Chapter 616
Only then did Meng Xi order someone to take the cloth ball from Xu Xiang's mouth, and sneered, "General Xu, after that Wang Ming fled back to your Jiangdong, Sun Quan will definitely be extremely angry with you. It seems that you are no longer I can’t go back to Jiangdong.”

Xu Xiang was already trembling with anger at this moment, and only uttered six words: "Despicable, despicable villain..."

However, Xu Xiang quickly resigned to his fate.He couldn't sacrifice his life for Sun Quan while bearing the infamy, right?

Wang Ming sneaked out of the camp and quickly climbed up the hillside by the road.In his heart, he was really glad that he was able to escape alive.

He couldn't help turning around and looking behind him at the camp that was not brightly lit.It was supposed to be the camp of his own army, and it was already empty, but now it has become the camp of the Jingzhou army.

Suddenly Wang Ming couldn't help sighing, he gritted his teeth with hatred for Xu Xiang and Hu Zong's shameless defection to the Jingzhou Army.

Suddenly, more than a dozen white figures appeared in front of him, and someone sneered, "Wang Ming, we have been waiting for you here for a long time."

Wang Ming knew something was wrong, it seemed that he was discovered by the enemy.He immediately turned around and wanted to run to the side.

Suddenly, the sound of several bowstrings sounded.

Wang Ming only felt that his body was cold, and suddenly there was a sharp pain in his back chest and legs.

With a snap, Wang Ming's legs suddenly fell to his knees on the ground, both legs had been pierced by the long arrow.Immediately, his body rolled down the hill with a gurgling gurgling, and he was already dead.

The person who spoke earlier led others to run down to confirm Wang Ming's situation, and then cut off Wang Ming's head.He clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Come on, follow me to report to Captain Meng."

It seems that Meng Xi didn't really want to let Wang Ming flee back to Jiangdong to report to Sun Quan about Xu Xiang and Hu Zong.He just asked Wang Ming to help him and put on a play in front of Xu Xiang.

Moreover, Meng Xi never planned to let Wang Ming leave here alive.

Meng Xi's plan is really a bit sinister.

However, the effect was soon apparent.Early the next morning, Ding Ye excitedly came to report to Meng Xi that Xu Xiang had agreed to surrender.

Meng Xi was overjoyed and immediately went to see Xu Xiang in person.

Then, under Xu Xiang's personal persuasion, Meng Xi subdued two more village chiefs.Then, the remaining three die-hard village chiefs were all escorted to the wild by Meng Xi's men and executed secretly. He didn't have much time to deal with these die-hards now.

Then, the next step is to ask Xu Xiang to help Meng Xi conquer the morale of the army.

Gai Meng soon received the good news from Xiong Ping, which also included a new battle plan provided by Meng Xi.

Gai Meng looked at the content of the good news in surprise.Of course, Xiong Ping's literary talent is very ordinary, and it is definitely not as good as Meng Xi.But because there were no documents in the army at that time, Xiong Ping was too embarrassed to ask Meng Xi to write for him, so he had to do it himself.

However, Ge Meng was not surprised that Xiong Ping's writing style was too bad.He was very shocked by the records in it, how Meng Xi penetrated into the enemy camp, captured and understood Xu Xiang, the left governor of the troubled army, and all the main officers under his command.

Because from Gai Meng's point of view, Meng Xi can almost be regarded as the most well-behaved general under the command of the prince. It is unexpected that he would have such a dangerous move alone.

However, what made Gai Meng feel gratified was that Meng Xi's operation was indeed very successful. He actually wiped out half of the left troops of the Jiangdong Army's elite Jiefan Army without bloodshed.Then, in this way, the tasks I faced in this action have already been solved, and the pressure in the future has also been reduced a lot accordingly.

Then, Gai Meng began to think about Meng Xi's new battle plan.Although Xiong Ping had already sent a letter to Zhang Baojun seeking cooperation to wipe out the enemy without authorization, Ge Meng believed that this move was also possible, at least it did not make Ge Meng feel disgusted by it.Cooperating with Zhang Baojun was originally in Gai Meng's plan.

However, according to the current marching speed of Hu Zong's army, their speed is obviously faster than Xu Xiang's army.In addition, when Xiong Ping's troops wiped out Xu Xiang's army, time was delayed.Therefore, Gai Meng believed that Xiong Ping's idea of ​​besieging Hu Zong's men in the mountainous area might not be possible.

Because by the time Gai Meng's army left the mountain, Hu Zong's army might have already left the mountain.Therefore, Gai Meng believes that Hu Zong's army can only be encircled and wiped out in the plain area in the end.

Moreover, Ge Meng is also very sure about this.He and Xiong Ping controlled a cavalry team of 5000 men, and it was not difficult at all to defeat the exhausted division that had been marching rapidly.In addition, they can still get the reinforcements sent by Zhang Bao to assist them at this time. When the two sides cooperate, it should be easy to encircle and wipe out Hu Zong's troops.

Although it might be too late to report the above situation to Xiong Ping at this time, Gai Meng still sent a letter to Xiong Ping.

Zhang Bao received Xiong Ping's letter just a little later than Gai Meng.In fact, not long before that, he had already received a letter from Ge Meng.Although he still hates Gai Meng now, but from a correct point of view, at least half of the purpose of Gai Meng's dispatch of troops this time is to help his army keep its flanks.

Since Ge Meng was able to help Zhang Bao regardless of past suspicions, Zhang Bao would certainly not be so careful not to know that he was going to vote for Li Baotao.Therefore, Zhang Bao had already agreed in his heart that he could send troops to join forces with Gai Meng's army to deal with Jie Fan's army.

Now when he saw the good news sent by Xiong Ping, he was also very surprised.Xiong Ping and Meng Xi were able to clean up Xu Xiang's left 3000 troops with 3000 troops without bloodshed!

The cleanliness of Xiong Ping and Meng Xi really shocked Zhang Bao greatly.

Then, Zhang Bao just saw Meng Xi's new battle plan.After thinking about it for himself, he felt that this method was indeed feasible, but he didn't know if he could catch up with the time.

Therefore, Zhang Bao immediately dispatched 3000 troops to the south as fast as possible, trying to join up with Xiong Ping's cavalry and block the intersection of Hu Zong's troops leaving the mountain.Then, they cooperated with Gai Meng's army behind them to encircle Hu Zong's troops on both sides and wipe them out in the mountains.This also eliminates the need to fight on the plains, and it is easy for the enemy to find the flaws in their whereabouts.

But just as Guy Meng was worried about, Guy Meng's army was still a bit late after all.When they walked out of the mountain, Hu Zong's troops had already left the mountain, and were rushing to the scheduled assembly point to meet Xu Xiang's army.

Therefore, Xiong Ping had no choice but to order the army to stop advancing temporarily, and waited for Gai Meng's troops to come and meet up.

The reinforcements sent by Zhang Bao have also been rewarded by the scouts, who have learned that Hu Zong's army has successfully left the mountain.They immediately stood by and re-executed the combat plan against the Jiefan Army that Deng Ai made at that time.

Half a day later, Gai Meng's army finally joined forces with Xiong Ping's troops.

After discussing for a while, the two felt that they could take advantage of the exhaustion of Hu Zong's troops and launch a surprise attack on him.

Therefore, Gai Meng immediately sent messengers to Zhang Bao's support army to convey their intentions.

Then, Gai Meng's army turned around to the north, Xiong Ping's cavalry began to turn around from the west, and Zhang Bao's support army could spread out and press in on Hu Zong's troops from the east.In this case, they formed a three-sided encirclement, and Hu Zong's men were almost impossible to escape.

In the afternoon of that day, Hu Zong's troops finally arrived at the scheduled assembly point.

At the same time, the cavalry under the control of Gai Meng and Xiong Ping had already spread out on the plain, and the front line against Hu Zong's army had been formed.

Soon, the war drums were beeping, and the thunderous sound of war horses galloping followed suit.The ground in Hu Zong's camp suddenly jumped, as if there had been an earthquake.

Gai Meng and Xiong Ping's cavalry team, the vigorous figure was bathed in the late summer sun, and the armor on their bodies reflected the bright light.The wind driven by the running, raised the army's small flag, and made a hunting sound.

Hu Zong ran out immediately, staring dumbfounded at the scene in front of him. Countless cavalry formed a black line that kept floating up and down, but surrounded his camp from north to south.

Hu Zong really couldn't figure out where this cavalry team suddenly appeared from, could it be a divine soldier descended from heaven?

Hu Zong was not drunk today, and his reaction was indeed not slow.Although he knew that Zhang Bao's army was in the east, he could only temporarily retreat to the east now.

Immediately, Hu Zong's men and horses fled eastward one after another like a mess.But they stopped soon, and a black line appeared on the east side, and a group of Jingzhou army infantry was approaching them in an orderly manner!
Hu Zong's men were desperate.They have now been completely surrounded by the enemy.And now it's a plain area, no matter how fast their feet can run, they can't run as fast as the four legs of the horse behind them!
After an hour of fierce fighting between the two sides, almost all of Hu Zong's men were wiped out.Hu Zong himself was finally killed in battle.

In this battle, 2000 enemy soldiers were captured and [-] were killed.The losses of Jingzhou Army and Jiangzhou Army are almost negligible.

(End of this chapter)

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