Chapter 1050
After Zhuge Jin and Zhuge Ke and his son left, Liu Chan still had his own thoughts in his heart.

Even if Zhuge Jin and the others can save Zhuge Ke's life in the end, they will inevitably have to pay a certain price for it.

Liu Chan had already decided in his heart that after Li Yan finished the trial of the case, the Yushi doctor would start a corresponding investigation on Li Yan, Dali Temple, and any other officials who might be involved, to see how they intervened in the judicial field.

At that time, Liu Chan will inevitably continue to introduce new ways and punishment measures to restrict officials from interfering in the judiciary based on these things.This can be regarded as a certain contribution that Zhuge Ke can make in the incident.

And Liu Chan did get his wish later.This eventually led to the promulgation of a new decree "The Act on the Independence of Judicial Power of the Han Dynasty", which made the judicial power of Dali Temple independent, and specially set up the post of judicial minister, whose powers are no longer subject to the intervention and control of the prime minister's office.

Of course, limited to the current environment, the highest exerciser of judicial power is naturally His Majesty Liu Chan, the emperor, so it cannot be said to be completely independent. Dali Temple still has a long way to go to become independent.

However, it is also obvious that Liu Chan has acquiesced in one thing, that Li Yan will eventually spare Zhuge Ke's life.

Zhuge Liang did exactly as Liu Chan expected. After learning about Zhuge Ke's incident, although he knew that Zhuge Ke's crime could be said to be a capital crime, but because it was related to his nephew's life, he also decided to intercede with Liu Chan for it.

However, after Zhuge Jin sent a letter and told Zhuge Liang what Liu Chan meant, Zhuge Liang immediately understood that this was another warning from Liu Chan not to intervene in this matter without authorization.

Liu Chan's intentions are actually quite complicated.Once Zhuge Liang intervenes in this matter, there is no room for turning around, because even Dali Qing Li Yan cannot compete with Zhuge Liang, which leads to Liu Chan not getting anything he wants from it, but can only let Zhuge Ke go for nothing .

Therefore, if he wants to obtain the desired benefits at that time, it is impossible for him to stay out of this matter and intervene at the same time as the emperor.

In this way, evil consequences will inevitably arise: the struggle between the imperial power and the prime minister will inevitably unfold after all.

As far as the current internal situation of the Shu Han is concerned, although the imperial power held by Liu Chan is severely weakened and restricted by Zhuge Liang's prime minister power, this does not prevent the mutual compromise and cooperation between the two.

Therefore, Liu Chan is of course very content with the current state of balance and restriction between imperial power and prime minister power.After all, such a state, it should be said, is the state that is most beneficial to the Shu Han.Once the two sides split, there will inevitably be turmoil in the country. At that time, either Liu Chan will strengthen the imperial power and deprive the prime minister, or the prime minister will defeat the imperial power, making Liu Chan become the almost puppet Liu Adou in history again.

Now that Zhuge Liang understood Liu Chan's intentions, he naturally dismissed the idea of ​​getting involved in Zhuge Ke's incident, and ordered Li Yan of Dali Temple to take charge of the matter.

At the same time, this incident also produced a result: since Zhuge Liang knew that Liu Chan had no intention of fighting between the imperial power and the prime minister, this was a signal Liu Chan sent to him.In view of the fact that His Majesty the Emperor is now an adult, although he is becoming more and more independent in his actions, Zhuge Liang is enough to feel at ease about it.Therefore, there should not be any major conflicts between the imperial power and the prime minister.

Between the imperial power and the prime minister, we can continue to cooperate seamlessly in the future.

No one could have imagined that in the case of Zhuge Ke, there would be such a rather good result between the emperor and the prime minister.It can be seen that opportunities are never lacking, what is lacking is people who can grasp them.

The annoyance brought by the Zhuge Ke incident to Liu Chan should have reached the point where it can be declared temporarily. The next step is to look at Li Yan's Dali Temple, and we can wait until the results of their trial come out.Now that Zhuge Ke is still in Jiaozhou, Dali Temple still has a lot of things to do next. Whether they want to send people to Jiaozhou for trial, or escort Zhuge Ke to Chengdu for trial is a question.

After troubles, happy events should come.

This happy event came from Liangzhou, and the person involved was Su Ze, the former prefect of Jincheng in Cao Wei.

During the battle between Shu Han and Cao Wei in Yongliang, Su Ze was seriously injured and recuperated on the sickbed for a year and a half before recovering more than half of his body, and was finally persuaded to surrender by Ma Liang, the governor of Yongzhou.

Of course Liu Chan was very happy about this matter. After all, Su Ze's ability is still very strong. He can not only preside over government affairs, but also march and fight. Compared with an outstanding figure like Zhao Yan, he may not be inferior.

Therefore, Liu Chan arranged for Ma Liang to serve as the governor of Yongzhou at that time.

Later, the situation in Liangzhou changed a little. Liu Chan removed Ma Dai from the position of governor of Liangzhou, and Huang Quan was granted the governorship of Liangzhou, and then Su Ze was transferred to Zhizhong under the governor of Liangzhou.

It should be said that Liu Chan had always wanted Su Ze to continue to shine in Liangzhou, but the situation changed again later.Su Ze's official career in Yongliang can really be called twists and turns.

Originally, after Liu Chan took down the two states of Yongzhou and Liangzhou, he almost completely cut off the connection between the more remote Western Regions west of Liangzhou and Cao Wei.

At that time, under the management of two generations of Cao Cao and Cao Pi, although they may not be able to completely control the countries in the Western Regions like the Western Han Dynasty, they still established the Long Shifu of the Western Regions in the vast areas of the Western Regions.

At that time, Liu Chan thought that under such circumstances, Xiaowei Wuji, the chief official of the Changshi Mansion of the Western Regions, would surrender to the Shu Han regime under the advice of his people.

But things were not as simple as Liu Chan expected.

Cao Wei's Western Regions policy not only followed the tradition of the Han Dynasty, but also showed certain uniqueness.

First of all, Cao Wei implemented a policy of confinement and gentleness to the Western Regions, which is the consistent practice of the inland regimes in controlling the Western Regions.In the third year of Huangchu, Shanshan, Qiuci, Khotan and other countries in the Western Regions sent envoys to the court, and Emperor Wen issued an edict to send envoys to support them generously.

Cao Wei's practice of envoys from the Western Regions further stimulated the desire of countries in the Western Regions to communicate with Cao Wei. Countries in the Western Regions sent protons one after another in an attempt to establish a closer relationship with Cao Wei, and sent more and more envoys.Because there were too many envoys from the Western Regions and the reception cost was too high, Cui Lin, the Dahongyu who was in charge of the matter at that time, "transferred the book Dunhuang metaphors, and recorded the stories of the rich promises of the previous lives, so that there will be permanence."

The policy has achieved remarkable results. "Wei Xing, although the Western Regions cannot be exhausted, the big countries of Kucha, Khotan, Kangju, Wusun, Shule, Yuezhi, Shanshan, and Cheshi all receive tribute every year, just like the story of the Han Dynasty. "

The uniqueness of Cao Wei's Western Regions policy is reflected in the fact that Wuji Xiaoweihe's functions have undergone certain changes, and it is no longer possible to completely control the Western Regions as in the Western Han Dynasty.Facing the hegemony of oasis powers in the Western Regions, Captain Wuji may do nothing.

Therefore, at that time, a rather bad situation occurred. Under the circumstances that Captain Wuji's opinions could not represent the countries of the Western Regions, there was bound to be a division within the Western Regions, and a rebellion also occurred as a result.The people Liu Chan sent to the Western Regions did not achieve much.

At that time, the Shu Han regime suffered a lot due to the Yong-Liang War, and it was impossible to send troops to a place as far away as the Western Regions to forcibly recover it.Therefore, Liu Chan has been watching the changes for two full years.When the chaos in the Western Regions was exhausted, Liu Chan ordered Su Ze and Jiang Wei to command 3000 troops from Liangzhou to the Western Regions.

3000 troops are enough to conquer the Western Regions?This is of course impossible.But Su Ze can take advantage of various favorable situations and adopt a strategy of pulling half and fighting half. Ban Chao relied on this back then to settle the Western Regions with only 36 people.

It should be said that Liu Chan's strategic arrangement finally worked.Su Ze was already familiar with foreign affairs, and with Jiang Wei by his side to advise him, he soon attracted some countries from the Western Regions to join Shu Han.

So Su Ze and Jiang Wei started the war in the Western Regions. After several years of fighting, they finally sent Liu Chan the good news that the Western Regions had been pacified, and it cost the Shu Han almost nothing.

Liu Chan was overjoyed immediately after receiving the good news, because the overland Silk Road he had been looking forward to finally had the conditions to reopen.

Therefore, Liu Chan immediately sealed Su Ze and Jiang Wei.

Su Ze was enfeoffed as Liehou and Chief History of the Western Regions, in charge of military and political affairs of the Western Regions, and became the highest official of the Chief History Office of the Western Regions. The subordinate organization was set up in Loulan, and it was under the jurisdiction of the Liangzhou Governor's Department.

Jiang Weifeng was named Liehou, Wuji Xiaowei, and was in charge of the military affairs of the Changshifu in the Western Regions.Jiang Wei was originally conferred the title of Zhonglang General. Although he was awarded the rank of captain here, this captain is not an ordinary official position. He is the military chief of a certain area. He has actually been promoted, and the power in his hands has also increased.

(End of this chapter)

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