The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1066 The Naval Battle Begins

Chapter 1066 The Naval Battle Begins

Early the next morning, the mist over the sea finally dissipated slowly, there were no clouds in the sky, and the direction of the sea breeze seemed to be quite stable, which indicated that it would be a fine day.

Soon after, the morning sun rose from the horizon like a round of fire, and the red light dyed the sky, the sea, and everyone's faces red.

At this time, the field of vision on the sea has also become extremely wide.

Quan Cong stood on the deck of the Weinan, looking at the vast sea with his hands behind his back.His mood was like being poured with cold water, because the width of this strait was obviously far beyond his expectation!Its exit is actually much wider than the interior of the strait!

Fighting in such a sea area, the number of warships in your own fleet obviously exceeds that of the enemy, but you can't surround this strait three layers in and out.In short, the problem is that if Quan Cong's fleet wants to encircle and annihilate all the Funan Kingdom's fleet in such a sea area, it will be an almost impossible task!
Thinking of this, Quan Cong became anxious again, couldn't help but turned and looked towards the direction of the open sea, hoping that Zhang Da's fleet would come to meet up soon, in this case, he could at least severely damage the fleet of Funan Kingdom and drive them away. Most of the warships stay here.

In fact, this also means that Quan Cong decided to launch an attack on the enemy fleet here.After all, their pursuit this time can be described as thousands of miles away, and he didn't want to let the Funan Kingdom's fleet go.Even if it cannot be completely wiped out, as long as it can be severely damaged, it should be enough to claim credit for His Majesty the Emperor.

Therefore, Quan Cong actually ordered the Weinan to go forward at full speed, and soon reached the front of the fleet formation, and at the same time ordered the soldiers to start sounding the hydrology of the sea area.

Quan Cong's flagship Wei Nan is the largest in the fleet, so it also has the deepest draft.This is the sea area of ​​the strait, and the depth of the sea water will inevitably start to become shallower, and there may also be submerged reefs in the water.The first voyage must be done with great care.

At the same time, through observation, Quan Cong came to believe that with the sheer height of the Weinan and the powerful attack power of the various attacking equipment on board, once an enemy ship came within its range, it would be invincible.

As early as last night's combat meeting, they had worked out tactics to deal with various situations that might arise today, and the commanders of the warships under his command also knew how to take action.

Their fleet now has 27 warships, while the enemy fleet has [-] warships, and the local warships are not as advanced as the Shuhan army.But because the fleets between the two sides have never confronted each other, theoretically speaking, it can only be considered that the Shu Han army has an advantage.

Judging from the latest intelligence sent by the guard ship, Quan Cong planned to use the entire fleet to clean up the local rear guard warships after first defeating the vanguard and center warships of the Funan fleet.

At this time, Quan Cong, who was looking into the distance with his hands behind his back, vaguely heard a soldier whispering from behind: "Damn it, we have sailed for such a long distance, and finally found the fleet of those bastards. You You know, if we don't defeat them, they will immediately flee again, and then escape without a trace!"

Although Quan Cong thought their conversation was interesting, he didn't turn to look at them. He thought to himself: He understands the thoughts of his soldiers, and he is a group of the best soldiers who are absolutely loyal.He also knew the commanders of his warships.He believed that if he only led a few warships into the strait, the other warships would follow immediately.

So Quan Cong really did it.

The Weinan took the lead and led several warships into the strait, which controlled the southern coastline of Xinji Island in the center of the strait exit.

There are many dangerous shoals and hidden reefs in front of Xinji Island, and the hydrological conditions are quite complicated, which is not so easy.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, the Shuhan fleet had no choice but to avoid these dangerous situations far away, and sailed cautiously.

At this time, of course, the Funan Kingdom fleet in the strait had already discovered the actions of the Shu Han fleet.The guard ships of their fleet had been stepping forward to investigate the actions of the Shu Han fleet as early as last night, and finally confirmed the identity of the other party.

At that time, after Supachai Pippi learned of the relevant news.I was taken aback immediately.He never imagined that the Shu Han army would be so difficult to deal with, and the chasing him came here!It seemed that the other party absolutely did not want to let him go.

However, although Pippi is greedy and lustful, it is absolutely impossible to be a fool.In addition, he himself has very rich experience in navigation and combat, and he is definitely much more familiar with the situation in the sea area on the Jinzhou side than the Shuhan Army Navy Fleet.

In addition, the sea area here is very vast. According to the investigation, the opponent only has 27 warships, which is not enough to pose a fatal threat to his own fleet in such waters.

Moreover, what was even worse was Pippi's own physical condition at the time.He was suffering from abdominal pain because he ate too many raw clams.

Another situation is that it was dark at night, and there was still fog on the sea.It is very difficult for Funan's fleet to sail in such an environment and leave this sea area.

What's more, Pippi doesn't look like launching a naval battle with the opponent's fleet at all.In fact, not only Pippi didn't want to, but the fleet of any country in this era would not want to start a night battle with the enemy on the night sea.It was a war of the blind fighting the blind, and it was impossible to take advantage of the army's teamwork in combat.

As the Weinan sailed slowly into the strait, the front guard ships of the Funan Kingdom Fleet also moved forward according to the order.

When they saw the huge hull of the Weinan, there was a commotion on their battleship.Maybe it was really because they were too nervous, and several Funan Kingdom security ships nearby suddenly turned around and fled back.

Quan Cong completely ignored it.All he could hear now were the hunting of the signal pennants hoisted above the mast, the crash of the waves on the bow, and the shouts of the sailors.

The two battleships Pioneer and Victory, which were lagging behind, suddenly accelerated at this moment and caught up with Quan Cong's Weinan.

Seeing this, Quan Cong immediately showed a happy smile on his face.He walked to the left side of the ship, and the distance between the Weinan and the Victory was only three feet away.

Quan Cong shouted loudly to Lieutenant Hood, the commander of the Victory, "Do you have the confidence to start the operation?"

Hood saluted Quan Cong, and replied loudly: "Looking at the current risk, it is slightly beneficial to our fleet. If the commander allows, the general is willing to take the lead for our army and go to detect the enemy's fleet. Combat power!"

A bright smile appeared on Quan Cong's face, and Hood really knew what he meant, and shouted: "Yes, but you must pay attention to safety, it is not a mistake!"

Quan Cong then waved goodbye to Hood.

But something Quan Cong didn't expect happened.

Behind the Pioneer, the "Warsong", which was originally a few hulls behind, suddenly exerted all its strength and surpassed the Victory. The sails on the ship also rose and opened. He quickly left the Victory behind him.

Faced with such a situation, Hood was stunned for a moment because of surprise, and then realized that his first victory was taken away by the commander of the Victory, Yang Lie.

Hood's anger rose immediately, and after cursing at the back of the Warsong, he was helpless.He also had no choice but to send an order so that the battleship did not have to open its full sails, and they had to wait for the next mission.

The commander of the War Song, Yang Lie, is only 28 years old, but he is a captain full of enthusiasm.Moreover, this person is also very shrewd, he knew that Quan Cong had the nautical charts there, so he ordered someone to copy all of them and take them away during the voyage.

Therefore, like Quan Cong, Yang Lie has a sea chart of the Panjiang Strait in his hands.This is why his battleship dared to take the lead.

As Yang Lie's War Song advanced, they quickly discovered the exact location of the dangerous shoals and hidden reefs, avoided them all easily, and recorded their locations, and sent a fast boat to the Quan Cong's hands.The Warsong's first success came almost effortlessly.

Moreover, under such circumstances, Yang Lie himself knew what kind of tactics he needed to adopt, and he didn't need to get Quan Cong's consent, because the commanders of these warships were all given the authority to independently command operations.

Soon, Quan Cong got the drawing sent by Yang Lie, feeling very happy in his heart, and then ordered the Weinan to raise the banner of going forward to fight.

Seeing that Quan Cong finally gave the command to fight, the entire Shuhan navy fleet burst into battle cheers, as if they wanted to use this to vent their depression over the past few days because they couldn't pursue the enemy fleet. It feels like.

The cheers of the Shu Han soldiers were so loud that the seagulls trying to get close to their ships all turned around and flew away.

The cheers also crossed the sea wind, passed through the waves, flew across the sea, and reached the ears of the Funan Kingdom fleet.

(End of this chapter)

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