The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 463 The Great War Comes Back

Chapter 463 The War Comes Back ([-])

Zhou Tai also killed like crazy.

After a burst of rushing, he broke through dozens of Jingzhou soldiers who were intercepted in front, and rushed to the front abruptly. No one was his opponent.All the enemies standing in front of him were knocked down by him.

At this time, Zhou Tai was an angry lion, leading his pride of lions to attack crazily.

However, the soldiers of the Jingzhou Army rushed forward batch after batch without fear.

Zhao Feng saw Zhou Tai's frenzied killing, and his ugly face showed no mercy for the death of the enemy like a god of death, and even an expression of extreme disgust.

Zhao Feng yelled, jumped on his mount, and galloped towards the mountain.He was going to kill Zhou Tai and end today's killing that lasted too long as quickly as possible.Seeing this, dozens of white-eared guards followed closely behind, and rushed towards Wu Jun like a whirlwind, protecting the rear and two wings for him.

However, Zhou Tai's situation immediately became difficult.Zhao Feng's quick counterattack made it difficult for the soldiers around him to withstand it, so they had to retreat again.

Zhou Tai looked at Zhao Feng who was getting closer and closer, and suddenly felt the long-lost excitement in his heart.

Zhou Tai suddenly pointed his knife at Zhao Feng, and shouted loudly: "Shoot him, shoot that guy in white silver armor!"

The six archers behind Zhou Tai immediately stepped forward and took their positions.

Seeing this, Zhao Feng couldn't help but feel a chill on his face.Wu Jun shot arrows in such a short distance, no matter how high his martial arts skills were, it was impossible for Wu Jun to avoid it.

As soon as he felt ruthless, if he couldn't hide, he continued to charge forward.

Zhao Feng yelled loudly, stabbed the horse's belly with his riding boots, and the horse neighed wildly, jumping up, and the Wu soldiers blocking the way were knocked and scattered in all directions.

Seeing this, Zhou Tai had two long scars on his forehead, and the skin on it wrinkled involuntarily.He supported his helmet with his hands, and continued to order the soldiers to step forward to intercept Zhao Feng, and kept yelling, telling the archers to shoot at Zhao Feng quickly.

Arrows in front of him were like locusts, Zhao Feng leaned on his mount, trying to keep his body as low as possible.

Zhao Feng suddenly took out a concealed weapon that Shi Hui was used to, and threw it forward with a wave of his hand. Suddenly, a group of people in front were shot, and there was a burst of howls.

At this moment, Zhao Feng's mount suddenly neighed again, soaring into the air, it actually jumped over the blocking human wall!

Zhao Feng's figure kicked on the horse, and his figure flew higher.Zhou Tai raised his head high, but only saw a light-colored figure under the sun, and could hardly see where Zhao Feng's figure went.

With a bang, Zhao Feng's war horse fell down in front of Zhou Tai, and Zhou Tai's face ached from the splash of dust.Zhou Tai hurriedly jumped to the side, so as not to be hit by the horse.

"Zhou Tai, go to hell!"

Zhao Feng roared angrily, and suddenly threw out the tiger-headed silver spear in his hand.

The gun was silvery white, and the sunlight concealed its figure at the same time.

With a bang, the tiger-headed silver spear pierced Zhou Tai's chest without warning, pierced through Zhou Tai's body, and nailed him to the bloody ground.Zhou Tai couldn't move even if he moved, he could only see the blood flowing out from the barrel of the gun.

Zhou Shan, who was fighting on the sidelines, was suddenly frightened by the scene in front of him.Zhou Tai was actually killed by someone, and he was killed by a single shot. The general who crossed Jiangdong died just like that!
Zhou Shan really couldn't believe it.With a stern roar, he raised his knife and killed Zhao Feng. He wanted to avenge Zhou Tai!
But Zhou Shan's doing so is useless.With Zhou Tai's death, the front line of Zhou Tai's army completely collapsed, and they all fled down the mountain behind.

Seeing this, Zhao Feng, Liao Sheng and Liao Hua immediately separated some troops and successfully intercepted them. Only some of them were fast enough to break out of the encirclement.

Gan Ning saw that Zhou Tai's army had been defeated and surrounded by others, and knew that he had lost the battle.Now, his opponent is so tough again, Gan Ning decided not to play.

Gan Ning immediately asked the herald to send out all the messengers, and asked them to pass on their orders. After leaving a small army, the rest of the troops slowly withdrew from the battlefield!
When Zhou Ping learned that Gan Ning had given the order to retreat, his heart immediately became cold.Although he knew that Zhou Tai's army had already been defeated and was surrounded by the enemy, since he had come to reinforce him, how could he let go of Zhou Tai's army as soon as he saw the defeat?

In Zhou Ping's heart, he had already had a problem with Gan Ning's marching all the way deliberately dawdling.Now he even believed in his heart that if Gan Ning could speed up his march and arrive early, he should be able to rescue Zhou Tai's army.But now it's too late.

The more Zhou Ping thought about it, the angrier he became.He immediately rode his horse to find Gan Ning, and asked dissatisfiedly, "General Gan, why are you withdrawing your troops now? My elder brother is still trapped in the mountains!"

Seeing that Zhou Ping came to make trouble again, Gan Ning was already suffocating because of the defeat, and finally couldn't help shouting: "This general has sent an order to withdraw the troops, why don't you hurry up and organize the troops!"

Zhou Ping snorted coldly, his face flushed immediately, and he scolded: "Gan Ning, you villain! The governor asked you to rescue my brother, but you deliberately slowed down the marching speed, deliberately let my brother and the troops fall into the trap. Desperate situation. Then, you refused to save me and let my brother's army be wiped out by the enemy. How can you be so peaceful!"

Gan Ning didn't have the heart to explain to Zhou Ping in detail now, and Zhou Ping was already screaming in anger, so he didn't explain, and immediately threatened loudly: "Are you going to organize an army?!" It's so stern!
Zhou Ping snorted, and replied: "I won't go, you send someone to kill my elder brother immediately!"

Gan Ning couldn't help looking up to the sky and sighing, not to mention that Zhou Tai's army was surrounded by the enemy, even his own army was almost overwhelmed by the enemy's cavalry.

Save Zhou Tai?Save me, I'm going to be wiped out now!
Gan Ning couldn't help but roared: "Zhou Ping, you bastard who has more than failed to achieve success, if you disobey orders again, I will kill you with my own hands!" A pair of eyes as big as copper bells pressed against Zhou Ping tightly. Full of murderous intent.

Zhou Ping was a little frightened by Gan Ning's hideousness.But relying on his identity, he immediately shouted: "You dare to kill me!"

Suddenly, a silver light flashed, Gan Ning's saber was already in his hand, a thin bright red line appeared on Zhou Ping's neck, and a drop of blood flowed out from it.

Zhou Ping opened his eyes wide and pointed at Gan Ning in disbelief.He wanted to speak, but he couldn't say anything, and fell to the ground dead, clutching his neck.

Gan Ning is really ruthless in his actions, if he says to kill someone, he really dares to kill him.

The captain of Gan Ning's guard was stunned by Gan Ning's behavior. He stared blankly at Zhou Ping for a while, and couldn't help but startled: "General Gan, you, what are you doing..." He was completely at a loss.

Gan Ning glared at the captain of the guard fiercely, with a fierce look in his eyes, and cursed: "Why are you so timid and fearful, you bastard? If you kill it, you will kill it. What can you do? Besides, Zhou Ping has violated the law many times. My military order has been issued! Dispose of his body quickly."

Gan Ning put his sword back into its sheath and continued to order the army to retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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