The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 455 The Great War Comes Back

Chapter 455 Great War Resurrection ([-])

In the morning of this day, not long after the genius had been lit, the sky was still hazy like a sleepy eye that had just woken up.

The mighty sound of war drums in the distance suddenly sounded from the flat ground, instantly shattering the silence of the morning and covering up the low chirping of spring birds.

Zhou Tai is a well-known veteran general. Even though the enemy has been shy away from showing up recently, he has instinctively maintained a kind of vigilance in his heart.So, he woke up suddenly from the bed.He knew that the sound of war drums so far away should not belong to his own army.

Zhou Tai immediately jumped up from the couch, quickly ordered the guards to come in and help him put on the armor, and then rushed out of his camp.

After going outside the tent, Zhou Tai looked in the direction of the sound of war drums, which was the direction of Liao Huajun's camp.He couldn't help hesitating a little in his heart, and muttered, did Liu Adou finally dare to come out to compete with himself now?

The lower captain Zhou Shan—that is, the guy who designed to lure Sun Shangxiang back to Jiangdong, he is Zhou Tai's clan brother, and now he is the captain of Zhou Tai's guard, leading a team of about a hundred black armored warriors, Hastily ran over.

Before Zhou Shanren arrived, his voice arrived first, and he waved to Zhou Tai and shouted: "General Zhou, Liu Adou is here, and Liu Adou's army is dispatched!"

Zhou Tai frowned, always feeling a little inappropriate, and immediately asked, "How many people are here?"

Zhou Shan came in front of Zhou Tai, and his height was actually only a little shorter than Zhou Tai's.He cupped his hands and said, "There are a lot of people, there must be more than 5000 people!"

Zhou Tai couldn't help being horrified when he heard the words, 5000 people, that's almost twice the size of his army.No matter how low the morale of the opponent is, if he fights him with such an array, I'm afraid it is unlikely to be at a disadvantage.

Zhou Tai couldn't help but shouted: "5000 people? How is this possible? Liao Hua's camp doesn't have that many people!"

Zhou Shan said anxiously: "The specific number may even exceed 5000! Don't forget that the Jingzhou Army has set up three battalions. Even if Liao Sheng's battalion does not move, Liu Adou can still rely on it. Dangyang in the back will mobilize his troops!"

Zhou Tai couldn't help but let out an ah.

Then, Zhou Shan reminded: "General, when you came out, didn't the governor give you a letter for you to open and read when Liu Adou sent troops."

Zhou Tai couldn't help but patted his forehead, it was true what Zhou Shan said.

When he was about to leave, the governor also urged him not to open the letter early.At that time, he didn't pay much attention to it, and just put it on his desk after he came here.It's been so long, he almost forgot about this matter.

Zhou Tai immediately asked the guards to go to the camp to get the letter.After he opened it and looked at it, a look of surprise appeared on his face, and he suddenly shouted: "My governor is really good at predicting things!"

Then, Zhou Tai handed the letter to Zhou Shan to read.After Zhou Shan read it, he also showed a look of conviction and a rare smug smile on his face.

Zhou Tai ordered Zhou Shan to send a fast horse to ask for help according to the letter.

Then, Zhou Tai ordered the whole army to dispatch to seize the surrounding favorable terrain.Facing an enemy army with a superior force, they don't know that they have fought well now, but this is always safer.

Liu Chan, Shi Guangyuan, Liao Hua, Liao Sheng, and Zhao Feng led a total of nearly 2 troops, and half of them were indeed drawn overnight from Dangyang City.They came to the field fifteen miles east of the camp, which was only seven or eight miles away from Zhou Taijun's camp.

Immediately, the Jingzhou Army spread out one word at a time, and the banners fluttered in the cold spring wind.The passionate drums sounded one after another, resounding through the endless plains, announcing their arrival.

The current Jingzhou army has already been completely reborn, sweeping away the previous haze of losing its commander.Under the command of officers at all levels, there is no need for Liu Chan to worry too much. Their scouts have already spread around the army formation.

The tense atmosphere before the war shrouded the land that was supposed to enter cultivation in two days.It's a pity that he is not giving birth to life now, but a bloody slaughter!
Soon, the captain of the scout came to inform Liu Chan that the Jiangdong Army had now occupied several hills two miles away, and had completed their formation.

Liu Chan looked back at Shi Guangyuan who was standing beside him, and said with a smile, "Sir, does Zhou Tai mean that he is afraid that we have too many people?"

Shi Guangyuan smiled slightly and said: "Judging from Zhou Tai's violent temperament, this person will definitely compete with our army even if he has few people. He is currently on the defensive. I am afraid that the reason behind it is not so simple. .My lord, I think we should pay more attention to this battle."

Liu Chan felt that what Shi Guangyuan said was not unreasonable-they had been plotting against Zhou Tai all the time, wouldn't others plot against them?
Therefore, Liu Chan immediately decided that in the next formation, he should leave more reserves behind him to deal with the sudden situation.

Then, Liu Chan began to assign tasks according to the battle plan.

Liu Chan first ordered Zhao Feng to lead 4000 men to attack the enemy's west side.

Liao Sheng was ordered to lead 4000 men to detour to the east and attack the enemy's east flank.

Liao Hua was ordered to lead 6000 men to attack the enemy directly from the north. It is best to tear the enemy's position directly from the front.

All the generals immediately took orders to leave.The 6000-man army behind Liu Chan stood still, but now only Shi Guangyuan, Shi Hui, and Zuo Fu were left by his side.

Shi Guangyuan was a head taller than Liu Chan, and his expression was quite calm and composed.In fact, when he went to the battlefield with this Liu Adou recently, he felt very relaxed.Liu Adou is definitely not as good as him in strategizing outside the battlefield. This is because of his knowledge, and of course because of his life experience.

But once on the battlefield, Shi Guangyuan found that Liu Chan's overall planning ability was undoubtedly revealed.His allocation of troops is always so precise and meticulous that most famous generals may find it difficult to achieve this.But this Liu Adou seems to be born with such a talent, you can't even be jealous.

Therefore, on the battlefield, Shi Guangyuan, the military commander of the town army, had nothing to do except to do some consulting for Liu Adou, even if he talked about it.

At this time, the rumbling drums sounded like thunder ripping through the sky, and everyone else felt a little creepy when they heard it.

The troops of Zhao Feng, Liao Hua, and Liao Sheng were dispatched, like three long dragons winding their bodies, drawing three curved trajectories on the field, rushing towards the direction of the enemy.

The sound of shouting and charging, mixed with the chaotic footsteps, filled the sky with murderous aura.

(End of this chapter)

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