The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1154 Fleet Going North

Chapter 1154 The Fleet Goes North ([-])

Seeing Quan Cong, Liu Chan did not quite agree with such an arrangement, so he said, "Commander Quan, even if the Marine Corps can mobilize 1 troops, it may not be able to play a subversive role in the battle situation in Liaodong. You should also know that the terrain there is flat and belongs to the cavalry. The marines are not equipped with cavalry. But why let them pass? That is to deter Cao Wei's army and let them know that our big men have already He extended his hand to Liaodong. At the same time, this is also a strategy to alienate the relationship between Gongsun Yuan and Cao Wei, to show Cao Wei that Gongsun Yuan has fallen to our side, otherwise why would we send troops so far away?"

Shi Guangyuan continued: "At the same time, the reason why we dispatched the Marine Corps actually has some other tactical goals."

Then, Shi Guangyuan asked Meng Xi to take out a detailed nautical chart and unfold it on Quan Cong's desktop.

Shi Guangyuan also walked over, pointed to a large island in the East China Sea, and said, "We will name this island Jeju Island. It is located in the middle of the Zhoushan Islands and Liaodong, and the area of ​​the island is large enough. , to the west is Cao Wei's Jizhou. You need to occupy this island and build necessary seaports on it as your base for continuous cruising in the future. Although, the current naval fleet is no longer needed, and you can sail to sea only along the coastline , but from Jiangdong to Liaodong, the distance is still very long, and we need a place to stop and rest halfway."

Quan Cong nodded and said: "This preparation is really necessary, and if it is necessary to retreat from the land, it can just temporarily withdraw the army to that Jeju Island. Moreover, as a military stronghold, it can also afford the support for the Cao Wei and Jizhou areas. Surveillance and intelligence espionage."

Shi Guangyuan nodded and said: "Yes, the Da Sima Mansion has not considered the opinion of the whole governor yet, and it should be considered in the future. However, this Jeju Island may also face some dangers, such as Ma Hechen who is far from the north. Han, and even the Wa country in the northeast are not very far away. You need to pay attention to this point."

Mahan and Chenhan, in fact, there is another Bianhan, which happens to cover today's South Korea.But these are actually some tribes fighting on their own, not a unified nation, and it is still far away from the civilization of the nation.And the Jeju Island here is actually the Jeju Island of South Korea today.

Quan Cong saw that Shi Guangyuan had already spoken to this point, His Majesty the Emperor had clearly made up his mind to send a fleet to Liaodong.He had no choice but to say: "Okay, our fleet will leave part of the garrison on Jeju Island."

Then, Shi Guangyuan pointed to Jinri's Liaodong Peninsula, which is near today's Dalian, and said, "At the same time, His Majesty will send someone to ask Gongsun Yuan to build a series of commercial and military facilities for us here. The port. In this way, our fleet will always have an active base in Liaodong as long as it is needed in the future, ensuring our necessary military presence in Liaodong. At the same time, this can also give Gongsun Yuan the necessary deterrence, so that his head The characters at both ends of the mouse have converged."

Quan Cong nodded and said: "Although I don't know whether Gongsun Yuan can agree to this matter, as long as a military port can be set up there, just like in Funan Kingdom, it can indeed control all surrounding sea areas. After all, there are still I have never seen any country whose shipbuilding technology can be higher than that of our country."

Liu Chan sat on his seat and said with a smile: "Yes, maintaining the highest shipbuilding technology and continuously improving our ships are not only warships, but also the technical level of our Dahan's overseas trade merchant fleet. Only then can we ensure the undefeated navy and our merchant ships can safely sell more goods to foreign countries. At the same time, it is also a good way to spread the civilization of our great Han to the outside world, and it also increases the foreign influence."

These ideas, of course, cannot exist in the minds of people of this era. Everyone was quite moved when they heard it, and they expressed that they were educated.

Then, Shi Guangyuan stretched out his hand and slid a bit to the southeast, pointed to the coast near Incheon, South Korea today, and said: "This place seems to be a section of coast between Mahan and Liaodong. There is a very gentle coast here. In the future, if our army When war breaks out with the Liaodong army, this should be a very good landing place. Therefore, when your army passes by, you need to investigate the hydrological conditions there. If necessary, you can even go ashore to attack Ma Han. Take this area from them."

Quan Cong expressed his understanding.

Now that the matter has been properly said, Quan Cong and Meng Xi left immediately.

Liu Chan kept Shi Guangyuan, because he still had something to say to Shi Guangyuan.

Liu Chan seemed to have thought about it before saying to Shi Guangyuan: "Sir, even though we have sent a fleet by sea, I still have doubts about the outcome of the Liaodong war."

Shi Guangyuan sighed and said, "Your Majesty, this is almost the limit of what we can do for Gongsun Yuan."

Liu Chan nodded and said, "Yes, I know that too! However, I still want to send someone to go north to Liaodong to help Gongsun Yuan command the army in battle. Although the Da Sima Mansion cannot do without you now, But I really can't think of anyone else who can compete with Sima Yi."

Shi Guangyuan hadn't personally participated in the command and operations of the army for many years. He never thought that Liu Chan would make such a request to himself at this time.

Of course Shi Guangyuan didn't want to go to the battlefield anymore, his life's wish was not on the battlefield at all.

After thinking for a long time, Shi Guangyuan said, "How about this, Your Majesty, I'll recommend someone for you to choose."

Liu Chan quickly asked, "Who is it?"

"Liao Li Liao Gongyuan." Shi Guangyuan said, and looked up at Liu Chan.He knew that Liu Chan would not easily agree to this recommendation.Liao Li colluded with Empress Wu back then, which caused Liu Chan to be extremely dissatisfied with him, so he kept him in Chengdu and never gave him a chance to show off. Today he is still a pitiful school lieutenant-level official in Liu Bei's era.

But Shi Guangyuan knew that Liao Li's mouth was a bit cheap, but when it came to talent, he was also a talent with a world-class talent.

After a long time, Liu Chan said, "Let me think about this."

After Shi Guangyuan left, Liu Chan summoned Zhang Wen and asked him to serve as the special envoy of Liaodong, and first go north to discuss with Gongsun Yuan all matters concerning the Shu Han fleet going north to Liaodong.

Two days later, Liu Chan issued a call-up order to Liao Li in Chengdu, and went to Jiangling City to face the saint.

(End of this chapter)

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