The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 493 Major Information

Chapter 493 Major Information
As in the past, the battle reports from all over the place were sent to Liu Chan in an endless stream every day.But in fact, the battle situation everywhere has not made any progress for a while.

However, since Gai Meng and Zhang Bao went out to support Xiong Ping's army in Huya Mountain, Liu Chan was quite satisfied with the results here.

In fact, I don't know if it's because of the discord between Ge Meng and Zhang Bao, which makes neither of them convinced by the other, which makes them have a strong sense of competition.Therefore, as soon as the two arrived at Huya Mountain, they borrowed some troops from Xiong Ping, and together with the troops they brought with them, each of them had more than 2000 people under their command.

Therefore, Gai Meng mainly attacked the front of Huya Mountain, while Zhang Bao detoured to Huya Beach to attack Sun Huan's troops.The two men were not polite, as soon as they entered the position, they rushed forward and led the army directly to attack the mountain.

The fighting style of these two people is completely different from that of Xiong Ping.Therefore, facing these two armies that suddenly became like a group of lunatics, Shuanghuan's army couldn't adapt to it for a while.

So, very sadly, it only took half a day for Gai Meng and Zhang Bao to break through the first line of defense of Shuanghuan's army, and directly killed the halfway up Huya Mountain.What Xiong Ping failed to do for many days, Gai Meng and Zhang Bao did it in half a day.

After Liu Chan read the battle report, he could only shout in his heart. He didn't know whether it was God's will or the luck of the two of them was really good.

However, Liu Chan reckoned that such a result might be the limit of Gai Meng and Zhang Bao.

After all, when Shuanghuan's army reacted and they realized that they should be more united, it would be difficult for the two of them to achieve the same results.What's more, after these days of fierce fighting, the soldiers of the Wu army have already practiced defensive warfare with ease.

Sure enough, under Gu Yong's coordination, Shuanghuan's army strengthened their mutual support, and the defensive force increased a lot immediately.In the days that followed, the armies of Gai Meng and Zhang Bao could no longer continue to break through the enemy's defenses and achieve greater results.

After thinking about it, Liu Chan sent an order to Huya Mountain, asking them to fight if they can get the results. If they can't conquer it, they should surround it with a large army for the time being.

Xiong Ping will obviously accept this order from Shizi.But Zhang Bao and Gai Meng are at the moment when they are competing with each other, how could they easily turn the attack into a siege?

The armies of Gai Meng and Zhang Bao continued to attack Huya Mountain.

In Liu Chan's camp, some interesting things have happened recently.

After that Xia Houyun was assigned to Zhuge Qiao's subordinates, he could be regarded as devoted to his duty.However, Zhuge Qiao took a closer look at him and did not allow him to participate in too many confidential matters.Especially the information about the war, Xia Houyun will not be involved.Therefore, Xia Houyun actually didn't have much to do under Zhuge Qiao's command.

However, Zhuge Qiao would sometimes use some things to test Xia Houyun on a whim.Xia Houyun had a clever mind, so of course he had already seen through the tricks of the loyal Zhuge Qiao.Therefore, he was open and honest, discussing what he knew, and directly admitting that he didn't know what he didn't know.

However, sometimes Xia Houyun will deliberately tease Zhuge Qiao, or use words to ridicule Zhuge Qiao.Therefore, sometimes Zhuge Qiao complained to Liu Chan a little bit, and complained a little about how difficult Xia Houyun was to get along with.

Liu Chan has long been aware of everything between them.Although Xia Houyun is not an eccentric person, he is not easy to provoke, but Zhuge Qiao sometimes deliberately provokes him.Xia Houyun is Zhang Bao's man, and Zhuge Qiao can't do anything to him. As a result, he is the one who suffers most of the time.

Therefore, Liu Chan just smiled at this, without commenting or favoring anyone.

However, as he got along with this Xia Houyun, Liu Chan found that he really started to like this person.

This person is indeed very well-behaved, and he is very good at taking care of others.For example, when Liu Chan just felt a little thirsty, Xia Houyun knew it by observing his words and expressions, and brought him tea immediately; another example, Liu Chan and Zhuge Qiao would always stay up late to do things, but in the end, without his orders, Xia Houyun had already Help them get their supper ready.

All these things have always been prepared for Liu Chan.But it can be said to be the first one who can take care of him so meticulously like Xia Houyun.

Therefore, Liu Chan also began to become familiar with Xia Houyun, and found that this is actually quite interesting.Sometimes the two of them would actually chat or something, even for a walk with Zhuge Qiao, and sometimes they would call this Xia Houyun.

Although Zhuge Qiao still has some grudges towards Xiahouyun, there are people who like Xiahouyun very much.When Zhao Feng's wife, Shi Hui, saw Xia Houyun for the first time, she had a good impression of this gentle young man.

Moreover, Shi Hui soon discovered that this Xia Houyun seemed to be more interested in curing diseases.Therefore, when Xia Houyun was free, Shi Hui would also invite him to the field hospital to see what was going on inside.

One day, when Zhuge Qiao was sorting out the information sent by spies from various places, he was suddenly attracted by a piece of news.After repeatedly comparing the information sent from various places, he couldn't help feeling excited.

With a sound of rubbing, Zhuge Qiao immediately stood up from his seat, startling Xia Houyun next to him. I don't know why Zhuge Qiao suddenly became so startled.

Zhuge Qiao stepped forward quickly, and handed over the documents sorted out in his hand to Liu Chan.He pointed out a place to show Liu Chan.

After Liu Chan looked at it carefully, he seemed to be very excited instead of Zhuge Qiao's surprise.That's why he couldn't help but exclaimed, and his face suddenly became a little feverish.

The performance of these two people immediately made Xia Houyun below feel a little puzzled.Although he was very curious in his heart, he didn't dare to ask too much.Therefore, he had no choice but to listen from the bottom.

Liu Chan immediately asked Zhuge Qiao in a loud voice: "Is the above information true?"

Zhuge Qiao nodded, and replied confidently: "I have compared it in many ways, and this information should not be wrong."

Liu Chan's fingers then tapped lightly on the table in front of him, which was a habitual action of Liu Chan when he was thinking about things.This movement may have been learned from Shi Guangyuan. Whenever Shi Guangyuan fell into thinking, he did have such a habitual movement.

After thinking about it for a while, Liu Chan said, "You should ask the spies to confirm this information again immediately. Remember, you must ensure that this information is [-]% correct! At that time, at least half of my second uncle's revenge will be avenged!"

Zhuge Qiao heard Shizi's words and knew that Shizi's determination had been made.Therefore, he immediately walked down the middle hall, picked up his pen and began to issue orders to the spies lurking in various places.

Two days later, the information that Pan Zhang's army was stationed in Jingling City, south of Han River and north of Jiangling City, was finally confirmed to be true!

Liu Chan took out the combat map and watched it carefully.The distance between Jingling and Jiangling City is only three hundred miles, and there is a long lake with a radius of one hundred miles in between.The distance between Jingling and Changhu Lake is less than two hundred miles.

Among the two characters "Jingling", "Jing" means "nothing", and "ling" means "small mountain peak or hill".As the name suggests, the word "Jingling" has the same meaning as "Yiling", which means that the mountain range has disappeared here, and it used to be a plain.

Therefore, this Jingling City is indeed a relatively important place, guarding an important stronghold on the Han River line.It's just because the city is far away from the battlefield now, so Liu Chan's side has not paid attention to it for the time being.

Zhuge Qiao asked Liu Chan, "My lord, what do you want to do now?"

Liu Chan sneered and said, "What should we do? Since Pan Zhang is in Jingling City, his army commander Ma Zhong must also be in Jingling City. The two murderers who killed my second uncle, Guan Ping, and Zhou Cang, This son always wants to kill and then hurry up."

The strong murderous intent on Liu Chan made Zhuge Qiao and Xia Houyun below couldn't help but fight coldly.

Zhuge Qiao still agrees with Shizi's statement.But the next problem is that there are almost no generals around them who can use to lead the attack on Jingling City.After Gai Meng and Zhang Bao took away part of the soldiers in the camp, their strength was even more insufficient.

What's more, how to attack Jingling City from Dangyang City, how to bypass the Wu army's surveillance in Jiangling City, and reach the bottom of Jiangling City without anyone noticing?

After Zhuge Qiao expressed his doubts, Liu Chan sneered indifferently and said, "It's actually not difficult to solve these problems."

Zhuge Qiao quickly asked: "Then how to solve it?"

Xia Houyun's heart also moved in his heart. Now in the entire territory of Jingzhou, there should be only one place where there are still unused troops: Xiangyang City.

Sure enough, Liu Chan said: "The so-called 'the hatred of killing one's father cannot be shared with the sky', the enmity between Pan Zhang and Ma Zhong and the Guan family, of course, must be handed over to the Guan family to avenge themselves!"

Zhuge Qiao couldn't help but let out an ah, the son finally wanted to recruit the Guan brothers who had been keeping filial piety for Lord Guan in Xiangyang City.

(End of this chapter)

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