Chapter 48 Funds
Mr. Shi came to give lectures at the Academy of Medical Sciences. Zhang Fangping, the dean, and the two directors, Zu Wen and Hua Tuo, all welcomed him very much. In particular, they set up the largest classrooms for him to set up the School of Economics.

However, due to the high status of Confucianism in society and the fact that medicine is considered to be a low-level one, it is obviously difficult for Zhang Fangping, the dean, to manage the affairs of the School of Economics.Moreover, with Shi Guangyuan's crazy personality, it is very difficult for Zhang Fangping to intervene in the school's affairs.

Therefore, after careful consideration, the board of directors decided to let the Institute of Economics become independent within the National Institute of Medicine. Except that all budgets and disciplines must be supervised by the board of directors of the institute, the National Institute of Medicine will no longer intervene in all its affairs.Mr. Shi was quite satisfied with this proposal. He really looked down on other disciplines of the National Academy of Medicine, so he began to prepare for the School of Economics with peace of mind.

However, Liu Chan felt that if Mr. Shi was the only teacher in the school, it would be too easy for him, a crazy student, to make trouble in it. By that time, the students of other disciplines in the School of Medical Sciences would never have a good life again.

Moreover, if there is only one academic point of view in the School of Economics, the learning atmosphere would be too dull. He would like to invite teachers from the School of Economics to teach students of other disciplines to learn Confucianism in the future!Because Liu Chan recently discovered that not only medical students, but also the knowledge level of accounting students is generally low.

Liu Chan thought of Mr. Zhang Xing's closed disciple, Wang Meng and Wang Siyuan. This person had received Mr. Zhang Xing's true biography and was very knowledgeable. Now he is opening a museum in Changsha to teach students.In fact, when Zhang Xing was still alive, he was suppressed by the old man. Which of his disciples would dare to come out to support the National Academy of Medicine?Therefore, at that time Liu Chan did not dare to have the idea of ​​inviting Wang Meng.

Now that Mr. Zhang Xing passed away, and Mr. Shi, a well-known person in Jingxiang, is here, the time should be ripe to invite Wang Meng to Jiangling City.Liu Chan told Shi Guangyuan what he thought, and Shi Guangyuan was also an open-minded person, and he had heard of Wang Meng's name, so he immediately agreed to go to Changsha to invite people together.

Seeing that Shi Guangyuan came to invite him in person, Wang Meng couldn't shirk even if he wanted to, so he came to the National Hospital of Medicine.Moreover, under Liu Chan's strong encouragement, Wang Meng invited four well-known Confucian scholars to teach at the Academy of Medicine, and one of them was from Soochow.

In just half a year, the School of Economics has actually recruited 300 students, which is nearly seven or eight times larger than other subjects, and it also occupies most of the houses in the hospital!All of a sudden, the School of Economics and Medicine of the National Academy of Medicine was unrivaled in the limelight not only in the entire Jingxiang, but also in the entire Jiangnan area!
But the problem soon came.The scale of the School of Economics has really expanded too much. The daily expenses alone have almost squeezed out all the funds of the entire National Medical School, seriously affecting the operation of Liu Chan's favorite medical department.

In fact, medicine is a very expensive thing. In order to cultivate students' practical experience, each medical student takes turns to treat and deliver medicines to the public for free in the hospital.With the addition of such a huge scholastic school, the 1000 gold funds that Liu Chan brought back at the beginning are already very little left.

Liu Chan himself has no income at ordinary times, so he can no longer support the National Academy of Medicine.Overwhelmed by the burden, Liu Chan had no choice but to convene the board of directors and notify the School of Economics to temporarily stop recruiting new students.

After Shi Guangyuan received the notice, he immediately found Liu Chan and was furious.Liu Chan really wants to cry but has no tears. Why are these Confucian scholars so angry?At the beginning, Mr. Zhang Xing scolded him like hell, but now there is such a Shi Guangyuan again.

But he couldn't do it?As an underage child, he has to worry about hundreds of students all day long, is it easy for him!It wasn't until Liu Chan explained the situation of the National Academy of Medicine to Shi Guangyuan that Mr. Shi calmed down and suggested that Liu Chan should ask Kong Ming for money.

Liu Chan couldn't help laughing bitterly.The National Academy of Medicine helps Jingzhou train doctors, and it charges training fees every month.But that money is not even 70% of the medical expenses given to the people, and Jingzhou's finances are not rich, how can he ask for money?
What's more, when he established the National Medical Academy, he had already made it clear to Zhuge Junshi that he didn't want the National Medical Academy to get too close to the government.If he went to ask for money now, where would he put his face?Shi Guangyuan fell silent immediately, and then left.

But the astonishing news came three days later, the School of Economics actually announced that it would charge students additional tuition fees.Moreover, the tuition fee still varies from person to person. The tuition fee for children from aristocratic families and wealthy merchants is more than three times that of children from ordinary families.This made Liu Chan think of the "sponsorship fee" for the admission of future generations of students, and couldn't help secretly praising Shi Guangyuan for his brains. When will those rich people feel sorry for a little tuition?

Moreover, Shi Guangyuan's reputation is quite large, and he is the best friend of Zhuge's military advisor, so there is an endless stream of people from the Jingzhou area who want to come to apprentice him.Therefore, even if Mr. Shi charges higher tuition fees, almost no one will shrink back.

So, a month later, the number of students in the school increased by another 50.However, it not only achieved financial self-sufficiency, but also had a slight surplus, and all the surplus was submitted to the National Academy of Medicine for funding of other subjects.

Liu Chan secretly praised that Shi Guangyuan was actually quite conscientious, and he didn't take advantage of this moment to make trouble, overthrow other disciplines, and dominate the entire National Academy of Medicine.In fact, the status of Confucianism was so noble at that time, Shi Guangyuan didn't even bother to compete with other disciplines, and Liu Chan was simply too worried.

But even so, the problem of financial depletion is still unsolvable, after all, the expenditure of the current National Hospital of Medicine is far greater than the income!It seems like this is not going to work, Liu Chan is really anxious, and almost wants to pawn the things at home.But the things at home are not his, they are Liu Bei's...

In fact, the medical department must be considered as the most profitable in the National Academy of Medicine.Liu Chan had no choice but to imitate the example and asked the board of directors to suspend the free diagnosis and treatment of the medical department and instead charge 10% more than the original price of the medicinal materials, so that it is possible to barely achieve a balance of payments.

However, it is impossible to get money to maintain the operation of the National Hospital for a long time if it is only cutting expenditure and not increasing revenue.In fact, Liu Chan is too soft-hearted, even if he doubles the price of the medicine, it is still lower than the price in other places.But he can't do that, because he didn't set up the medical department of the National Academy of Medicine to make money, as long as it can achieve self-sufficiency.He will figure out what to do next.

Later, when Zhang Fangping and Mr. Hua saw Liu Chan getting angry in a hurry, they couldn't bear it, so they pooled up 50 gold from all their family's money and secretly handed it to Zuwen to use it for the hospital's funding.

This matter was not known to Liu Chan until half a month later. He felt both guilty and grateful. If the Medical and National Academy continues like this, then the two gentlemen will probably sell all the fields in their hometown in the future. .Of course Liu Chan couldn't let this happen.

One day, a guest came to Liu Chan's house. It turned out to be Han Long.Whenever Han Long came to Jiangling City, he would definitely come to see Liu Chan.Since he listened to Liu Chan's advice, he has managed his real estate and food business with great success, and now he has opened two more shops in Jiangling City, which has doubled his net worth.

However, Han Long's visit just now was not to find Liu Chan to reminisce about the past, he actually sent Liu Chan a thousand gold.And this money is enough for the hospital to run stably for a year or two.

Looking at the pieces of golden gold placed in the wooden box, Liu Chan couldn't help but widen his eyes, almost drooling, and asked Han Long, "Mr. Hua, what's going on?"

Han Long just smiled slightly.It turned out that Zhang Fangping was also worried when he saw that the National Hospital was in trouble recently, so he wrote to Han Long for help.Without further ado, Han Long immediately brought a thousand pieces of gold and rushed to Jiangling City.

Looking at the bold and chivalrous man in front of him, Liu Chan couldn't help being moved again.He secretly sighed that Shi Guangyuan always made him worry, but people like Mr. Hua, Zhang Fangping and Han Long who were both teachers and friends made him feel so warm.

Moreover, Liu Chan knew that Han Long's intentions could never be rejected, otherwise he would insult his heroic demeanor, and he would never be happy in his heart.So Liu Chan didn't delay, and happily accepted them all.

Then, Liu Chan hosted a banquet for Han Long, and sent people to invite Zhang Fangping and Hua Tuo to accompany him. In addition, Zhao Feng and Han Long had a very good relationship now, so they hosted the banquet together.

The two gentlemen were overjoyed when they learned that Han Long had given such a generous gift of one thousand gold, and they toasted Han Long frequently during the dinner.Seeing that the two respectable old men valued him so much, Han Long didn't even dare, and finally got drunk, so he stayed at Liu Chan's house.

(End of this chapter)

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