The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1099 Emergency Rescue

Chapter 1099 Emergency Rescue

As the battle continued fiercely, Murong Ke fell into despair more and more.

After all, Murong Ke's men lost their final assault ability, because their number has become smaller and smaller.

In addition, at the same time, the space for their activities has been severely compressed by the Shu Han army from both sides. The left and right sides are steep hillsides. It is difficult for people to move on that side, let alone war horses.Otherwise, Xiong Ping would not have ordered the chasing cavalry to dismount one after another and make a difficult roundabout operation from both sides of the hillside.

Therefore, Murong Ke's men and horses eventually became the prey surrounded by the Shu Han army, and all that remained was the final struggle.

Soon, among Murong Ke's men and horses, some people finally lost their final will to resist, dismounted and surrendered to the Shu Han army.

There are at least a hundred people in this part of the team, and they account for at least half of Murong Ke's current active force!
When Murong Ke saw that there were so few troops in the first place, but now he lost so much at once, his eyes were bloodshot with anger, and he roared like an angry wild wolf: "Do those bastards still have the power to serve as grasslands?" A little dignity of a warrior, actually surrendering to the enemy at such a critical moment! Don't they know that as long as they resist for a while, my brother's reinforcements will definitely arrive? Don't they know that it is impossible for my brother to watch us Are you going to die..."

Murong Ke roared, and when he was angry, he wanted to gallop over and kill those who dared to surrender to the Shu Han army.But he was immediately held back by the captain of the guard, because those Xianbei who surrendered were now surrounded by the Shu Han army.Murong Ke's rushing over now is tantamount to moths flying into the flames and bringing himself to perish.

The captain of the guard shouted: "Second leader, there is no other way. The number of the Shu Han army is too many. You don't need to worry about them, they are just trying to save their own lives. We guards will definitely follow the second guard to the death. Leader. Please choose to take us for the last breakout operation? Otherwise, there will be no chance again. The attack of the cavalry behind is really crazy."

Murong Ke shouted loudly: "Okay! Let these Guisun Han people and Qiang Hu people once again see the power of our Xianbei people! Everyone regroup and charge forward with me!"

Murong Ke held up the long knife in his hand, and shouted in his mouth: "Huho-huho-huho..."

Like the march of the army, Murong Ke's guards also followed suit: "Huho-huho-huho..."

This is actually the yelling sound that the Xianbei people in the grassland like to use. When they act, everyone shouts together, which can play a role in emboldening courage and acting in unison.This is like the unison black sound made by the trackers of the Three Gorges when they are pulling.

Then, Murong Ke led the few remaining men and rushed towards Xiong Ping's intercepting men.

After getting Murong Sui's permission, Murong Fang immediately led a dozen guards on the horses, and rushed to the opposite hillside at the fastest speed.

He was really anxious at this time, so he sent everyone out to convey Murong Sui's latest order.

Because, at this time, the ambush troops were ready to attack at any time, so as soon as they received Murong Fang's order, they all rushed out of the woods on the hillside.Immediately, Murong Fang led the men and horses to rush down the hillside, rearranged the army formation on the open ground, and didn't ask for a strict order, and then gave an order, and led the men and horses to rush out in the direction of the Taniguchi in front.

And it seems that the part of the troops that Murong Sui wants to command is also rushing down from the hillside at high speed.

Murong Fang took the lead, and there were only a dozen guard horses around him, because they were of good breed, they could still keep up, and followed closely behind him.But the large army behind them began to fall a little further.

Since Murong Fang is now the commander-in-chief of an army, it is obviously unwise to act impulsively.A guard urged the mount to speed up and came to Murong Fang's side, and said loudly: "Captain, your speed is too fast, what are you going to do with the army behind? Even if the second leader is to be rescued, only rely on the strength of a dozen of us It is impossible!"

Murong Fang turned her head to look behind her, the large army was thrown quite a distance as expected.

Murong Fang couldn't help cursing: "A group of idiots, why is the speed so slow! Everyone slow down a little, and wait for the large troops from behind to catch up."

When the big troops finally came up and reunited with himself and the others, Murongfang kept giving orders, urging the big troops to speed up and speed up, otherwise, if it was too late, he would cut off their heads!

Suddenly, there was a burst of human exclamation and the neighing of war horses from behind the large army.

Murong Fang hurriedly turned her head and asked loudly, "What happened afterwards?"

Soon, the guards sent news to Murong Fang, saying that because the horses were running too fast, several of them fell down, and as a result, the knights behind couldn't dodge in time, and suddenly dozens of horsemen and horses pounced on them. fall.

Upon hearing this, Murong Fang immediately said: "Don't pay attention to them, everyone continue to rush forward with me."

But soon, the same sound as before came from inside the army. It was obvious that a war horse stumbled again, which led to a series of collisions behind it!

This time, Murong Fang didn't make a fuss anymore and asked questions.He didn't pay attention to the sudden situation at all, and just continued to lead the army to run wildly in front.

But with the third and fourth accidents, the Xianbei army lost at least [-] horsemen and horses in just such a wild run.This kind of loss is too heavy, nearly one-tenth of the entire army.

Before going to war with the enemy, one-tenth of the troops on one's own side voluntarily reduced their personnel. This is not an operation of raiding thousands of miles. Is such a loss rate reasonable?
The guard immediately persuaded Murong Fang again: "Captain, let the army slow down again? If it continues like this, it's hard to say whether half of the troops will be left when they arrive at the battlefield! Also, at such a high Hurrying at such a high speed, everyone must feel very sorry for their war horse, and you will definitely start to feel resentment towards the captain. At that time, will everyone be willing to help you fight?"

The guard continued: "The most important point is that if you run at the current speed, the horse's stamina will soon be exhausted. Then how can you fight the enemy? According to the intelligence, there are a lot of enemies. When we saved people in the past, we must go through a tough and fierce battle. How can a horse without physical strength continue to fight the enemy?"

What the guard said was actually very reasonable, it could even be said that every word was eloquent, Murong Fang couldn't tolerate it.

Murong Fang should not be a headstrong person, otherwise, it would be impossible for Murong Sui to let him be his guard captain.His current behavior can only be said to be because he is too anxious about Murong Ke's life and death.

Murong Fang couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and said: "Forget it, it's God's mercy if you get someone else; if you don't get out, it's just how it should be!"

Although this is said, the running speed of the Xianbei army is actually extremely fast, and there are still two serial collisions on the way.

But when they arrived at the battlefield, Murong Fang was really disappointed.

Because the battle is over.Apart from the dead bodies and the mournful cries of wounded horses on the battlefield, it was the Shu Han army that was reining in its troops.

After all, Murong Ke was completely defeated before his troops arrived, and now he doesn't know whether he is dead or alive.

Something might happen to the brother, Murong Fang couldn't help shouting up to the sky, immediately stretched out her hand and drew out the long knife at her waist, and raised it high.

(End of this chapter)

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