Chapter 484 Invalid
Both Gai Meng and Zhang Bao watched Shi Zi explain the precautions to Xiong Ping in astonishment, and couldn't figure out why Shi Zi did this.

After Liu Chan announced the end of the meeting, Gai Meng and Zhang Bao were awakened by the sound of nails on their bodies when the generals stood up.The two subconsciously followed everyone up and walked outside.

But after they got out of the big tent, they didn't walk a few steps, the two of them suddenly felt that something was wrong, they hadn't been assigned a task, how could they just leave like this?
The two turned around at almost the same time, and they also noticed the other's movement at the same time.The two glared at each other again, snorted again, and walked towards the bottom of the nave.

Zhang Bao stopped first, turned his head and asked Gai Meng angrily, "Why are you following me?!"

Gai Meng immediately replied: "Who said I followed you? You should follow me!"

Zhang Bao sneered and said, "Now that everyone has left, why don't you leave alone, and you still want to go in the same direction as me?"

Gai Meng said without giving in: "The military camp here is so big, are you only allowed to go in this direction?"

Zhang Bao was suddenly aroused by Ge Meng and became angry again, Leopard Huan's eyes suddenly widened and stared at Ge Meng, it was really scary.Gai Meng has experienced many battles, and he is not overwhelmed by Zhang Bao's momentum.But the two of them are sober at this time, and it should be impossible for them to start fighting after a disagreement like last night.

The white-robed young general followed Zhang Bao all the time, seeing that the two of them were at war, he hurriedly stepped forward to grab Zhang Bao and said, "Don't do this, didn't you make a big enough noise last night?"

This was obviously the first time that Ge Meng heard this handsome young general in white robe speak.He suddenly felt that this little guy's voice was very nice and clear, and he should be still very young, and his voice hadn't changed yet.He couldn't help but turned his head and glanced at the young general in white robe. He really had red lips and white teeth.

However, Gai Meng is now fighting with Zhang Bao, and the young white-robed general is born as handsome as Zhou Lang, so he has no time to pay attention to it.

However, Zhang Bao listened to the young general in white robe this time.He snorted again, and said angrily: "This general is too lazy to entangle with you, so stop following me!"

As Zhang Bao said, he immediately stepped forward.But Gai Meng followed immediately, Zhang Bao immediately turned to look at Gai Meng.

Gai Meng was also arrogant, and said: "What are you looking at, you go your way, I go mine, what does it matter to you?"

Zhang Bao curled his lips, turned his head and continued on his own way.

Seeing that the two finally stopped fighting, the young general in white robe finally breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that it was really not easy for him to live like this.He trotted quickly and caught up with Zhang Bao.

Then, the two came outside the big tent of the son at the same time.They didn't say anything anymore, and each opened the curtain door and walked in.

At this time, Shi Guangyuan and Wang Fu, the two military advisers, hadn't left yet.The two of them watched Ge Meng go back and forth, and then walked forward at the same time, without making any inquiries.Shi Guangyuan and Shi Guangyuan glanced at each other, with strange expressions on their faces, as if they were expecting some good drama to come.

Gai Meng and Zhang Bao saluted the two military advisers and the prince at the same time.

Seeing the two people going back and forth, Liu Chan probably could guess their intentions, and asked intentionally, "Is there something wrong with the two of you going back and forth?"

Zhang Bao first stepped forward and replied: "The last general also wants to lead troops to the front to kill the enemy, please allow me."

Before Liu Chan replied to Zhang Bao, Gai Meng couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty, please give the last general an army, let me lead the army to kill the enemy?"

Liu Chan's reply was completely beyond Zhang Bao's expectation.Liu Chan didn't even think about it, so he replied directly: "No need. Our army has enough manpower now, and you two can stay in the camp with peace of mind."

Both Zhang Bao and Gai Meng were anxious at the same time, and hurriedly asked Liu Chan to think twice.But Liu Chan was disappointed with the two of them this time, and decided to punish him with a small punishment.What's more, Liu Chan's heart has always been tough. Once he made up his mind, it was almost impossible to change it.

So Liu Chan just replied to them, and said indifferently: "Does the decision of this son need to be specially explained and explained to you, and then you need to get your understanding and approval?"

Zhang Bao and Gai Meng saw Shi Zi's unkind expression, and quickly apologized to Shi Zi.But they didn't give up, and kept begging Liu Chan to let them go out and fight.

Shi Guangyuan and Wang Fu felt a little funny about this, the current behavior of these two generals was really a bit like two children playing a scoundrel.The two just looked at each other and smiled.

Seeing that these two people were really troublesome, Liu Chan had no choice but to say: "Okay, about this matter, most of our troops have already been dispatched, and there is really no more troops to hand over to you. As for your request, This son will consider it next time."

Gai Meng and Zhang Bao suddenly glanced at each other, and found that the other's eyes were also full of helplessness and loss.

Just when the two were about to say goodbye to Liu Chan, Liu Chan suddenly asked: "I know what happened to you two last night. In fact, I ordered you to be brought to justice. Tell me, what are you going to do now?" Let's do it."

Gai Meng and Zhang Bao were taken aback, what should they do?I have been remembered as a big mistake, what else can I do?Both of them immediately lowered their heads and stopped talking, as if they were protesting to Liu Chan with silence.

Seeing that the two of them were suddenly silent, Liu Chan asked the question again.

But still didn't get any reply, Liu Chan frowned, suddenly stretched out his hand and patted on the desk, and said loudly: "You two get out now, come see me when you understand!"

Gai Meng and Zhang Bao then walked out of Shizi's big tent vaguely.

Wang Fu couldn't help but asked Liu Chan, "Isn't it too harsh for His Majesty to treat them like this?"

Liu Chan waved his hand and said, "I'm afraid Zhang Bao is used to being domineering in the Jiangzhou Army, so he developed such a defiant look. Now that he has come to my army, if I condone him to act like this again , isn’t the military discipline we have worked so hard to maintain going to be ruined?”

Wang Fu nodded and said, "But General Gai Meng made a mistake for a while. Shouldn't the son punish him so severely?"

What Wang Fu said was actually at least seven or eight points right.But Liu Chan had his own difficulties, and said: "Mr. Wang, what you said is actually right. But since Zhang Bao also made a mistake, it is impossible for me to let Gai Meng lead the army to go out to fight, and let Zhang Bao stay in the camp. It seems that Liu Chan actually knew in his heart that Gai Meng was relatively innocent and was implicated in the fight.

Wang Fu sighed, cupped his hands and said, "Let the subordinates go down and see how the two of them are doing."

Liu Chan nodded and said, "Then there is Mr. Lao."

Wang Fu then bid farewell to Shi Guangyuan again, then turned and walked out of the big tent.

After Wang Fu went out, only Liu Chan, Zhuge Qiao, Zhao Feng and Shi Guangyuan were left in the big tent.

Only then did Shi Guangyuan say to Liu Chan: "Your Majesty, in my opinion, there must be no problem with the personnel arrangement in Zhijiang, and most of our army's elite have been mobilized. However, in the direction of Huya Mountain, although Xiong Ping can Fighting a war, but it may be very difficult to win the victory from Sun Huan and Zhu Huan. What's more, they can also quickly get support from the Soochow Navy from the direction of Huya Beach."

Liu Chan nodded, agreeing with Shi Guangyuan's point of view.

Shi Guangyuan went on to say: "The strength of the Dongwu water army can already be seen from the performance of Gan Ning's army in the last battle with Zhou Tai's army. They seem to be not only good at water warfare, but also good at landing operations. Be good at it. Therefore, they must have second-hand preparations for Xiong Ping."

Liu Chan said: "Sir, I can save this. I have already thought about it."

After Zhang Bao walked for a while, the young general in white robe suddenly stepped forward and blocked his way.

Zhang Bao was not in a good mood, but the strange thing was that facing this attendant, he could still suppress his temper and asked, "What's wrong with you, why are you blocking my way?"

The young general in white robe glared at Zhang Bao, and said angrily, "Why are you so stupid? Do you know why the prince didn't send you to lead the troops to the front?"

Zhang Bao said: "Didn't the prince say it? He will reconsider."

The young general in white robe sighed, and said, "You man! If you don't understand it, the whole battle in South County is over, and you won't even be able to go to the front line!"

Zhang Bao wondered, "What do you mean by saying that?"

The young general in white robe curled his lips and said: "Actually, it's not that the son doesn't want to use you. He just thinks that when you first came to his army, you're going to make trouble, so you act so arrogant and domineering, and you can't trust your general to obey him." order."

Hearing this, Zhang Bao couldn't help but let out an ah, and asked, "Then what should I do?"

The white-robed young general said confidently: "Of course, my son hopes that you can admit your mistakes to General Gai Meng. On the one hand, this shows that you are generous, and that you are an open-minded person; on the other hand, it also shows that you are a person who knows your mistakes and can correct them." Such a person is a useful person no matter where he is placed, so how can the prince not use you?"

Zhang Bao was overjoyed upon hearing this.

But the words of the young general in white robe were just heard by Wang Fu who came from behind.He was immediately amazed at the foresight and quick thinking of this young general in white robe, and he immediately paid attention to him.

Since the matter on Zhang Bao's side has been settled by the young general in white robe with a few words, there is no need for Wang Fu to talk nonsense with Zhang Bao.

Wang Fu immediately turned around and was going to look for Gai Meng.

(End of this chapter)

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