Chapter 498 Killing General ([-])

After confirming the origin of Guan Xing's army, Pan Zhang discussed with Ma Zhong on the top of the city, how to deal with the attack of Guan Xing's army.

Of course, Pan Zhang really felt a little uneasy in his heart now, so the idea in his heart was to stick to the city and wait for reinforcements from Jiangling City.

But Ma Zhong is proud and complacent now on the one hand; on the other hand, he also has his own opinions.Now that Jiangling City had to deal with a big battle in Zhijiang County, it was already short of troops, but now it was difficult for it to send many reinforcements.

After Pan Zhang heard Ma Zhong's words, he suddenly lost his mind.On the one hand, his own approach may be correct, on the other hand, Ma Zhong's analysis is indeed reasonable.

Seeing Pan Zhang's hesitation, Ma Zhong couldn't help feeling a little angry.He immediately said in a loud voice: "General Pan, the last general is here to ask for your order! Please allocate 800 troops to me. This morning, the last general will lead his army out of the city and fight Guan Xing to the death!"

Seeing Ma Zhong's resolute expression and trusting Ma Zhong's ability, Pan Zhang could let him go out of the city to test Guan Xing's strength, and then it would not be too late to make a decision.

Pan Zhang immediately agreed to Ma Zhong's request and asked him to go down to the city to prepare troops.

After Guan Xing returned to his army, he already had a new strategy in mind.He immediately ordered his subordinates to convey his arrangements.

It was morning.After the sun rose in mid-air and the sun became warmer, the soldiers had enough rest, and finally it was time to fight.

Guan Xing led the army out, and the army set up a square formation with 500 people per village under Jingling City, casting four square shadows on the ground.

Guan Xing was the first to instigate Hongxue to come out, followed by the guard captain Dai Le and his guards, naturally there was a lot of momentum.

Then, there was also a reaction in Jingling City.With a heart-piercing bang, the towering gate of Jingling City opened.Although the sunlight outside the city could not reach the inside of the doorway, the light still pierced through the darkness inside.

Wearing a blue suit and holding a big knife in his hand, Ma Zhong walked out of the door first, with a look of disdain on his face.After Ma Zhong went out, the [-] soldiers following behind him also filed out.

After the two armies met each other, Guan Xing didn't talk nonsense, after all, he came here today to take revenge.He left the team, stepped forward and shouted to Ma Zhong: "The thief general Ma Zhong, do you have the courage to step forward and fight me to the death?"

Ma Zhong's current team is less than half of Guan Xing's, plus he feels good about himself and thinks his martial arts are strong, so he is naturally very happy to accept Guan Xing's invitation to fight.

After Ma Zhong scolded Guan Xing in his heart for looking for death, he immediately stepped forward, pointed at Guan Xing arrogantly and laughed: "Guan Xing is ignorant, I want to see how much you are worth, How dare you call out to your General Ma."

Guan Xing sneered, and said: "You will know after the fight, why bother talking now?!"

Guan Xing urged Hongxue to move, raised his knife and rushed towards Ma Zhong.

Ma Zhong also rode his horse and rushed out immediately. With a bang, Ma Zhong blocked Guan Xing's first knife, but he felt that the force on it was not very strong.He couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, could this be the rumored sword technique of the disciples of the Guan family?
With a force in his hand, Ma Zhong swung Guan Xing's sword away, with a contemptuous smile on his face, he shouted, "With your sword skills, do you still want to fight this general for dozens of rounds?"

Guan Xing frowned, and said angrily: "Little thief, this general will let you see how powerful I am!"

The two immediately fought in one place.On the battlefield, the loud shouts of the two, the hooves of the galloping horses, and the sound of metal and iron striking each other with two big knives could be heard continuously, and a small cloud of dust was also raised.

These two fought quite lively.

After the two played against each other for [-] rounds, they were still tied.It's just that the physical strength of the two of them also suffered a little loss, their foreheads began to sweat, and they both began to look a little short of breath.

Guan Xing seemed to be in high spirits, and said in a loud voice: "You Ma Zhong, you are quite capable. You were able to beat me for twenty rounds!"

Ma Zhong was justifiable and didn't forgive anyone, and immediately replied: "Your Guan Xing's sword skills are actually mediocre. I can conclude that you will be difficult for me to go on for another [-] rounds. Already!"

Guan Xing glared at Ma Zhong, this man was too arrogant, he would definitely die without a place to die today.He immediately shouted: "Ma Zhong, you are really brazen!"

Ma Zhong didn't answer, just snorted coldly, raised his saber again and slashed at Guan Xing three times in a row, each attacking Guan Xing's vitals.

Guan Xing was naturally not afraid, he swung the sword in his hand imperviously, and managed to withstand Ma Zhong's attack, but he also seemed a little flustered.

Seeing the situation, Ma Zhong sneered, but his hands did not stop, and the attack became even more rapid.

The two then fought for another eleven or twelve rounds, and the weapons of both sides collided very violently.Even under such bright sunlight, sparks could still be vaguely seen being wiped off the top of the big knife, which dazzled everyone.

Ma Zhong became more and more excited as he fought. After all, he killed the Guan family and his son. Now that Guan Xing's life is added, not only will he make a great achievement again, but it will be extremely difficult for him not to be famous all over the world. ,

Looking forward to a bright future, the expression on Ma Zhong's sweaty face looked extraordinarily ferocious, even full of bloodlust.His eyes really looked like wild beasts, as if he wanted to swallow half of Guan Xing alive in front of him.

The two sides fought for another three or four rounds, and Guan Xing had already begun to show signs of weakness, and his moves seemed a bit chaotic.

Guan Xing's guard captain, Dai Le, looked at the battlefield ahead with a serious face. It seemed that because of Guan Xing's nervousness, some beads of sweat appeared on his face.

Pan Zhang, who was watching the battle from the top of the city wall, was always in a nervous mood.Seeing that Ma Zhong seemed to have the upper hand faintly at this time, he couldn't help but feel relieved.He couldn't help but sigh inwardly, the tiger father can actually raise dogs!
At this time, Ma Zhong suddenly shouted: "Guan Xing sees the move!" He had already spotted a flaw in Guan Xing's saber technique, and lifted Guan Xing's chin obliquely.

Ma Zhong's move came so suddenly that Guan Xing had no time to resist it.He couldn't help but let out an exclamation, and then he tried his best to dodge to the side, but the helmet was still blown away.

Guan Xing exclaimed, he didn't dare to fight anymore, turned his horse's head and immediately fled to the side.But Guan Xing was still a little rational, and he didn't dare to run directly towards his army formation, lest the formation be attacked by the enemy, that would be a big defeat.

Therefore, Guan Xing fled in the northeast direction.Now that Ma Zhong's victory is imminent, how could he let Guan Xing escape, and immediately chased him out.

When Pan Zhang saw Guan Xing's defeat on the top of the wall, he was overjoyed.He immediately ordered another 800 guards, and then rushed out of the city gate, joined Ma Zhong's [-] troops, and even dared to attack Guan Xing's army.

A big battle broke out between the two sides.

Hongxue's speed didn't seem to be very fast, and Ma Zhong's warhorse was actually not a famous horse.At that time, Sun Quan really gave Guan Yu's red rabbit horse to him, but unfortunately the red rabbit horse refused to recognize the owner at all, and finally starved to death in the stable.

After Guan Xingben escaped for about seven or eight miles, he entered a not very wide mountain road.Ma Zhong saw that Guan Xing was in a panic now, and it was easier to chase and kill himself on such a mountain road, so he urged his horse again and rushed up.

The two chased for another mile or two in the mountain road, and Ma Zhong had already chased Guan Xing to a distance of less than four hundred feet behind Guan Xing.Ma Zhong's saddle bridge is hung with a longbow, but such a distance is still not suitable for immediate sniping.Therefore, Ma Zhong decided to increase the distance between the two sides to about two or three hundred feet for sniping, and he was even more confident.

At this moment, suddenly, with a bang, the war horse let out a shrill neigh.

Ma Zhong only felt that his body suddenly became light and light, and his body suddenly tilted downward, and the big knife in his hand was also thrown out.Then, there was another loud bang, and Ma Zhong fell into the horse pit with his men and horses.

Ma Zhong's horse was immediately stabbed to death by the bamboo tip in the pit. Ma Zhong was lucky, his legs were pressed by the horse's belly, but in fact he must have been pierced by the bamboo tip.However, Ma Zhong was fine, but the pain in his leg almost made him scream.

At this time, a shadow appeared on the raw surface of the horse trap, covering half of the bottom of the horse pit and the soil wall on one side.

Ma Zhong looked up angrily, but saw that it was Guan Xing who came!
Ma Zhong gritted his teeth and said: "Is this a trap set by you? You despicable villain, you can't beat me before the battle, and you actually set up such a vicious scheme to murder people!" If he is not clear at this time, it is Guan Xing's fault If it is a trick, then Ma Zhong is really too brainless.

Guan Xing sneered, and said: "Do you really think that you can go through three rounds in my Guan Xing's hands? The reason why I lured you here is because you killed my elder brother in this way that day Yes, I naturally want you to taste that taste today!"

Ma Zhong's face suddenly turned pale.He didn't expect that Guan Xing spent so much effort just to prepare himself for a death like Guan Ping's!

Ma Zhong couldn't help but yelled hysterically: "Guan Xing, you bastard, you crazy..."

Guan Xing sneered, and said: "Go away!" With a move of his right hand, more than a dozen archers rushed up beside him, and Zhang Gong shot randomly into the pit!
In an instant, Ma Zhong had turned into a hedgehog.However, his angry eyes were still looking straight at the sky above his head.At such a good age when he was preparing to make contributions, it was such a way of death. Of course, he would die with regret.

(End of this chapter)

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