Chapter 65 Guard Battalion

The next day, Liu Chan did not sleep in bed anymore, but woke up early, because he had already made today's itinerary.

So, he ordered a guard to fetch water, washed himself, changed into fresh white clothes, and casually ate some pastries left over from last night, so he didn't go to Zhuge Qiao for breakfast.Then, he told Zhao Feng to follow him.

Zhao Feng couldn't help frowning slightly, the son is now deep inside the enemy's territory, if he wants to go out, how can he not bring more people to protect him?He said, "Young master, you are not safe now. I think we should bring more people?"

Liu Chan stopped and said, "Because it's not safe in Wu territory, I can't bring more people. That would be too ostentatious? And as long as you are here, there shouldn't be any problems."

Zhao Feng knew that Liu Chan trusted his ability very much, so although he felt a little uneasy, he didn't say anything more.The two walked outside, not wanting to run into Zhuge Rong soon.

This kid Zhuge Rong is still wearing a brocade robe today, but it doesn't bring out how much demeanor he is.Because he didn't seem to be in a good spirit this early in the morning. Not only did he have bags under his eyes, but his eye sockets were also darkened. It was obvious that he slept very late last night.

Liu Chan was about to laugh at Zhuge Rong, but Zhuge Rong asked first, "Little brother Yang, are you going out now? That's right, I'm looking for you!"

Liu Chan heard that Zhuge Rong did not claim to be his elder brother this time, but further married himself a new name "Little Brother Yang", he couldn't help but looked at Zhao Feng helplessly, and found that the expression on Zhao Feng's face was half a smile, not a smile.Liu Chan didn't care about the address with Zhuge Rong anymore, and said, "Actually, I'm going to find you too! But, what's the matter with the look on your face?"

Hearing what Liu Chan said, Zhuge Rong smiled nonchalantly and said, "After I went back last night, I thought about it again and felt that the interest rate of 18% was a bit low, so I still want to ask you to help me after much deliberation." Do the math again."

The usury loan with a monthly interest rate of 18% is actually very high. If you add it up, the annual interest rate is 216%, which is actually very scary.But this Zhuge Rong is not enough?Liu Chan was slightly annoyed in his heart, and asked, "Then how much interest do you want?"

Zhuge Rong smiled shyly, "How about 25%?"

Liu Chan really wanted to scold Zhuge Rong, go to hell!But now he has something to ask for help from the other party, and said: "I can't figure it out. My family only taught me the algorithm before 18%, and I won't be able to do it with larger numbers after that." It's really lucky that Liu Chan figured it out like this The excuses he made were actually quick wits.

Sure enough, Zhuge Rong was a little suspicious. He stared at Liu Chan with a pair of small eyes, and found that Liu Chan's expression had not changed, and he did not seem to be lying, so he sighed and stopped asking.Liu Chan has experienced a lot of things in these years, and he has seen a lot of people and things. How could his mind be seen through by a young master like Zhuge Rong?

Seeing that Zhuge Rong had stopped talking, Liu Chan said, "Yesterday you said you knew people from the Gu family, how about we go and have fun with them today?"

Zhuge Rong suddenly gave a long snort, because what Liu Chan said was really strange.He just came to Jianye yesterday, if he didn't want to have fun with Zhuge Qiao, why would he want to find the children of the Gu family?Zhuge Rong asked, "What do you want to play with them?"

Liu Chan said with a smile: "I like to make friends. As long as it is played by you, I will not refuse anyone."

Hearing what Liu Chan said, Zhuge Rong thought that Liu Chan was with him, patted Liu Chan on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Okay! From the looks of it, I know you are a person who knows how to play! I never thought that my second brother would make friends with a guy like you." "Then, Zhuge Rong told Liu Chan that the children of the Gu family who had made friends with him should go to the guard camp to play today, as long as they go there, they will definitely meet.

Liu Chan was overjoyed, and couldn't wait to say: "That's great, then let's go to the guard camp immediately."

Zhuge Rong was still a little mentally ill at first, but now when he heard that he was going out to play, he suddenly became energetic and said with a smile: "It's still early, brother, I will take you around the city, so that you can get familiar with the building. The prosperity of the industry."

The two came to the stable, where Liu Chan's carriage was placed, Zhuge Rong called the coachman from home, and the two of them and Zhao Feng got into the carriage and left Zhuge Mansion.

Zhuge Rong really didn't break his promise, and he asked the coachman to take Liu Chan around the city for half a circle, and he didn't forget to help Liu Chan make an introduction.Zhuge Rong's eloquence was excellent, and he praised the things along the way vividly, and later bought snacks for Liu Chan, so he was a good guide.

Finally, the carriage stopped in front of a military camp, which should be the guard camp that Zhuge Rong mentioned.

Liu Chan looked at the sky, but it was not yet noon. The scale of Jianye at this time was not as grand and beautiful as the Qinhuai Fengyue in Jinling City in later generations.In fact, Moling was rebuilt into Jianye only after Zhang Hong's death. It didn't take long, not to mention that the original scale of Moling was not too big.

Zhuge Rong opened the curtain and got out of the car first, and asked Liu Chan to get out of the car quickly. The Jianye guard camp had already arrived.Zhao Feng was sitting next to the coachman, so he jumped down first to help Liu Chan get off the carriage.Liu Chan naturally refused Zhao Feng's help, so he jumped off the carriage by himself.

Zhuge Rong understood in his heart that this Zhao Feng was really not a general sent by his second uncle to protect Zhuge Qiao, but should be the guard of "Yang Huang".

Thinking of this, Zhuge Rong's eyes moved, and he began to secretly guess Liu Chan's identity.Because of having a guard with such high martial arts skills as Zhao Feng, and making friends with Zhuge Qiao, can this "Yang Huang"'s family background be so low?

But Zhuge Rong didn't ask Liu Chan's real family background, because if Liu Chan wanted to say something, his second brother would have told his mother yesterday.From this point of view, Zhuge Rong is actually quite insightful, not completely ignorant.

Zhuge Rong saw that Liu Chan had got off the carriage, so he straightened his brocade clothes and ordered the coachman to wait outside the camp.Then he took Liu Chan and Zhao Feng, and the three walked to the gate of the camp.

What surprised Liu Chan was that the soldiers guarding the gate of the camp should be very familiar with Zhuge Rong. Even though they saw him bringing two strangers, they opened the gate carelessly and did not go forward to inquire. The identities of Liu Chan and Zhao Feng.And it was this small touch that made Liu Chan fully aware of the importance of maintaining discipline in the army.But that's already a story.

The three of them walked through the gate of the camp, and then a person came from the side, followed by a few soldiers, and it was unclear whether they were patrolling the camp or guarding the gate.However, Liu Chan saw that this person was only wearing a livery, not armor, so he knew that the highest status of this person was just a soldier.

When the man saw Zhuge Rong, he cupped his hands and said with a smile, "Young Master Zhuge, you came so early today!"

Zhuge Rong didn't return the gift, but just put his hands behind his back and pouted his mouth to tell the other party that he just brought his friends over to play today.Hearing the words, the soldier head looked at Liu Chan and Zhao Feng, and saw that they had extraordinary demeanor, but he didn't know why.But he is a well-behaved person and knows how to behave cleverly. Not only did he not question the two of them, but he also bowed to them.

The behavior of this soldier made Liu Chan feel a little ridiculous - everyone belongs to the enemy now, and you actually salute the enemy in front of you carelessly?The soldiers of the guard battalion were hopeless.

Naturally, Liu Chan didn't return the salute to the other party, but just nodded so that the other party didn't need to be too polite, but he sighed in his heart, it's really dangerous for Jianye City to be guarded by such soldiers!
Zhuge Rong walked towards the inside at this time, but stopped suddenly, and asked the soldier, "Have Mr. Gu and Captain Sun come?"

"Lieutenant Sun has been living in the barracks for the past few days and has not returned home. He should be in his camp now. Mr. Gu, the younger one hasn't seen it yet, maybe he hasn't come here yet."

Only then did Zhuge Rong nod, and stretched out his hand to take out dozens of coins from his pocket and gave them to the soldier.As soon as the soldier saw those coins, his eyes lit up, and even the soldiers behind him seemed extremely happy.After the soldier thanked Zhuge Rong a few times, he immediately took the money. It seems that Zhuge Rong often rewarded them, otherwise he would not be so unscrupulous.

Only then did Liu Chan and the three start, and after walking a certain distance, Liu Chan asked Zhuge Rong, "Are you familiar with that soldier?"

Zhuge Rong shook his head and said, "Not familiar. I don't even know his name."

Liu Chan was suddenly surprised, and asked, "Then why does he seem to be quite familiar with you, and you even tipped him?"

Zhuge Rong said with a mysterious smile: "Little Brother Yang, you are still a little too young. I rewarded them today, and they will reward me accordingly in the future. I am called Guangbu Eyeliner, so I can get information .”

Liu Chan couldn't understand what Zhuge Rong was talking about, so he continued to ask.But Zhuge Rong started talking about him, but refused to say anything more.Liu Chan secretly guessed that it might be related to gambling or eating, drinking and having fun.However, this was not something he cared about at all, so he gave up asking in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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