The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1172 Arriving in Liaodong

Chapter 1172 Reaching Liaodong ([-])

In order to show kindness to Liao Li, Gongsun Yuan specially asked Liao Li to sit in the upper seat on his right hand side, Zhang Wen's seat was at the bottom, and Gongsun Xiu's Zuo seat and Bei Yan's seat were on the opposite side.

Liao Li didn't dare to just take his seat like this, and quickly declined with Gongsun Yuan: "Master Gongsun, this seat should be given to Master Zhang Wen."

Gongsun Yuan smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter the high ground between you, it's just that I want to talk to you more today and get to know you better, so I will let you sit here."

Zhang Wen also said to Liao Li: "Gongyuan, this is Lord Gongsun's kindness to you, so don't refuse, I will take the seat next to you."

Liao Li saw that Zhang Wen had said the same thing, so he had no choice but to say: "Then it's better to obey orders than to be respectful."

So, everyone took their seats one after another.

It can be seen that this Gongsun Yuan does have some means of buying people's hearts.

Liao Li's clean-up was very lively. After the completion, Gongsun Yuan sent people to send Zhang Wenwen and Liao Li to the post house in the city to rest. At the same time, Liao Li was also asked to rest in Changli City for two days before everyone came to discuss business.

Although Liao Li is a native of Jingzhou, he is certainly not unfamiliar with boating.But the problem is that he is on a sea boat this time, not a river boat that usually sails on the Yangtze River.

Even when there is no wind, the sea looks flat from a distance, as if there is nothing at all.But only when the boat goes into the sea, can we know that the waves on the sea will definitely be much bigger than imagined, and the boat will shake even more violently.

What's more, Liao Li traveled thousands of miles from Jiangdong to Liaodong.Living on a boat for a long time is definitely a rather painful thing.Therefore, although Liao Li was able to chat and laugh with these people at this time, his body was already extremely tired.

Therefore, to be able to get Gongsun Yuan's permission to take a vacation, Liao Li's side certainly couldn't wish for it. He immediately thanked Gongsun Yuan, and was quite satisfied with Gongsun Yuan's hospitality to him.

Gongsun Yuan was asking Gongsun Xiu to send Liao Li and Zhang Wen off, but he left the most trusted Bei Yan behind and took him to his study.

Then Gongsun Yuan asked Bei Yan: "General Bei, what do you think of the military that Liu Adou sent us?"

Bei Yan thought for a while, and said: "Although this Liao Li looks ugly and is a bit pretentious, but from the perspective of conversation, there is something extraordinary about him."

Gongsun Yuan nodded and said: "My lord, I also have the same feeling. This person is indeed inferior to Zhang Wen in terms of temperament. However, whether he is really talented or not, we have to wait until two days later to verify it. However, Liu Adou has sent us such a military adviser, and I have always had a worry in my heart."

Bei Yan asked, "What are you worried about?"

Gongsun Yuan said: "I am afraid that he was sent by Liu Adou to seize my military power."

Bei Yan smiled slightly and said, "Grandpa, you shouldn't have to worry too much about this, right? After all, no matter how much this Liao Li struggles, he is only a military advisor under your command, and you are the commander of our Liaodong County. He is a military advisor Doesn’t it depend on you whether the opinions put forward will be implemented in the end, and whether they can be implemented in the end?”

Gongsun Yuan is right when he thinks about it, he is the commander-in-chief with the ultimate decision-making power!

But Gongsun Yuan thought about it and asked: "If Liao Li uses the cooperation between the two parties to resist the threat of Cao's relocation and asks this bus to give up the command of the army, what do you think should be done?"

Bei Yan frowned, and said, "Liao Li probably doesn't have the guts to do this, does he? If he really dares to do this, it will be enough to show that the Shu Han really has the heart to covet us in Liaodong. Then, our side For their fleet, they must be cautiously prepared."

Gongsun Yuan nodded and said: "Although in the past there was Su Qin who matched the prime ministers of the six countries, and one person ruled the soldiers and civilians of the six countries to fight against Qin, but it is different from the past after all. Once the military power of our Liaodong Army is handed over to outsiders, it is very easy to cause accidents. Even Liaodong is about to fall into the hands of the Shu Han."

Bei Yan said: "That's exactly the case. Therefore, if Liao Li really dared to make such an unreasonable request, the father-in-law would never agree."

Murderous intent was evident in Gongsun Yuan's eyes, and he resumed his brutal running that had been concealed all along, and said coldly: "When the time comes, I'm afraid that Liao Li's life will not be spared!"

On the way to the post house, Liao Li and Zhang Wen were more interested because they drank alcohol, so they continued to chat.

Liao Li said to Zhang Wen: "Master Zhang, judging from today's situation, this Gongsun Yuan is also a warm and polite person, and he is not as miserable as the rumors say."

Zhang Wen waved his hands, smiled slightly, then lowered his voice, and said to Liao Li: "This is because you saw him in person for the first time today, so naturally you won't see much. After you have been in touch with him for a long time in the future, After staying in Liaodong for a little longer, you can see what his nature is."

Liao Liqi said: "Could it be that his appearance today is all fake?"

Zhang Wen smiled slightly and said, "Master Liao, don't underestimate this Gongsun Yuan when you go, and don't think that he is a good person to get along with, let alone make friends with him, otherwise the person who will suffer in the end will only be yourself. It affects the career of our big man. If it weren't for my status as a special envoy, I myself would not want to hang around Gongsun Yuan all day long."

Liao Li snorted, his mind is very good, after a little thought, he understood the meaning of Zhang Wen's words, and he was full of contempt for Gongsun Yuan.

Then, Liao Li asked Zhang Wen again: "I heard that Master Zhang was negotiating with Gongsun Yuan about the army and port of our Shu Han. How is the progress now?"

Zhang Wen said: "The main problem now is actually the construction of the port. Now the Liaodong army has been very nervously preparing to fight against the Cao Wei army. Now our army in Yongzhou has temporarily held back the Cao Wei army in Youzhou. The retreat delayed the time for them to send troops, which also earned Gongsun Yuan's gratitude to us. Otherwise, how could it be possible to welcome you and me so warmly? But the actions of the Liaodong Army have conscripted a large number of civilians to serve in corvee, so that The progress of the siege in terms of constructing the harbor where the naval fleet docks is actually not going very smoothly."

Liao Li sighed, and said: "When the officer set off from Jiangdong, General Xu Sheng heard that they were ready to go to sea, and now they are waiting for the wind direction on the sea to change. I believe that the date of their departure is not far away. , will the harbor be ready by the time they arrive?"

Zhang Wen sighed and said, "It's really hard to say. Otherwise, they will only be able to temporarily dock at ordinary ports. There is no other way."

Liao Li nodded. Zhang Wen still needs to rely on Zhang Wen to negotiate with Gongsun Yuan on these matters, and said: "Then these matters will have to be done by Mr. Zhang Wen. Can General Xu Sheng's fleet have a solid port? , is actually very important, and it is related to whether our army can maintain its military influence in the Liaodong area in the future. Therefore, this matter must be taken seriously after all."

Zhang Wen nodded and said, "I'm laughing at this, Liao Li, but don't worry."

(End of this chapter)

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