Chapter 1102
As the melee continued, the attrition of the fighting troops on both sides became more serious.

Therefore, Murong Sui and Xiong Ping also invested a small amount of troops on the battlefield.

But the consequences of this are actually quite serious and troublesome.

Because if this continues, today's scuffle will seem to turn into a bottomless pit, and it will become a stalemate tactic between the two sides.As long as they see that there is attrition on the battlefield, they can continue to add limited soldiers to continue to fight.

But this has led to a phenomenon: the total number of both sides participating in the battle on the entire battlefield is actually basically unchanged.

Therefore, under the assumption that the combat quality of the soldiers in the respective armies of the two sides is the same, the mobility factor that can break the current stalemate is the number of soldiers on the battlefield.

But now the above two factors are restricted by geographical conditions, so the final consequence of the refueling tactics is that the generals on both sides of the battlefield will continue to be stalemate.If it is said that the mandate of human beings is to live forever, then the stalemate in this battle will last forever.

Of course, the above analysis is actually a kind of functional reasoning, but it has certain practical significance.He can tell the commander one thing, that is, if this scuffle continues, it shouldn't make much sense.

Of course, in fact, if this stalemate melee persists to the end, the winning side should be the Shu Han army.Because their follow-up troops are constantly rushing to the battlefield.If they adopt the refueling tactic, their "oil" will definitely be much more, so the side that consumes all the "oil" first must be Murong Sui's side.

But this kind of thinking is too stupid and naive, and it is even more meaningless than functional analysis.Because once the two sides find out that the loss is too great, they will definitely abandon this war decisively and choose to retreat, and it is impossible to keep fighting until there is no one left like a fool.

What's more, once Murong Sui found out that Gai Meng's follow-up troops had caught up, he would immediately feel the pressure on his side, and immediately chose to retreat.

Therefore, in this battle, Xiong Ping really has a good chance of winning. He needs to adopt a time-consuming strategy, delaying the battle until Gai Meng's follow-up troops arrive, and then show Murong Sui his muscular battle.

And after Murong Sui saw the muscles displayed by Xiong Ping, he didn't have to compete with such opponents at all. He only needed to decide whether he could challenge Xiong Ping's side according to the degree of muscle development, or simply directly Just choose to flee.

This is the cleverness of Xiong Ping.Perhaps, he anxiously asked about the location of Gai Meng's army first, perhaps because he had already had a premonition of the current situation.

Time passed again.

Murong Sui saw that the scuffle became so stalemate, and the number of soldiers on his side was far inferior to that of the other side. In fact, Murong Sui had already started to retreat in his heart. He didn't want to continue fighting with the Shu Han army.

It should be said that this is in line with Murong Sui's personal and even grassland people's personality traits.If you can beat it, you will beat it to death, if you can't beat it, you will run away at most.

Of course, this also shows that Murong Sui's character weakness is that his willpower is not firm enough, and his thoughts are easily shaken.

At this time, a lot of smoke and dust appeared behind Xiong Ping's army.

Murong Sui looked at it, wondering if the enemy's reinforcements had arrived.He immediately sent his men to climb up to check the situation, and soon got a report that another cavalry team of the enemy had arrived.

Gai Meng saw that the Yijianda troops in front and Xiong Ping's large number of troops were still in formation, and at the front was the Shu Han army fighting with the Xianbei army.Why have most of the Shu Han army become bystanders? This is not watching a competition in the arena!
Gai Meng immediately sent someone to inquire about the situation, and only then did he get a report on the cause of the battlefield ahead.

Gai Meng immediately sent someone to inform Zhiyuanduo of the situation, telling Zhiyuanduo's army not to move forward any more, but to stop at the same place.And Gai Meng's own army did not move anymore, and Gai Meng himself did not go forward to see Xiong Ping.

Xiong Ping is directing the battle ahead now, and he knows the situation better than Gai Meng himself, so there is no need for him to intervene in the past.

On Murong Sui's side, just as Xiong Ping expected, the appearance of Gai Meng's army immediately put Murong Sui under psychological pressure, and it also strengthened his decision to get out of the current battle.

Therefore, Murong immediately sent people to the battlefield to give Murong Fang an order to quickly withdraw the army from the battlefield.

Murong Fang is already fighting very fiercely now, not to mention that all he has been thinking about in his heart is to avenge Murong Ke. After hearing Murong Sui's order, he is of course very unhappy.

Even, Murong Fang wanted to yell at him, but Murong Sui is an adult of the tribe, so it is impossible for him to insult Murong Sui.

In the end, Murong Fang stopped fighting by herself, and there were only two guards left alive, and they all retreated to the rear of the army formation.

Then, Murong Fang slowly withdrew the army from the battlefield.

At this time, Murong Sui's army had already made way for Murong Fang's troops to go to the back.

However, Murong Sui's headquarters still maintained their formation at the same time.

Murong Sui's intention is very simple. On the one hand, his army wants to cut off the rear of Murong Fang's troops. The Shu Han army should stop chasing them.Otherwise, Murong will join the battle with his own troops.

If this is the case, the armies of both sides will still break out a second melee in this narrow area, and then continue the previous refueling tactics.

It should be said that Murong Sui seemed a bit of a rascal at this time, but he was a smart rascal.

Xiong Ping understood Murong Sui's intention very well.In his original plan, he did intend to take advantage of the timing of Murong Fang's army retreat to immediately order the army to cover up and kill them.

But now judging from the enemy's response, Xiong Ping's own plan may be in vain.

Xiong Ping sighed: "That Murong Sui, who has never met before, is a good fighter! I have met my opponent today."

Therefore, Xiong Ping did not intend to take advantage of Murong Sui's army.

Xiong Ping immediately issued an order to the combat troops on the front battlefield to slowly gather and stay still.Because judging from the current situation, the Shu Han army has won the final victory of this battle, so this is not a self-defense counterattack against India. After winning the war, they will have to give up the captured territory to the opponent.

Xiong Ping needs to let his army occupy that battlefield to show that his army is the winning side.Therefore, there is no need for his combat troops to withdraw from the battlefield.

This is also a kind of deterrence and warning that Xiong Ping showed Murong Sui.

(End of this chapter)

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