The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 477 The plan will be calculated

Chapter 477

At this moment, rivers of blood were flowing everywhere in the valley, and Zhang Da's men and horses were running out.

Time passed bit by bit, and it seemed that the mission had been completed. Zhu Ranjun on both sides of the valley trail was blocked, and after the surprise attack failed to achieve results, he began to retreat.

There was no expression on Zhang Fei's face, some people could see his thoughts clearly, but he kept ordering people to move the stones blocking the entrance of the valley.

However, there are too many stones accumulated in Taniguchi, and the progress is very slow.

Until nightfall that day, the sound in the valley had gradually weakened, and Zhang Fei no longer expected much from Zhang Da's 1000 troops.

When both ends of the valley are blocked and they are attacked by falling rocks and fire at the same time—especially fire attack, in such a closed environment as the valley, even if they are not burned to death, they will probably be suffocated to death. Zhang Da's troops are afraid that the whole army will be wiped out.

As time passed, Zhang Fei's men finally dug the valley.At this time, the valley was still shrouded in clouds and mist, but most of the open fires had been extinguished.

Zhang Fei immediately sent soldiers into the valley to look for the survivors.

Fortunately, the small stream in the valley helped a lot.Many soldiers covered their noses with wet cloths, and in order not to be burned by the fire, they all ran into or beside the creek, and finally survived.

Soon, some soldiers were carried out, either groaning in pain, or silenced by the smoke.Many people were also burnt, and their appearance was horrible.

Zhang Fei watched them being carried over with a blank expression, and went to the back to receive treatment from the doctors.He trembled slightly in his heart, feeling that he was a little cruel, knowing that the enemy was very likely to be ambushed in the valley, but he still agreed to let them in!
However, this style of acting is more like Zhang Fei's style. He really doesn't care about the lives of ordinary soldiers in many cases.

Zhang Fei can only pray in his heart now, Zhang Da can escape with his life, otherwise he will definitely kill Zhu Ranjun in the future.

Just when Zhang Fei felt guilty, a guard rushed over and reported, "General, we have finally found General Ding."

Zhang Fei immediately asked, "Dead or alive?"

The guard shook his head, indicating that he didn't know.Zhang Fei glared at the guard angrily, telling him to lead the way quickly.

Two soldiers were carrying Zhang Da, who had been blackened by the smoke, towards this side.Some of his hair and beard were burned off, and small holes were burned on his clothes.However, his chest didn't move, and he seemed to be out of breath.

Zhang Fei rushed up immediately and put his hand on his nose.Then, Zhang Fei couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and sighed: "Zhang Da died."

Zhang Fei felt a burst of grief.But he still didn't want to give up such a lieutenant.He immediately roared loudly, telling the guards behind to find the best doctor to treat Zhang Da.

Immediately, guards ran to the back at high speed, and soon a young, rather tall doctor came.

After Zhang Fei asked his name, he suddenly said with a strong murderous look: "You must save him for me, otherwise I will really kill you!"

The young doctor seemed to be used to seeing life and death, and he looked at Zhang Fei contemptuously and said, "Go away, don't delay my time to save people!" As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and moved Zhang Fei in front of him aside. , Zhang Fei was a little stunned.These guys who come out of the National Hospital are really very personal.

Then, the doctor immediately stepped forward to save the patient.Just like when Mr. Hua Tuo rescued Sun Yao who was drowning, he began to restore Zhang Da's heart.

As time passed, about a quarter of an hour, when everyone thought Zhang Da was hopeless, the young doctor suddenly let out a long breath and said, "Finally, I can breathe..."

In fact, this doctor also has a feeling of escape from the sky.Although he acted very domineering in front of Zhang Fei just now, how could he not be afraid of Zhang Fei's fierce appearance in his heart?

Soon, Zhang Da's chest moved first, then his fingers, and finally he was able to breathe slowly.

Zhang Fei immediately strode over. Under the light of the fire, his tall body cast a long black shadow, covering Zhang Da's dark face.

At this time, Zhang Da slowly opened his eyes, which were bloodshot.

Zhang Da didn't know if he saw Zhang Fei, but the first thing he said was: "Water... I'll give me water..."

Zhang Fei couldn't help feeling excited, and immediately held his hand and said, "Zhang Da, I'll order someone to bring you water right away." Zhang Fei stretched out his hand to take the water bag handed over by the guard, and fed Zhang Da himself with water.

After Zhang Da drank some water, his lips seemed to become moist, but the color was purple-black.

Then, Zhang Da finally recognized Zhang Fei, his lips moved, but he couldn't speak.

Zhang Fei turned to look at the young doctor next to him in doubt.The doctor knew what Zhang Fei meant, so he said: "He may be physically exhausted, just now he was holding his breath for water to drink. After drinking water, his spirit relaxed, and he didn't have the slightest energy to speak. ; moreover, it may be that his throat has been smoked, and he cannot speak for the time being."

Zhang Fei widened his eyes and said in surprise, "He won't become dumb?"

The doctor glanced at Zhang Fei, but didn't dare to look directly into Zhang Fei's eyes, and said, "I'll try to heal him as much as possible."

Zhang Fei nodded gratefully to the doctor.Then, he comforted Zhang Da and said: "Zhang Da, you go down to receive treatment first, and leave the rest to me. I promise you, I will definitely avenge today's revenge for you!"

Zhang Da's eyes, which were originally flushed, now filled with tears.

After seeing this situation, the doctor suddenly said: "There are still tears, which means that the eyes have not been blinded by the fireworks."

Only then did Zhang Fei cup his hands to the doctor and said, "Sir, I asked you to forgive me for being rude to you just now. Now, I will let Zhang Da get rid of you and take care of you."

The doctor nodded, bowed back, and said: "This is the duty of our doctors, you don't need to be too polite, General."

Zhang Fei nodded gratefully, and then told the soldiers carrying the man to go back with the doctor.

Soon, the casualties of the soldiers were also counted.Among Zhang Da's 400 soldiers, nearly 200 were lost, only [-] were still intact, and the rest were injured.

Zhang Fei immediately ordered that the dead soldiers be buried on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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