The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 425 Biography of Cao Wei

Chapter 425 Biography of Cao Wei
In the camp of the Jiangdong Army, lanterns and festoons began to be decorated that night.After all, Guan Yu's death, in their view, almost doomed the end of Nanjun, which was to fall into Jiangdong's hands.

Sun Quan really thought the same way, so while lamenting Guan Yu, he was actually very happy in his heart, otherwise he would not have ordered to put up lanterns and festoons in the camp.

Then, Sun Quan began to summon the generals to raise the account.Looking at the majestic generals below, Sun Quan was overjoyed.

At this time, some personal guards came to ask Sun Quan for instructions. They captured Guan Yu's horse, Chituma, and what should be done now.

The red rabbit horse is a first-class horse in the world. It first followed Lu Bu to achieve the reputation of being invincible in the world, and then was given to Guan Yu by Cao Cao, which made Guan Yu famous.Now that the horse was caught, Sun Quan's curiosity was immediately aroused.

Sun Quan stood up from his seat and said with a smile: "Everyone, Gu always heard people say that this red rabbit horse is an unparalleled horse in the world. I had seen it before the battle, but because it was too far away, But I can’t see it clearly. Let’s go and see it together now.”

The lord has spoken, and of course the generals cannot refuse.What's more, most of the people here are generals now, so why not love horses?Although it seems that the lord wants this horse himself, it is not bad even if he has seen it for his eyes.

So, everyone agreed one after another, and followed Sun Quan out of the big account.

I saw a row of wooden stakes erected on the open space in front of the tent, surrounded by lit torches.A horse with a length of ten feet and fur as red as charcoal was tied to a wooden stake.Looking at its momentum, it is really extraordinary.

After watching for a while, Sun Quan called Lu Meng forward, pointed to the red rabbit horse and asked, "Dudu Lu, how do you feel about the red rabbit horse?"

Lv Meng said with a smile: "This horse is really the only one in the world!"

Sun Quan nodded, and seemed to agree with Lu Meng's statement.He said: "Everyone is saying that a good horse is better than a hero. Now that Guan Yu has died, leaving only such a good horse, it is a bit wronged."

Lu Meng cupped his hands and said, "Master Shenwei, this horse is the most suitable match for Master Gong."

There was a slight smile on Sun Quan's face, he liked Lu Meng's compliment very much, and said with a smile: "Dudu Lu, you are absurdly praising Gu. From Gu's point of view, among the generals today, there is no one who is worthy of this piece of red rabbit." Of the horses, you are the only one left to supervise you. Gu will give it to you now."

As soon as Sun Quan said this, there was an uproar among the generals, but they all admired Sun Quan's open-mindedness, and he was willing to give such a treasure to others.

Lu Meng was taken aback by Sun Quan's words.He was a little flattered at first, but then his heart was moved again, thinking to himself, if he killed Guan Yu with a plan, did he shock the lord because of his great achievements, and made the lord jealous of him?When he said these words now, he was actually just testing himself.

The so-called companionship is like companionship with a tiger, everything should be modest and prudent.Thinking of this, Lu Meng immediately decided that no matter what, he couldn't accept this red rabbit horse.

Lu Meng's heart moved, and he cupped his hands quickly and said, "My lord, Meng dare not accept this reward. This horse was actually obtained by Ma Zhong, a subordinate of General Pan Zhang. This person personally took it down, and it can be said that the greatest hero in today's battle. The last general suggested that the lord can give this horse to Ma Zhong as a reward."

In fact, in Lu Meng's view, Ma Zhong was just an army commander under Pan Zhang, and had nothing to do with him.Sun Quan rewarded him with the red rabbit horse, so that he could have nothing to do.

Sun Quan suddenly burst into laughter, and praised: "Dudu Lu, you are really the lonely General Fubo!"

Lu Meng even said he didn't dare.However, Sun Quan did reward Ma Zhong with the red rabbit horse next, which really made Ma Zhong cheap.Then, Sun Quan rewarded Pan Zhang with the Qinglong Yanyue Sword as a reward for his contribution in killing Guan Yu.

As a result, all the generals were happy, and everyone re-entered the big tent.

After everyone took their seats, Zhang Zhao first cupped his hands and said to Sun Quan: "My lord, it is indeed a good thing that Guan Yu is now the head. But Guan Yu is not only Liu Yizhou's minister, but also his brother with Zhang Yide. I think he and the people who are near Jiangzhou Zhang Yide and the two of them will definitely not let go of me, Jiang Dong."

Sun Quan's expression changed upon hearing this.He was so happy before that he forgot about this relationship.Now that Zhang Zhao mentioned this, he came to his senses just now, and quickly asked, "What Zibu said is very true. Do you have any good countermeasures?"

Zhang Zhao turned his head slightly to look at Lu Meng on the opposite side, and said to Sun Quan: "My lord, don't worry too much. The only thing to worry about now is that the war in Nanyang County has come to an end. If Liu Bei abandons the relationship with Cao Wei in order to avenge Guan Yu Hatred. After he made peace with Cao Wei, the two coalition forces attacked me in Jiangdong, which is very bad."

When Lu Meng and the generals heard this, they not only deeply admired Zhang Zhao's insight.This kind of overall situation view is indeed not something that ordinary people can see.

Sun Quan was startled when he heard this, and asked Zhang Zhao, "What good strategy can Zibu teach me?"

Zhang Zhao quickly said: "I don't dare. My lord, you might as well send Guan Yu's head to Cao Wei and let Liu Bei know that it was caused by the joint efforts of Cao Wei and our army. At that time, Liu Bei will surely hold grudges with Cao Wei, so there is no need It is possible to unite with them again. Even Liu Bei will hate Cao Wei even more because of this, and it may not be certain that he will attack Wei instead of Wu."

Sun Quan nodded, and the nervous expression on his face eased a lot.

Zhang Zhao went on to say, "My lord, the main goal of my Soochow now is to capture Jiangling City as soon as possible. Therefore, if we do this, we can buy some time for the capture of Jiangling City."

Zhang Zhao's last sentence directly hit Sun Quan's heart.Although he is now worried that Liu Bei will come to crusade in the future, but what he wants most now is still this Jiangling City in Nanjun.Let's wait until the future to talk about the future.

Sun Quan immediately praised: "Zibu's plan is very clever!" Then, he called for men to put Guan Yu's head in a brocade box, and sent a special envoy to send it to Cao Wei.

Lu Meng stood up and stopped Sun Quan.Sun Quan wondered, "Did Governor Lu disagree with Zibu's plan?"

Zhang Zhao immediately turned his head and looked at Lu Meng coldly.

Lu Meng quickly explained: "That's not the case. The last general just thinks that Guan Yu's head is still useful. After it is used up, the Lord can send it to Cao Wei."

Sun Quan snorted and asked, "What is the use of this head?"

Lu Meng said: "We can use Guan Yu's head to recruit the enemy troops in Jiangling City. Even if they don't surrender, after seeing Guan Yu's head with their own eyes, the army's morale will be in chaos, and our army's attack on the city will definitely be more effective!"

Sun Quan was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately agreed to Lu Meng's suggestion.

At this time, Zhu Yi, who was standing behind Zhu Huan, nodded slightly to Zhu Huan.Zhu Huan opened his mouth and said to Sun Quan: "My lord, after Guan Yu's death, the Jingzhou army will definitely be disrupted tonight. The general is willing to lead an army to attack the camp!"

Lu Meng may not have hesitated in his heart.Now that the cunning Shi Guangyuan is still among the Jingzhou army, Zhu Huan may not succeed if he wants to rob the camp by night.

Just before Lu Meng wanted to persuade him, Sun Quan didn't know if his head was getting hot, and he immediately said with a smile: "That's very good, I will give you 7000 troops alone, and Jiang Qin will lead another 4000 troops to support him."

When Lu Meng came to his lips, he couldn't say it anymore.

That night, Zhu Huan and Zhu Yi led an army of 7000 people and broke into the Jingzhou Army's camp in one fell swoop.

However, to everyone's astonishment, the camp was empty.

Zhu Huan immediately realized that he might have been tricked, and immediately ordered the army to retreat.At this time, countless bright spots suddenly appeared in the sky above the Jingzhou army camp.

Zhu Huan couldn't help exclaiming: "Rocket!"

After those rockets fell, the entire camp suddenly became a sea of ​​flames.Then, Liao Hua and Liao Sheng each led an army and rushed out.Zhu Huan's army suddenly became chaotic.

This is really repaying the person in the same way as the person.This is what Shi Guangyuan and Wang Fu said, before their entire army retreated, they left a small gift to Wu Jun.

After the two sides fought for an hour and a half, Zhu Huan's army suffered heavy losses.In the end, they broke through under the support of Jiang Qinjun.

However, in this battle, the 7000 troops led by Zhu Huan's army lost nearly 4000 people.After Zhu Huan escaped, Zhi Hao went to ask Sun Quan to take the blame.Unexpectedly, at this time, someone responded with a "heavy punch", and Sun Quan was so angry that he yelled.

Early the next morning, Sun Quan's army marched to attack the Jingzhou army camp.But when they got to the ground, they found that the camp was really empty this time.

Sun Quan was so angry that his face turned as green as his eyes.

When Wang Fu's letter was delivered to Xiangyang City and reached Zhuge Qiao's hands, it was already close to the afternoon of that day.

After Zhuge Qiao asked about the situation, he was so frightened by the news of Guan Yu's death that his face turned pale.He immediately took the letter and rushed to Liu Chan's study.

Before Zhuge Qiao's men reached the study room, they couldn't help shouting loudly: "My son, my son, it's not good, it's not good!"

Seeing Zhuge Qiao running, Liu Chan looked extremely flustered, and rushed to meet him, asking, "What's wrong?"

Zhuge Qiao shook an envelope in his hand and said loudly, "Mr. Wang Fu has sent a letter."

Liu Chan smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Wang will send letters to Xiangyang every one or two days. It's not surprising. Is there any bad news?"

Zhuge Qiao swallowed hard, and said, "Exactly! According to Wang Junshi's letter, Guan Junhou died in Jiangling City!"

Liu Chan was immediately frightened by this shocking news, his whole body couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, and he couldn't recover from his stupefaction.

(End of this chapter)

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