The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 658 Fighting for power and profit

Chapter 658 Fighting for power and profit ([-])

In Chengdu, the night is already very deep.Tonight's moonlight is dim, and the dark clouds weigh down the already dark sky.

Since ancient times, there has been a late-night martial law in the city, and people generally live at sunrise and sunset, and there is almost no nightlife, so that there is silence everywhere in the city of Nuoda, except for a few faint sounds that can be heard in the distance. The dog barked.Even the noisy crickets in the summer night are almost all gone now.

However, a rush of horseshoes sounded from a distance, still crushing the silence of the night.

A not-so-fancy carriage soon appeared at the corner of the street.The light on the street was very dim. In order to drive the carriage at night, a lantern was hung on the crossbar in front of it, which could barely illuminate the road ahead.On the way, the carriage looked a little rickety, like a drunk wandering around in the middle of the night.

After wandering around the city for several streets, the carriage finally came to a mansion.The size of this mansion is not small, and the tall gate shows the extraordinary identity of the owner here.Four large lanterns were hung under the eaves, illuminating the road in front of the door into a bright red color.

At this time, a human head poked out from inside the carriage.After looking around for a while, he just stepped out of the carriage, patted the robe on his body, and then raised his head.

This person was about 40 years old, and his figure was thin and short. He had a long mustache on his mouth, and his eyes were not very big, but there was a hint of pride.

This person is Liao Li and Liao Gongyuan, a great talent in Jingchu who claims to be as talented as Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong.This person is indeed a bit underappreciated now, and he just served as a small captain of Changshui. It should be said that his official position is relatively low.

Liao Li got off the carriage, stepped forward to look at the plaque with "Wu Mansion" hanging under the eaves, and was actually full of envy in his heart.Because the owner of this mansion belonged to Wu Yi, the elder brother of the Wu family, the Queen of Hanzhong, and Wu Yi's current status was the general protecting the army against rebels.

With the continued favor of Wu Cheng and the birth of the new prince Liu Yong, this Wu Yi is destined to be reused by Liu Bei, the king of Hanzhong, and his career in the future will be smoother and smoother.

However, as long as they are in the officialdom in Chengdu, they are relatively clear about the current situation.Although the battle between the eldest son Liu Chan and Wu Cheng seems to have fallen into silence as Liu Chan temporarily left Chengdu to participate in the war in Jingzhou.But anyone with a discerning eye would know that under such a calm environment, the tide had already become turbulent with Liu Yong's birth.

However, this undercurrent is still like this dark night, it seems a little blurry, and it is still a little bit hard to see through.

Although Liao Li has an arrogant personality and is not liked by others, it does not mean that his IQ is low. On the contrary, he is definitely a very smart person.

In fact, Liao Li had already noticed that although the eldest son Liu Chan had left Chengdu long ago, the big figures in Chengdu who supported him continued unabated.For example, Shangshu Ling Fazheng, who originally had a sense of sorting out the son, but recently he has almost overwhelmingly supported Liu Chan.

The problem is that Shangshuling is in charge of Shangshutai, and all the decrees promulgated by the King of Hanzhong come from Shangshutai.In fact, the power of Shangshutai almost came from the deprivation of the power of the Sangong of the Eastern Han Dynasty.In addition, it is the institution closest to the King of Hanzhong, and its power and influence are almost incalculable.

Moreover, the eldest son Liu Chan has established a good alliance with Zhuge Liang long ago.Zhuge Liang has now become the spokesperson of the eldest son Liu Chan after he left Chengdu.

Then, Liu Chan has another teacher on the surface.Of course, this teacher is not Shi Guangyuan, and Shi Guangyuan's current weight is obviously not enough.Liu Chan also has a grand tutor, Xu Jing.Although Xu Jing didn't have much power, he had great influence among scholars.

Therefore, with the support of these three big figures on the stage, the eldest son Liu Chan can indeed stay in Jingzhou for a long time to fight in peace and security.Others, such as Li Yan, the royal censor, also tended to support the eldest son Liu Chan, rather than the queen Wu.Furthermore, another important task in Yizhou, Fazheng's Shangshu Liu Ba, on the surface seems to have constant conflicts with Liu Chan's ideas, but in fact he always speaks out for Liu Chan when necessary.Became one of Liu Chan's most incredible supporters.

Therefore, at this time, Liao Li really showed his high IQ side.He knows that he is incomparable with the big men mentioned above.But he knew very confidently that his talent would definitely not be inferior to those people.If he joins the prince's camp now, it is actually a very good choice, but the problem is, who will take a serious look at him, the little captain of Changshui!
Liao Li was always so jealous that he almost went crazy when he thought of other people's titles such as Taifu, Shangshuling, Shangshu, Yushi Doctor, etc.

Therefore, Liao Li decided to take a gamble and join Wu's camp.At that time, relying on his own talents, he will definitely receive the absolute attention of the Wu family.Then, maybe I can really realize my dream of rising to the top, and step on Zhuge Liang, Dong He, and Fazheng, who are in power, all under my feet, no, it should be so that they will never be able to stand up.

Liao Li came to Wu Yi with this in mind.Because in his opinion, if he wanted to get on line with Wu Shi, of course he had to start with Wu Yi first, which was the safest way.

Although there were indirect rumors in the past, it was said that Wu Yi had already stated to Queen Wu that he would not participate in the struggle between the Wu family and the eldest son Liu Chan in order to protect himself.But Liao Li didn't believe these rumors. He thought that Wu Yi was not a fool. Now that Empress Wu is the most favored by the King of Hanzhong, if he can't use it to make him quickly increase his official status, it will be absolutely Impossible things.

People like Liao Li, who are so devoted to fame and wealth, will definitely make such a judgment.In the eyes of people like him, nepotism can at least save people decades of struggle, so why not do it?

Liao Li's mentality is very complicated, and his purpose is not pure.

Liao Li asked the coachman to knock on the gate of Wu Mansion, and an old servant with a lantern opened the door.Liao Li then took out his famous stab from his sleeve pocket and asked his old servant to take it in and show it to Wu Yi.

The old servant knew very well that his master had always been kind, but he was also a bit reclusive and didn't have much contact with others.Therefore, the old servant felt very strange seeing this thin scribe visiting late at night, but he did not dare to neglect the visitor.

The old servant asked Liao Li to wait outside the door for a while, and then closed the door again with Liao Li's famous badge.

Not long after, the old servant came back with Liao Li's name badge.After returning the famous thorn to Liao Li, he told Liao Li that his master had already fallen asleep, so he didn't see Mr.

Liao Li was a little stunned at once. Could it be that he is still a person who is still not seen by Wu's side?Liao Li's face immediately turned red. Fortunately, the bright red light was used to cover up, so no one could see it.

In the end, Liao Li became anxious, and asked the old servant to go in again to spread the word, saying that Liao Li had top-secret information about the Zuo General's Mansion and the war in Jingzhou.

The old servant had no choice but to go in again to spread the word.

(End of this chapter)

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