The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1174 Unexpected Strategy

Chapter 1174 Unexpected Strategy ([-])

Hearing that Zhang Wen has moved Liu Chan out, if he continues to refuse, it will make these people in Shu Han feel too bad in terms of face.

Gongsun Yuan looked at Bei Yan, and Bei Yan secretly nodded to Gongsun Yuan.

Gongsun Yuan then said: "Okay, Liao Junjun, I also feel that the current military situation is not optimistic. Let's listen to how you plan for my Liaodong army."

Liao Li was overjoyed when he heard the words, and nodded gratefully to Zhang Wen to express his gratitude.

Liao Li then said: "Lord Gongsun, the overall situation between Liaodong and Cao Wei can be simply expressed as: the enemy is strong and we are weak. I don't know if you agree with this view."

People like Gongsun Yuan really don't like Liao Li talking about this aspect.But since Liao Li is from the Shu Han, it's better to show some face for the time being, otherwise, he would have immediately put on a straight face and reprimanded him.

Gongsun Yuan nodded symbolically and said, "This should be the case."

Liao Li went on to say: "Under such a situation, the territory of Liaodong is all close to the ocean. Although the depth is long enough, the north and south directions are extremely narrow. Such terrain is indeed more conducive to deploying troops for defense step by step. The enemy's attack. At the same time, the narrowness of the north and south also limited the room for strategic detours of Cao Wei's army. Now they have a very bad relationship with the Xianbei people in the east, and it is impossible to take the route of the grassland and suddenly enter Liaodong from the north."

Liao Li's opinion was very consistent with Gongsun Yuan's own, which suddenly made Gongsun Yuan feel a sense of intimacy with Liao Li.

However, if Liao Li can only do this, then what is the difference between him and someone like Gongsun Yuan?Where can he go so cleverly?

Therefore, Liao Li went on to say: "However, such a strategic arrangement, it should be said, was not time wise. It completely put the Liaodong army in a very passive situation, and could only wait for the enemy troops from Cao Wei to attack. I can just watch them break through the defense lines of the Liaodong Army layer by layer. The final result is that the Cao Wei Army has been fighting to the end, breaking through all the defense lines of the Liaodong Army, or the Liaodong Army has enough defense lines and is strong enough , and finally forced them back to Youzhou just like last time."

Gongsun Yuan's face darkened, but Bei Yan nodded slightly.

Gongsun Yuan asked in a deep voice: "Then what's the clever plan for Army Master Liao?"

"The clever plan is not to dare." Liao Li said, "Actually, the arrangement just now could easily lead to a serious consequence, that is, the battlefield has always been set up in the mainland of Liaodong. At the same time, the army must recruit a large number of civilians to fight To provide logistical transportation support. Now that spring is coming, residents’ farming will inevitably be seriously affected, which will have a great impact on this year’s grain harvest.”

Gongsun Yuan said indifferently: "This is not a big deal. Our army rations in Liaodong are abundant, which can at least guarantee the needs of the army for several years."

The implication is that there is no need to consider the life and death of ordinary civilians at all.

Liao Li's complexion changed, he looked at Gongsun Yuan in surprise, coughed lightly, and seemed unwilling to argue with Gongsun Yuan at this time, so he said: "But you should not be willing to be beaten passively, Mr. Gongsun." Do it?"

Gongsun Yuan was taken aback for a moment, nodded and said: "Unless you are a fool, no, I am afraid that a fool would not want to be treated like this."

Liao Li said: "Since this is the case, then the intention of the lower officials is to help the Liaodong army completely reverse this passive beating situation, and at the same time help the Liaodong army to protect the land of Liaodong."

Gongsun Yuan liked Liao Li's words very much, and said with a smile, "Then Liao Junshi should hurry up and let me listen."

Liao Li said: "The strategy the general wants to adopt is to keep the enemy out of the country."

Bei Yan looked very interested, and couldn't help asking: "How do you say this?"

Liao Li smiled slightly and said, "It is to prevent Cao Wei's army from entering the territory of Liaodong."

Gongsun Yuan smiled and said, "Then Liao Junjun still wants to deploy a large number of troops on the border of Liaodong?"

Liao Li waved his hands and said, "That's not the case. Everyone knows that the territory of Youzhou bordering Liaodong is Liaoxi County and Youbeiping County. The target of the next official is on these two places."

Gongsun Yuan was taken aback when he heard this, and wondered, "What happened to these two counties?"

Liao Li said: "Although these two counties border on Liaodong, in fact, the road on the Youbeiping side is difficult for Cao Wei's army to march. The only road that can go is the road on the west side of Liaoxi County."

Bei Yan nodded and said: "It is indeed so."

Liao Li said confidently: "So, I feel that the Liaodong army should take advantage of the Youzhou army to completely block their access to Liaodong before they reach the border."

Zhang Wen immediately came to his senses, and said in surprise, "Master Liao is saying that the Liaodong army is going to take the initiative to attack Cao Wei's Liaoxi County?"

When Zhang Wen said this, not only Bei Yan, but also Gongsun Yuan himself was stunned for a long time.No matter how much they thought, they would never have imagined that Liao Li would give them such an idea.

Gongsun Yuan quickly said: "This is impossible!"

Liao Li smiled slightly and said: "Master Gongsun, this is because Wuqiu Jian's army conquered Liaodong earlier, and now the Youzhou Army is ready to send troops to Liaodong again. Do you think there is anything that can be done in Liaodong?" Is there any possibility of surviving the fire?"

Gongsun Yuan and Bei Yan suddenly fell into silence.

Liao Li went on to say: "Except for the sea in the south, Liaoxi County is surrounded by Youbeiping on three sides. So it means that if the Liaodong army can take these two counties, they will be Liaodong. The new portal. The two sides can carry out a large-scale defensive and offensive battle there. Then, while Liaodong's homeland can be spared from the devastation of the war, it will also greatly consume the strength of the Cao Wei army. At that time, even if we were repelled by them, we could still retreat to Liaodong and continue fighting. Do you think the army in Youzhou really has such resources to conquer Liaodong? The combat tasks of the Cao Wei army in Youzhou have always been very heavy: The first is to resist the Eastern Xianbei people on the grassland, then to support Bingzhou, and finally to target Liaodong. With the first two tasks, how many resources can be left to fight Liaodong?"

Liao Li's last words definitely touched Gongsun Yuan's heart at once.

However, Gongsun Yuan can be regarded as a bad wolf, and he is also a very cunning guy. He did not easily agree to Liao Li's strategic arrangement. After all, Liaodong himself bears the risk.Once Liaodong's army was completely defeated, Liao Li and others would run back to Shu Han immediately.

Therefore, Gongsun Yuan nodded and said: "Mr. Liao's arrangement is very good. But, please give me some time to think about it before I can give you a final answer."

Liao Li nodded and said, "Okay, but I hope you don't think about it for too long."

Three days later, Gongsun Yuan accepted Liao Li's arrangement.

(End of this chapter)

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