The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1204 Neoconservatism

Chapter 1204 Neoconservatism

Liu Chan habitually tapped his fingers on the table, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Prime Minister, I have always been extremely cautious when it comes to launching a war, and I will definitely make adequate preparations before the war."

Although Zhuge Liang did not personally participate in these matters, he is the prime minister of the great man, so of course he will pay attention to these matters, not to mention that Yang Yi is so close to his Chengdu, he can report to his prime minister's mansion at any time.

Liu Chan went on to say: "In the past, we wiped out Sun Quan's Wu Kingdom in the east of the Yangtze River. It was an extremely risky war. Although our side did win in the end, it doesn't mean that we will always be so lucky."

Zhuge Liang asked: "Then what does Your Majesty mean?"

Liu Chan smiled and said: "What I mean is that we must hurry up to carry out the Northern Expedition, but we don't need to act hastily. This 'hurry up' must be prepared in units of 'years'. If we don't fight, it will be enough. To fight, we must completely defeat Cao Wei's army, as well as their confidence and morale from the monarch to the common people and the soldiers of the army!"

After hearing what Liu Chan said, Zhuge Liang finally breathed a sigh of relief.According to His Majesty's understanding, the expected start of the Northern Expedition may be one year later, or two or three years later.So in this way, from the perspective of time, there is indeed plenty of time to prepare.

In fact, hasn't Shu Han been making all the preparations for this matter all these years?It's just that the sudden detonation of the war in Liaodong forced the Shu Han to invest a large amount of materials there.

Zhuge Liang was a capable man, although he was fluctuating in his heart, he still acted extremely calm on the surface, otherwise he would not have been the prime minister of such a big country for so many years.

He said: "Since Your Majesty has the ambition to unify the world, then I will do my best to assist Your Majesty. After I return to Chengdu this time, I will step up the rectification of various combat materials and coordinate the operations of all departments. Concentrate on the matter of the Northern Expedition."

Talking to a smart person is easy, you just say the beginning, and he almost understands what you want to say later.Liu Chan originally hoped that Zhuge Liang, as the prime minister, would be the most convenient to coordinate the transfer of various military supplies in the Shuhan territory.

Then, Liu Chan said: "Prime Minister, there is one more thing. After meeting the two adults Zhang Yi and Yang Yi last time, I felt a lot in my heart."

Zhuge Liang suddenly remembered that after the inquiry meeting in Jiangling City, Zhang Yi and Yang Yi, especially Yang Yi raised a very serious criticism of Liu Chan's actions. His Majesty would not be very unhappy because of this, right?

Zhuge Liang's complexion couldn't help but he didn't speak, he knew he had to hold his breath now, and see the situation first, Zhang Yi is his right-hand man, and Yang Yi is a talent he can rely on, he can't let them have an accident of.

No, Liu Chan said: "I found the two of them and talked about it in detail, and then I also reflected on it myself. I felt that what I did at the time was a little too hasty. The officials in Jiangling City may have gotten used to it." Such a style of acting, but the Chengdu side may not be able to accept it."

Zhuge Liang had no choice but to express his own thoughts at this time, and said: "Your Majesty, I do have something to say about that matter. Your Majesty, you have abolished some ancestral systems, such as no longer having your own honorific title 'Zhen' , there is no problem with this. After all, everyone knows that it was the first emperor of the previous dynasty who made something. If you don’t want it, you don’t want it. There is also the ritual of kneeling. This should not be abolished, otherwise, how can the dignity of the king be maintained? What? But later, everyone got used to it and felt that it was nothing. These ministers didn’t say anything. However, whether it is in Jingzhou or Jiangdong, the authority of the government is getting lower and lower. Just imagine, if the government and officials lose their majesty, how can this country still govern?"

Liu Chan actually wanted to tell Zhuge Liang that the so-called majesty is not what the government needs, what the government needs is the support of the people, and then establish its own prestige.

But this is not what Liu Chan wants to discuss now, otherwise he will have to argue endlessly with Zhuge Liang.He knew that Zhuge Liang was dissatisfied with himself now.

Originally, Zhuge Liang took the lead in revising the laws of the Shu Han.But now Liu Chan is constantly formulating new laws and regulations, and has made many revisions and refinements to those laws formulated by Zhuge Liang.

To some extent, Zhuge Liang can be regarded as a representative figure of Confucianism outside and Law inside.This situation is also doomed. He is keen to maintain the monarchy and theocracy. At the same time, he will definitely follow the strictest and most concise laws regarding the most important legal aspects of the country.In this way, the government has the power to interpret the law arbitrarily.

Generally speaking, in ancient and modern China and abroad, where does the power of the monarch come from?Many people say that divine power is granted by God, but in fact that is superficial rhetoric. The real reason is that the monarch has the power to formulate and interpret laws arbitrarily!Just imagine a sentence, "You have no jokes", this is the best interpretation of the power relationship between the monarch and the law.

In fact, from here, it can even be deduced that the reason why the government of the Chinese government in the 21st century suddenly began to promote Confucianism is just too lazy to talk about it.

Therefore, Liu Chan understands Zhuge Liang very well, and tries his best to break out an ideological conflict with him at this time, otherwise the country may start to chaos.

Therefore, Liu Chan nodded and said, "Prime Minister, I understand. However, we need to unify various domestic opinions first. Of course, I am not a person like Emperor Xiaowu, and I have to do things like respecting Confucianism."

In fact, Liu Chan imitated what Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty did, and killed some people and attacked some dissidents, so that he could force all dissidents to succumb.But Liu Chan is not someone else, such a thing is absolutely contrary to his philosophy, otherwise he would not have to say that everyone is equal.

Zhuge Liang was puzzled and asked, "Your Majesty, in fact, this kind of thing is just a word from you!"

Liu Chan smiled wryly, and said, "Yes, of course no one dares to oppose a policy with the power in my hands. But what I'm talking about now is not that. What I mean is that we must first unify the officialdom of the big men. Now Chengdu is in one state, and Jiangling City is in another state. This is a very dangerous thing, and I am afraid that something will happen during the Northern Expedition!"

As Zhuge Liang listened, he also became worried. He felt that His Majesty seemed to be taking action to continue depriving himself of the power in his hands, right?I can't help but feel a little sad.

Liu Chan said a little excitedly: "Prime Minister, in my opinion, it is difficult to eliminate the differences in the officialdoms of the two places within a year or two. Therefore, we must have the ability to make the officials of the two places Something that's all focused on."

Zhuge Liang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "This is the Northern Expedition!"

"The Northern Expedition is not enough!" Liu Chan said, "We still have an ideal to focus everyone's attention on, and a common enemy."

In fact, what Liu Chan is talking about now is very similar to the neo-conservatism that is prevalent in the United States. To put it bluntly, it is: let the citizens of the United States have a common dream and ideal, and then create a common evil enemy for the people outside.

I have to say that Baidu Encyclopedia is accurate and easy to use in many aspects, but once it involves ideology and philosophy, it often doesn't know what it means. It's over, I don't know what to say at all.

And you will find that in the news of the 21st century, once the United States is unfriendly to China, the term American neoconservatism is usually thrown out immediately, but in fact, few people understand the meaning of this word.

At this time, it is useless to check the encyclopedia.

However, you only need to notice one person first: Leo Strauss.He is the initiator of neoconservative thought.

This man taught at the University of Chicago, but reportedly never wrote papers, but was obsessed with promoting his ideas to students at his own college.Then the man successfully cultivated his own disciples.A large number of his disciples served as the government's staff, and some even became the deputy minister of national defense.Most of these students are still alive, active, and continuing to wreak havoc on the world.

Moreover, like Bush Jr.'s Vice President Cheney, Bush Jr. and his father Bush Sr.'s joint Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, these two people are staunch adherents of neoconservatism.Then, you will find that during Rumsfeld's two terms of office, wars were launched against Iraq.Because Saddam Hussein is the evil enemy of the United States created by the neoconservatives after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, of course we must fight!

In this way, the will of the United States will be condensed.

It is said that Nixon also pursued this approach, which is why he launched the "Star Wars Project" to the Soviet Union, and then the credit for the disintegration of the Soviet Union began to be attributed to their policies by the neoconservatives.

But the question is, who were the political enemies of the neoconservatives during the Nixon era?It is absolutely difficult for ordinary people to guess, but the answer is more interesting: Kissinger, Nixon's Secretary of State.

Kissinger's reputation in the United States does not seem to be that good, and he is called a "ruthless pragmatist".When I saw the word pragmatism for the first time, I felt so kind!Because isn't this our national character, what our government has been doing all the time?

So, everyone began to feel relieved: Why was Kissinger hated in the United States, and even universities refused to let him teach, but once he arrived in China, he became our best old friend?Because everyone is a "pragmatist" ah, practicality first, care about your good and bad as long as it is beneficial to me, don't insist on any principles at all!Therefore, under the leadership of Kissinger, in order to deal with the Soviet Union, the United States abandoned its ideological confrontation, and China and the United States established diplomatic relations.

Well, enough talking, let’s take a look back at the political history of the world in the past 60 years.

(End of this chapter)

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