Chapter 1096 Chaos Battle
Murong Ke's sudden counterattack against Yijian Da's vanguard with a small number of troops was indeed completely unexpected.

In fact, the number of Yijianda's leading troops is probably more than 500, which is about twice the number of Murong Ke's troops.

But under this situation, and the soldiers of the Linghu tribe were indeed very brave in fighting, Ijianda's vanguard was finally rushed to nowhere, and could only turn around and flee to the rear.

Seeing that his counterattack was successful, Murong Ke couldn't help raising his sword and cheering on the spot, and his soldiers also cheered loudly, and the voice kept reverberating in the valley.

But Murong Ke did not feel satisfied because of such a record.He needs to continue chasing the fleeing enemy. Although he knows that he will eventually meet the enemy's main force and he will be humiliated, but his task is not only to stop the enemy, but also to anger the enemy.

And now is the best time for Murong Ke to achieve his second combat goal.

So, Murong Ke yelled, and led the people behind him to chase in the direction of Taniguchi.

At this time, Yijian Da was leading his main force and advancing rapidly towards the valley.The number of his troops was no more than 1000, and 4000 were left in the camp, so only 500 were actually brought out, and the main force under his command was [-].

Suddenly, Yijianda saw smoke rising into the sky in the valley in front of him, thinking that the enemy's army was coming, and immediately ordered the whole army to prepare for battle.

But when the "enemy army" approached, Yijianda couldn't help opening his eyes wide, it was the dragon flag of the Han army!That is to say, the so-called "enemy army" that suddenly appeared was undoubtedly his vanguard to attack the enemy army first!
Yijianda couldn't help being furious, and cursed: "What are these bastards doing? Why did they run back suddenly? Are they rebelling? See how I deal with such bastards after I go back!"

The reaction of Yijianda's deputy general was much calmer, and he immediately came to Yijianda's side and said to Yijianda: "General, our vanguard is probably defeated by the enemy, that's why we retreated so hastily." Withdrawal?"

Igenda was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately ordered the army to prepare for battle.

But as the vanguard rushed over, problems soon arose.The vanguard fled here in a panic, and the escape route ahead was blocked by Ikenda's army. In order to escape, they rushed into the formation of Ikenda's main force in a panic and gave Yijianda The main force caused quite a bit of confusion.

When Yijianda saw this, he was even more furious. Apart from cursing, he kept yelling to tell the vanguard not to attack the main formation, but to pass quickly to both sides of the formation.

But Yigenda's voice was too low, and few of the cavalry who were running could hear him, which finally caused the formation in front of Igenda's main force to be smashed to pieces.

At this time, Murong Ke's men caught up.

Murong Ke saw that the enemy army in front suddenly became chaotic and dusty, as if the vanguard of the retreating enemy army was mixed with the army coming from behind.

Murong Ke was overjoyed, this is definitely an excellent opportunity to severely damage the confidence of the enemy with a small number of troops.Although his strategy is not as good as that of his elder brother Murong Sui, he also has extremely rich experience in front-line combat.

So, Murong Ke immediately led the army to continue to charge forward.

Yijianda's lieutenant keenly discovered Murong Ke's army that had gone back and returned. He couldn't help being a little shocked, and shouted to Yijianda: "General, the enemy's pursuers have appeared. Our army has appeared now." With such a big mess, we can’t get it right even if we want to rectify it, so how do we deal with it?”

Igendara turned pale with anger.He couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, and shouted loudly: "The army is not allowed to retreat. You stay and continue to rectify the army. I will lead the guards to stop the enemy first!"

As Yijianda said, he was really about to lead the guards forward, but their lieutenant grabbed the reins of the horse.

The deputy general said very anxiously: "General, now is not the time to fight the enemy! We are much more numerous than the enemy, but it is precisely because of this that if we continue to fight with them, we will suffer even more. Let's go first Retreat out of the valley, shall we?"

Yigenda's face darkened, and he reprimanded: "You are talking about the bastard! No, the other party has only a few people, and I, Yigenda, can't be a coward. Let me go, let me go!"

Seeing that Yijianda was not persuaded to move, the deputy general became even more anxious, at least to adopt a compromise plan, otherwise if there is any further delay, the enemy army will rush over, and then it will be too late.

The lieutenant general said: "How about this, general, you stay and rectify the troops, and the task of attacking and blocking the guards will be handed over to the last general? Make a decision quickly, or the enemy will rush to the front of the formation!"

Only then did Igenda nod, and said, "Okay, I'll hand over the guards to you. Remember, you must withstand the enemy's impact!"

The deputy general cupped his hands and said, "Even if you die in battle, the last general will definitely complete the task."

Therefore, the lieutenant immediately took Yijianda's guards to attack, but the number of them was only about 200. Although they were all excellent cavalry, the number was indeed a little less.

Immediately, Murong Ke's men rushed together with Igenda's guards.

Igenda immediately issued an order to regroup the army, at least to order those damn vanguard soldiers not to run back, but to turn their horses around.

Not a moment later, Xiong Ping's men rushed to the rear of Igenda's men.

At this time, he had already learned of the chaos in the Igenda troops ahead.Moreover, what is even more unbearable is that Murong Ke's men have already defeated Yijianda's guards at this time, and are launching an attack on the main formation.

The 4000-strong army was actually chased and beaten by hundreds of people. Who would believe it?
Xiong Ping was also on fire at this time.Immediately ordered all the troops to dismount, and walked around the steep hillside in the valley with weapons, trying to encircle Murong Ke's men and horses.

Xiong Ping's approach is actually wise. No one has made a rigid rule that the cavalry must never dismount to fight.In fact, the army of the Tang Dynasty often rode to the battlefield on horseback, and then dismounted to fight.

Xiong Ping's tactics should be said to be a kind of innovation, setting a precedent in history.

Xiong Ping's tactic was very successful. His troops successfully detoured from the hillsides on both sides to the rear of Murong Ke, and soon surrounded Murong Ke's troops.

(End of this chapter)

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