperor is the least free person.His Majesty the Emperor obviously knew this very well in his heart, so he was able to endure a moment of anger.This is Mingjun's best performance.

Dong He immediately took the order to go out, and after returning to the Da Sima Mansion, he ordered someone to draft a very stern document and sent it to Quan Cong.

On the second day, after a night of thinking, Liu Chan urgently summoned Da Sima Dong He, Shang Shu Ling Fazheng, Du Zhi Shang Shu Liu Ba, and Bing Cao Shang Shu Zhuge Jin to discuss how to deal with the situation in Lin Yiguo.

Liu Chan first asked Liu Badao: "If the army of Lord Shangshu, Quan Cong and others wants to continue their overseas expeditions, given the current situation, it may be very difficult to completely conquer Linyi Kingdom in a short time. .I don’t ask you to give accurate data here, but I need you to evaluate a little bit, whether our big man’s current finances are enough to support them to stay in Linyi Kingdom for half a year to a year. "

Hearing this, Liu Ba's eyes widened immediately, and he looked at Liu Chan in disbelief. Perhaps because of his excitement, he almost jumped up from his seat.After all, he is a character who is very bad at hiding his feelings.

(End of this chapter)

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