The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 526 Zhang Fei's surprise attack

Chapter 526 Zhang Fei's surprise attack
Zhang Fei's eyes widened, and he looked at the shy mountain man standing under the tent.He is not tall and has a yellow and thin face, his head has been lowered and he dare not speak, his body may be shaken slightly from time to time because of fright.

Zhang Fei's appearance is indeed quite scary, so it's no wonder that this mountain man who has never seen anything in the market is so frightened by him.In fact, if this person didn't pass out because of this, he is considered to have the best mental quality.

Zhang Fei touched his beard lightly, and asked the mountain man in a gentle tone as much as possible: "What's your name, are you familiar with the situation in Jingmen Mountain?"

It turned out that when Zhang Fei attacked Zhu Ranjun's first cottage, he had already sent people to find a guide, and even found some local natives.However, they only had a better understanding of the situation around the First Village.But the first village was destroyed by Zhang Fei and Huang Quan's design long ago.

The second village established by Zhu Ran is the most dangerous and complicated terrain in Jingmen Mountain, and even the herb collectors hardly dare to go there.However, Huang Quan still tried his best to send people to continue looking for new guides.Finally, he found such a herb picker who is said to be familiar with the situation here.

Although Zhang Fei lowered his voice as much as possible, the volume was still very loud, which immediately frightened the herb collector to his knees, and his body trembled even more.

Sitting aside, Huang Quan couldn't help but feel very funny seeing such a situation.He cupped his hands to Zhang Fei and said: "General Zhang, I think this person should be handed over to me first, and there should be a result soon."

Zhang Fei nodded in embarrassment, got up and quickly walked out of his tent, and handed over the tent's herbal collector to Huang Quan for use.

After Zhang Fei went out, he sighed softly.The reason why he has been worrying about the guide is because he has a growing premonition in his heart recently that Zhu Ran is definitely going to run away.

Therefore, he must find the guide as quickly as possible, and lead his army, even a small group, to detour to the rear of Zhu Ran's army to launch a surprise attack.Then, under the siege on both sides, even if Zhu Ran's army was not wiped out, at least it was defeated.Such a result is much more refreshing than letting them all escape!

Perhaps, this is really a kind of directness that has been cultivated for a long time in the sand field. Even if Zhang Fei does not have the ability to unravel the situation layer by layer like Quan Cong, he does feel Zhu Ran's thoughts.

Not a moment later, Huang Quan walked out of the tent with a bright smile on his face. The sunlight reflected on his face, which made his face turn a little rosy. The improvement is indeed good.

Zhang Fei still couldn't help asking: "How is the matter, is it finished?"

Huang Quan chuckled twice, and said: "It's done, this person really knows how to get around the pass controlled by Zhu Ranjun in front, but the path is extremely difficult. In some places, it is said that you have to climb the cliff. If you don't have the most skilled The herbal pickers lead the way, almost no one can pass."

Huang Quan said this, which meant that the herb picker could lead them there.In Zhang Fei's heart, he was immediately overjoyed, and asked, "If I want to lead an army of 3000 people there, will it work?"

Huang Quan nodded and said, "I've already asked about this. That person doesn't have any concept of numbers. How can he know how many 3000 people are there? I think the general can bring all the people there first. However, you can just let them turn around and go back the same way.”

Zhang Fei nodded appreciatively to Huang Quan. This person's arrangements are always more appropriate than his own.It's also thanks to him helping me, otherwise I can only stay in the camp now, furious at the generals.

Zhang Fei was already taller than Huang Quan by almost a head, looking back through the top of Huang Quan's head, there was a pair of angry eyes staring at him.

A smile suddenly appeared on Zhang Fei's face, and he waved to Shi Liang.

This Shi Liang is Zhu Ran's younger brother, who used to be in charge of Zhu Ran's first cottage, but was subdued by Zhang Fei, and is still not convinced by Zhang Fei.Therefore, when he saw Zhang Fei and Huang Quan discussing attacking Zhu Ranjun just now, he couldn't help feeling a little annoyed.

Seeing Zhang Fei calling him over, Shi Liang snorted coldly, turned around and was about to walk to the side, not wanting to talk to Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei stopped him loudly, and asked, "Shi Liang, where are you going? Come here, come here, I have something to tell you."

Huang Quan's face turned pale, and he asked in a low voice: "General Zhang, what we discussed is confidential. This man is still thinking about Jiang Dong in his heart, how can we let him come here at this time?"

Zhang Fei waved his hand boldly and said, "'s okay, just look at me."

After Shi Liang came over, he bowed to the two of them and stopped talking.

Zhang Fei then said surprisingly: "Shi Liang, this time I want to lead the troops to the back of Zhu Ran's barracks from the trail, do you want to act with me?"

As soon as Zhang Fei said this, Huang Quan and Shi Liang's expressions changed at the same time.

Before Shi Liang replied, Huang Quan couldn't help but said first: "No, General! This, this is really inappropriate!" After all, he managed to hold back and didn't directly say that Shi Liang might end up being ruined. With this sneak attack, it can be regarded as leaving a little face for Shi Liang.

Zhang Fei thought about it with Huang Quan, but didn't explain anything to him.

Shi Liang was no shorter than Zhang Fei, staring at Zhang Fei with a pair of big eyes, very puzzled.Moreover, although Zhang Fei's smile was ugly at this time, it seemed very sincere, and he felt even more puzzled in his heart.

Shi Liang, despite his rude appearance, is actually a very cautious person by nature.He didn't immediately agree to Zhang Fei, but asked: "General Zhang, you know that I still want to return to Jiangdong, why did you take me with you on such a secret mission?"

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Of course I know this. But I like your martial arts very much. If you want you to come and play under my command, of course I have to treat you with sincerity. Moreover, I also believe that you absolutely I'm not a perfidious person, otherwise, wouldn't the world say that I, Zhang Yide, am blind?"

Shi Liang frowned, thought for a while and said, "In that case, then please General Zhang use your eyes to judge how I am, Shi Liang!"

After Shi Liang bowed his hands to Zhang Fei and Huang Quan, he turned around and walked away.It seems that what he said meant that he decided to act with Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei chuckled twice, but Huang Quan looked at Zhang Fei with some worry, and sighed softly in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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