Chapter 466 The Raid Failed
After Liu Chan returned to the camp, Zhuge Qiao had been waiting anxiously outside the camp for a long time.Seeing Shi Zi and others returning from a great victory, a bright smile suddenly appeared on their anxious faces, and they hurried forward to welcome them into the camp.

Soon after, Liao Hua came to report the casualties of his army to Liu Chan.Shi Guangyuan and Liao Sheng are still missing, but Liao Hua's action is commendable.

Liao Hua's body was obviously washed, all the blood on his body was washed off, and he put on a brand new bright silver armor.His hair and the light beard on his chin looked a little wet, and he could no longer smell the bloody smell from before.

Among them, 200 people died, and 500 people died in the battle of Gai Mengjun. The loss of war horses was at least 420 horses, which was within an acceptable range.Four people were identified as 730 seriously injured and [-] nine people were slightly injured.

Liu Chan nodded. There was indeed a lot of downsizing in this battle, but the downsizing of the Wu army was even more serious. It might reach about 8000 people, accounting for [-]% of the Wu army's troop strength when it dispatched troops.Coupled with the reduction of personnel in the previous battles that broke out between the two sides, Liu Chan estimated that the current strength of the Wu army in the Nanjun area should be only [-].

Therefore, such a large-scale loss rate is definitely a bolt from the blue for Wu Jun, an unbearable loss.

In addition to the troops of Xiong Ping and Tang Bi arranged by myself, they should have launched a surprise attack on Zhuge Jin's troops, and even the raid was over by this time.Therefore, in this battle, they will give full play to the advantages of the cavalry and annihilate 7000 of Zhuge Jin's 3000-strong troops, which is completely expected.

Therefore, the loss of more than [-] troops in one day is almost an unbearable loss to the morale of the army, the generals, and even the national level of Soochow on any battlefield.

Liu Chan can now even predict that after the Wu army has withstood this blow, it should start to shrink its troops. Even the two armies of Sun Huan and Zhu Huan near Huya Mountain will not continue to stay.

At that time, the situation between the two sides will be reversed at once.One's own army will truly be transformed into an attacking side, and the Wu army will be firmly suppressed near Jiangling City.At that time, the Wu army is not still thinking about how to capture Jiangling City, but is racking its brains to think about how to safely withdraw from Jiangling City.

Thinking of such a bright future, Liu Chan couldn't help feeling proud, and a bright smile suddenly appeared on his face.His two long eyebrows, which were not so thick, were raised upwards.

Liao Hua couldn't help but feel very strange when he saw the prince sitting like this and giggling all of a sudden. He was reporting the casualties of the soldiers. This should be a sad thing. What's so ridiculous about it?

Liao Hua coughed lightly, cupped his hands and asked, "My lord, what's wrong with you?"

Only then did Liu Chan come to his senses, smiled apologetically, and said, "Oh, it's nothing, you can continue to report the situation."

Liao Hua nodded, and continued: "Although our army has not lost much, but out of consideration for the soldiers, we can still let everyone rest for two days."

Liu Chan did not object to Liao Hua's suggestion. After today's one-day battle, the soldiers should indeed be very tired, and it should be a two-day rest.Therefore, Liu Chan immediately agreed.

Then, Shi Guangyuan and Liao Sheng also came.Everyone felt very happy in their hearts, and immediately stayed in Shizi's handsome tent to eat together.

After everyone finished eating and discussed military affairs for a while, the battle report of Xiong Ping and Tang Bi's cavalry finally arrived after a long delay.

Zhuge Qiao was very anxious for Zhuge Jin's safety, so he immediately took the battle report from the messenger and handed it to Liu Chan.

Liu Chan is quite excited now, his big eyes are fixed on the battle form, as if he is a hungry man who hasn't eaten for three days, and the battle form is a piece of delicious beef.

After Liu Chan got the battle report from Zhuge Qiao, he immediately looked through it.But as he read on, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared, and his brows were also slightly frowned, as if the content in the battle report was not very satisfactory.

Zhuge Qiao knew the son's temperament best, and his mood was the most complicated.He couldn't help turning his head to look at the messenger sent by Xiong Ping.The orderly must have been in a hurry, his clothes looked a bit sloppy, his face was covered with sweat stains and gray dust, which he hadn't had time to wipe off.Seeing Zhuge Qiao staring at him, he quickly lowered his head.

After seeing Liu Chanhe's battle report, Zhuge Qiao asked, "Your Majesty, what happened to the results of the battle between Xiong Ping and Tang Bi?"

Liu Chan pressed his hand to Zhuge Qiao, telling him not to ask further questions.Then, Liu Chan handed over the battle report to Shi Guangyuan.

After Shi Guangyuan took it over, Liao Hua, Liao Sheng, and Zhuge Qiao all gathered around and looked at it together.

When everyone only saw half of it, they almost knew the content of the battle report—Xiong Ping and Tang Bi raided Zhuge Jin's camp and returned without success!

Because Zhuge Jin's army was unexpectedly strong in fighting power, and the number was also unexpectedly large, probably reaching ten thousand people.After fighting with him for more than an hour, they realized that something was wrong.If Xiong Ping and Tang Bi hadn't decisively led the army to retreat immediately, otherwise they might have been surrounded by the Wu army and wiped out.

Zhuge Qiao couldn't help but exclaimed first, attracting everyone's attention.Only now did Zhuge Qiao realize that he lost his composure because he cared too much about his father's safety. Seeing that he should be safe and sound now, he couldn't help but feel a little overjoyed.

Zhuge Qiao blushed, and hurriedly bowed his hands to everyone, bowed his head and stepped aside without speaking.

Everyone understood Zhuge Qiao's current mood, and did not accuse Zhuge Qiao of acting like this was really inappropriate, but just pretended that this had never happened.

Shi Guangyuan immediately took a picture on the battle report, and sighed: "I said a long time ago that Lu Meng and Lu Ziming are opponents that even Guan Junhou can't beat! In today's battle, although he is still defeated overall, but It is hard to say that the enemy and the enemy are still one winner and one loser. This person's military skills can be seen, he is really a difficult character!"

The two brothers Liao Hua and Liao Sheng looked at each other and nodded, they only had admiration for Lu Meng in their hearts.Shizi and Mr. Shi plotted against him, so why isn't he plotting against Shizi?

In fact, if the army that raided Zhuge Jin's camp today hadn't been able to evacuate in time with the 4000 cavalry of Xiong Ping and Tang Bi, I am afraid that the entire army would be buried there.It can be said that Shizi's luck today is really good.

Everyone fell into silence immediately, and began to think about what to do next.But one thing is very clear. After today's battle, the Jingzhou Army has achieved enough results, and the balance of the war in Nanyang County has tilted to their side.

Sure enough, not long after, Liu Chan also figured this out.His originally frowning eyebrows were also loosened, and a calm expression appeared on his face, and he said: "We will hold a new combat meeting after Xiong Ping and Tang Bi return. Let's discuss the logistics of the army first." Supplies, arrangements for casualties, and my third uncle's reinforcements."

The son's arrangement is indeed appropriate, the above two issues are indeed the top priority.Everyone then took their seats.

(End of this chapter)

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