Chapter 41

After Fu Tianyuan and his son were caught, they were sentenced to death three days later.Moreover, through their interrogation, a group of officials who had colluded with them were also exposed, the number of which reached more than [-].

Military Master Zhuge was furious, and immediately ordered those officials, whether they were still in office or not, to conduct a thorough investigation one by one. Once evidence was found, they would be dismissed immediately and given a serious sentence!

Among them, the confession that surprised Liu Chan the most is: first, Sun Quan actually colluded with Fu Tianyuan, and even directly went to cooperate with Fu Tianyuan from Soochow to kidnap him!The second item, various information shows that Sun Tong and Fu Tianyuan of the Sun family in Jingzhou are also inextricably linked!
Liu Chan was really annoyed with Sun Tong.But now Sun Tong has been beheaded, and he himself promised that he would not hold the rest of the Sun family accountable, so this matter can only be considered as an end here.

After Fuyun and his son were beheaded, the corpses were discarded at Caishikou, and no one dared to claim them.

In fact, Liu Chan also went to Caishikou to watch the execution that day, and the whole place was crowded with people and it was really lively.But when the crowd dispersed, there were only two solitary corpses left at the scene, which was really desolate.

Liu Chan sighed secretly, since you are a thief, you must be prepared to be beheaded by the government one day, right?
However, although Liu Chan hated Fu Tianyuan and his son, he was dead after all.He ordered the guards to find a few people, wrapped their bodies in straw mats, and buried them in a mass grave outside the city.Then, Liu Chan returned home feeling a little disappointed.Sometimes, seeing the enemy being killed with my own eyes, I still feel panicked in my heart.

But Liu Chan actually didn't have so many worries.At least the things about the National Hospital made him feel very proud.It was refurbished as scheduled in half a year. Because of deliberately maintaining the independence of the academy and keeping a corresponding distance from the government, the Medical Academy simply held a ceremony and started recruiting students.

In fact, this is probably the first college in the history of the world that is used to train professionals. The work situation, as well as the school's internal discipline.

Before that, Hua Tuo and Zhang Fangping had been worrying about the source of students in the National Academy of Medicine. Later, under the joint promotion of Liu Chan and Mr. Zhuge, it was quickly resolved well.

In fact, Liu Chan had asked Zhuge Military Adviser to issue an order to register all doctors in Jingzhou.What surprised Liu Chan was that the number of doctors in Jingzhou was much more than he had guessed, reaching nearly 1800.From among them, they selected those who were both basic and young, and let them enter the National Medical Academy in batches for a one-year training, and the government issued special subsidies every month.However, each session is limited to 20 people only.

However, there is one person in the medical department who is quite special and I have to mention it.That is Zhao Feng's wife, Shi Hui.She has been trained as a ninja since she was a child and has a deep understanding of poison.So Liu Chan specially asked the board of directors to approve her to follow Zhang Fangping and Hua Tuo to study the pharmacology of various drugs.Because Liu Chan intends to train her to be a poison expert, so that she can contribute to the army in the future.

As for the students of the accounting department, it is even easier to handle.There are a large number of civil servants in Jingzhou who are engaged in accounts and grain management.These people were all selected from the private sector. Although they were able to handle accounts, they had not undergone systematic training. If the Liu family's territory expanded in the future, they would inevitably be unable to do what they wanted.Therefore, these people were divided into several periods and sent to the accounting department for training.

As for mathematics, this is one of Liu Chan's most valued subjects.In ancient times, although the Chinese nation has always been at the world's leading level in the field of mathematics.However, there are very few people who are willing to study mathematics, and there is no complete and systematic mathematical system.This is also an important reason why China's technology lags far behind the West in the future.

But in China, a country that focuses on "practical", it is really difficult to find students who are willing to learn mathematics.Liu Chan had no choice but to ask Zu Wen to get the accounts done first.Mathematics is first taught as a sub-subject of accounts.If any outstanding talents are found among them, we can do everything possible to dig them over.Zu Wen was originally frowning by the students of mathematics, but when he heard Liu Chan's words, he immediately realized what he was saying, and called him Dashan.

The mathematics department finally found two very talented students, but it was a year or two later, but it really made Zu Wen very happy.

Unfortunately, one of the students was Mr. Zhang Xing's former student, Wang Yu.After Mr. Zhang Xing heard about it, he immediately became furious at Liu Chan, saying how could a sage disciple learn those heresies.Liu Chan had no choice but to pretend that he didn't hear, and talked about him from left to right, which made Mr. Zhang helpless.

Since Liu Chan had an appointment with Military Adviser Zhuge in advance to prevent the government from interfering in the affairs of the National Academy of Medicine, it is obviously against Liu Chan's original intention to ask Military Adviser Zhuge to help with such fanfare.Liu Chan cleverly set up a name and called these trainings the "Training Program Entrusted by Officials".Then, of course, the government would no longer be able to dictate to the academy.Such an approach was also supported by Dean Zhang Fangping, Hua Tuo and others.

A year later, the training of the first trainees in the Faculty of Medicine is completed.During this year, each of them studied very seriously.Moreover, Zhang Fangping has a great reputation in Jingxiang, and the genius doctor Hua Tuo's reputation is even more terrifying. If they don't seize this opportunity to study hard, they must be fools.After the assessment, only 20 of the 7 students could graduate, and the pass rate was only one-third. Liu Chan was really taken aback, and hurried to ask why.

It turned out that Liu Chan told the two of them at the beginning that doctors are professions that affect human life, so they must be lenient in entry and strict in exit.And Zhang Fangping and the two did just do this.Liu Chan thought about it, and it was true. It seemed that he had no hair on his mouth, and he was incapable of doing things. He forgot what he had said, and immediately apologized to the two gentlemen.

After research, the three directors decided to let the two-thirds of the students stay for further training and set up a special class, allowing them to take the assessment once a month, and they will graduate if they pass.In this way, too many educational resources will not be wasted.

The whereabouts of the 7 graduates are quite special.On the one hand, the National Academy of Medicine needs to express its gratitude to the Jingzhou Army for its strong support, and on the other hand, it needs to reserve enough talents for itself.Therefore, two of the best surgical talents were selected and sent to Jiamengguan where Liu Bei was located as medical officers.There are wars there from time to time, just for them to accumulate experience, and within a few years, they should be able to become mature surgeons.

For this reason, Liu Chan personally wrote a letter to Liu Bei, asking him to protect the personal safety of the two of them. They will return to the National Academy of Medicine to teach in the future.Of the remaining five, three were invited by Zhang Fei's army, and two remained in the Jingzhou army.

Those students who have repeated grades, seeing that every graduate can become a medical officer, and if their medical skills are more advanced, they can even return to the National Academy of Medicine as a lecturer, they are both envious and regretful in their hearts, why didn't they work harder at the beginning? What about a little?Their enthusiasm for learning has also increased.

After Zu Wen's accounting department training, the two batches of graduates all mastered Arabic numerals and arithmetic algorithms. After returning to their original jobs, their work efficiency increased several times in an instant.In this regard, the happiest person must be Military Division Zhuge.He is a person who pursues perfection. The more efficient his subordinates are, the happier he is.

Later, Liu Chan saw that Zu Wen was teaching alone, and he was too busy, so sometimes he would go into battle by himself.The rules of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division may be quite difficult for the ancients, but for Liu Chan, who was a key undergraduate student in his previous life, it is a piece of cake.

But when he found out that his teenage child was going to talk in front of a group of adults, he felt a little weird.However, he and the students gradually adapted to such an embarrassing situation.Moreover, sometimes he would explain some geometry problems on a whim, so that the students could use them in dealing with land disputes or measuring land in the future, which was warmly welcomed by the students.

Later, Liu Chan became famous for his lectures, and whenever he came to make fun of his lectures, the two mathematics students would sneak in among the accounting students to eavesdrop.

When Liu Chan was flourishing in the hospital, his reputation outside became bigger and bigger.Mr. Hua Tuo still maintains the habit of taking students around for free consultations, which has won a good reputation for Liu Chan and the National Academy of Medicine.All of these made Liu Chan's reputation as a "child prodigy", and he was in the limelight for a while, completely overshadowing the limelight of Cao Chong, the deceased beloved son of Cao Cao, king of Wei, and Zhuge Ke and Zhuge Qiao, the beloved sons of Zhuge Jin of the Eastern Wu Dynasty.

Everyone began to believe that Liu Chan was really the Big Dipper descending from the sky. Otherwise, how could he have done so many things that even adults couldn't do at such a young age?

However, even so, Liu Bei's tone in his letter to Liu Chan became more and more severe.Liu Chan was repeatedly warned not to indulge too much in heretical learning, but to spend more time studying with Mr. Zhang, which shows that he does not really agree with the National Academy of Medicine.

Later, Liu Bei even personally wrote a letter of apology to Mr. Zhang, asking him to supervise Liu Chan's studies more.Liu Chan had no choice but to reduce the number of visits to the National Hospital.

However, at the end of the year, Mr. Zhang Xing passed away.Liu Chan's studies were also temporarily dismissed, and he became more relaxed, but he was actually quite sad, and he still clearly remembered the day when he and Mr. Zhang Xing's family sent Mr. Zhang Xing to the National Hospital for emergency treatment. .

In fact, although Mr. Zhang is a stubborn old man who does not agree with Liu Chan's actions, he has never accused him of anything wrong in front of others, except that he was furious at Liu Chan once because the National Academy of Medicine recruited his student Wang Yu. Restrain yourself with the virtue of a sage.So in terms of personality, he is absolutely unmatched by ordinary people.For such a person, Liu Chan just wanted to be angry, but he couldn't get angry.

On the day of Mr. Zhang's funeral, people from the entire Jiangling City gathered spontaneously, whether it was ordinary people, celebrities from Jingxiang, or officials such as Zhuge military advisers, and even the students and teachers of the National Medical Academy who had always been incompatible with Mr. Zhang. , all came to see him off.The team has been stretching out of the city three or four miles long.

(End of this chapter)

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