Chapter 500
The next day, the fire finally burned out the surrounding reeds, leaving a total of [-] corpses inside.One of them is very strange, with a long sword stuck in its chest, this person is Pan Zhang and Pan Wengui.

Lying beside Pan Zhang was his guard captain.He held his saber tightly with one hand, and the blade pierced Pan Zhang's chest!He ended up doing it anyway.

At noon that day, the [-] Jiangdong Army in Jingling City chose to open the city and surrender after discovering that Pan Zhang had abandoned them and fled overnight.

After all, Guan Xingjun captured Jingling City without fighting.

But Guan Xing is not a traitor like Cao Cao, he is Guan Yu's son.Therefore, Guan Xing did not choose to massacre the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army, eh, he handed over all the surrendered soldiers to the army of the Army Sima Gemin to take care of them.It is still too early to incorporate them, and it cannot be accomplished overnight.

At night, Guan Xing and Guan Suo's three wives set up an altar in the Yamen of Jingling City, and sacrificed the heads of Pan Zhang and Ma Zhong to the west of Maicheng to worship Guan Yu's heroic soul.

Now, the only enemies of the Guan family are Lu Meng and Lu Ziming who set up the plan to kill Guan Yu at that time.However, as the governor of Jiangdong's three armies, it was impossible for Lu Meng to go to the battlefield easily.Guan Xing wanted to kill Lu Meng, it was definitely a very difficult thing.

However, now that the two direct murderers, Pan Zhang and Ma Zhong, have been killed, most of Guan Yu's vengeance has finally been avenged.Presumably Guan Yu can also rest in peace.

At this time, Guan Feng, who was practicing with Pu Jing on Yuquan Mountain, suddenly felt something in his heart.She walked quickly to the window of the room and stretched out her hand to push the window open.

I saw the wind blowing outside, and the dark clouds quickly piled up. Suddenly, thunder broke out in the direction of Maicheng, and thunder and lightning crackled, as if they were about to split the sky.

Guan Feng's eyes suddenly couldn't help getting wet, and he felt a little sour in his heart.

In the distance outside the window, Pu Jing's voice came, saying: "Rest in peace, you can go to the Western Paradise."

Guan Feng opened his eyes and looked out, but he couldn't see Pu Jing at all.Only the flash of thunder and lightning made the shadow of the willow tree in front of the house appear and disappear from time to time.

In the middle of the night that day, when Guan Xing was about to rest, an unexpected visitor came to the government office.

Meng Xi has always been a very strict person, but today he took the liberty of disturbing Guan Xing late at night.

Meng Xi made great contributions in this battle, and Guan Xing was grateful to Meng Xi in his heart.What's more, as we all know, Meng Xi is the most important person in the world.After the war in Jingzhou is over, the first person Shizi will apply to Chengdu for promotion is probably this Meng Xi, and of course that Xiong Ping.

Therefore, Guan Xing immediately summoned Meng Xi in the study.

Meng Xi entered the study room, and after facing Guan Xing, he sat down according to Guan Xing's instructions.

Guan Xing looked at Meng Xi. At this time, he was not wearing the usual pair of bright silver armor, but changed into a light blue dress. With his not very mighty figure, he looked like There is also a bit of elegance.

Guan Xing then asked: "Lieutenant Meng, do you have any urgent matters to discuss with this general? Otherwise, why would you come to see me in such a hurry in the middle of the night?"

Meng Xi's face became serious, and he cupped his hands and said, "Exactly! Dare I ask General Guan, you should have sent the victory report of the battle of Jingling City to Dangyang, right?"

That is an unmistakable thing.After any general wins a battle, he will of course send a good news immediately, which is absolutely unshakable.

Guan Xing nodded and smiled.

Meng Xi said: "From the point of view of the general, it is estimated that within five days, the son will issue a call-up order to Jingling City, and call you back to Xiangyang City, General. Jingling City will leave thousands of troops behind. Leave it to those who will defend in the future."

Now that the prince has finished helping Guan Xing to take revenge, then Guan Xing should really go back to Xiangyang and continue to take charge of Xiangyang's defense.Of course, Guan Xing would not have any objection to this, and it was within his expectation.

Guan Xing then asked: "Lieutenant Meng, is there anything wrong with this arrangement of your son?"

Meng Xi shook his head, and said: "Of course there is nothing wrong with the arrangement of the prince. But please take a look, general."

Meng Xi stood up from the seat, and took out a roll of yellow cloth from the loose sleeve pocket.

Meng Xi walked to Guan Xing's desk, and spread out the roll of cloth under the slightly flickering firelight.This is a map showing the hydrology and topography of Long Lake and its surroundings.

Guan Xing had never had such a map, and Guan Xing wondered where Meng Xi got it.

——Could it be that the prince secretly handed it over to Meng Xi?This seems unlikely.If the prince wants to give it, he will definitely give it to me first.

Guan Xing immediately thought of it in his mind.

Then, Guan Xing asked, "Where did you get this map?"

A rare look of complacency appeared on Meng Xi's face, and he replied, "This is what the general found from the twenty captured Jiangdong warships."

Guan Xing groaned, and a smile appeared on his face again.This Meng Xi is really a careful person!
Guan Xing then asked: "Then Captain Meng, what are you going to do with that map?"

Meng Xi pointed to the south bank of Changhu Lake drawn on the map, and said, "General Guan, please look here. This is a small water village set up by the Jiangdong Army, and there should be less than 3000 defenders inside."

Guan Xing nodded, still somewhat puzzled by Meng Xi's intentions, so he continued to listen to his explanation.

Then, Meng Xi said: "General Guan, you may not know that although the general has been guarding the north bank of Changhu Lake recently and has not fought any battles, he is not completely idle. After observation, the general found that with the The Yangtze River has entered the spring flood season, and the water level in Changhu Lake is extremely high this year!"

When Guan Xing heard this, his heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly understood.He asked Meng Xi, "Could it be that you want to take the initiative to cross Changhu Lake to attack Sun Quan's troops with our current strength?"

Meng Xi nodded and said, "That's right! General Guan, please continue to look at the map. The location of the Changhu Lake is special. It is completely suspended above Jiangling City, and a dam has been built on the south bank. Usually, as long as the water level of the Yangtze River rises too fast, The Changhu Lake will become a major threat to Jiangling City. Therefore, we can use the captured warships to capture the water village of the Wu army, and then burst the embankment to release the water!"

Guan Xing couldn't help but let out an ah, when the torrent of water passes by, there will be a vast ocean under the city of Jiangling.Sun Quan's army besieging Jiangling City is probably about to face annihilation.

Guan Xing was not immediately pleasantly surprised, but after thinking for a while, he judged that Meng Xi's plan was very feasible.In fact, even if the battle fails, they will not suffer too much loss.

Guan Xing immediately asked Meng Xi, "Then Xiaowei Meng is here now because he wants the general to recover the good news for the son?"

Meng Xi said with a smile: "That's not necessary. You only need to add a battle plan for this battle to Shizi, and Shizi should pass it. Just leave this to the future."

Guan Xing nodded, Meng Xi's battle plan has always been approved by the crown prince.If you leave it to him, of course there will be no problem.

(End of this chapter)

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