The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 678: Something Happened to Zhuge

Chapter 678 Zhuge's Accident ([-])

On the second day after Gai Meng's attack, Liu Chan was notified by Huang Quan, saying that the army of the Wuxi Man had arrived thirty miles outside Xiangtan City, and whether it was necessary to send someone to meet it.

Liu Chan thought for a while, since Shamoke's army is now considered an allied army, it is indeed necessary to send someone to meet it.After discussing with Huang Quan, he felt that there were two more suitable candidates in Xiangtan, one was Huang Quan and the other was Yu Jin.

Although Huang Quan is now focusing on handling all kinds of affairs in the rear, his identity is actually the joining of Zhang Fei, the leader of the Jiangzhou Army, and his other identity is the governance of Yizhou.Yu Jin's identity is simpler. He maintained his general title and title when he was in Cao Wei, and is still helping Liu Chan as a military counselor.Judging from the situation of the two of them, Yu Jin is obviously in martial arts, and seems to be closer to the identity of Samoko.

But from Zong Yu, Liu Chan probably also learned about Sha Moke's temperament, that he is an arrogant person.Yu Jin was surrendered from Cao Wei's side. Although everyone in the army still respects this veteran, it doesn't mean that barbarians like Samoko will also accept Yu Jin's tricks!

Liu Chan has always loved and respected Jin, so he was not willing to let Yu Jin take the risk of being humiliated by Samoko.What's more, if Yu Jin was sent to meet Sha Moke, it would represent Liu Chan and not Yu Jin himself. He was humiliated by Sha Moke, which is equivalent to Liu Chan being humiliated by Sha Moke.Therefore, Liu Chan considered again and again, and asked Huang Quan to make peace.

Then, Liu Chan asked Zhuge Qiao to accompany Huang Quantong.In this case, people from the Jiangzhou Army and Liu Chan's side will also be there, which can be regarded as giving Sha Moke enough face.

Huang Quan didn't refuse either, in fact, he didn't have extra time to discuss it.What's more, in the eyes of the people at that time, welcoming and sending off was not a trivial matter. Scholars like Huang Quan had many contacts in their daily lives, so it can be said that they were very familiar with doing this.

And Liu Chan himself is the son of the king of Hanzhong, unless he is a very noble or very close person, otherwise it is impossible for him to go out of the city thirty miles away to meet him.He usually just greets him at the gate of Xiangtan City, which is enough for the other party.

Therefore, Huang Quan immediately took Zhuge Qiao and a group of entourage out of the city.

On Liu Chan's side, he immediately conveyed his order to Shi Liang who was stationed in the camp outside Xiangtan City, asking him to make preparations to meet the Wuxi barbarian army.

When Huang Quan, Zhuge Qiao and his party rode to the west of Xiangtan City twenty miles away, they encountered the front troops of Wuxi Man.After passing the pass, Huang Quan and Zhuge Qiao were sent by a Wuximan general to the Chinese army behind.

Then, Huang Quan and Zhuge Qiao met Zong Yu first.Zong Yu also heard the news of Huang Quan and Zhuge Qiao's arrival from the Wuxi barbarians, so he immediately came to greet them.

After Huang Quan inquired about Zong Yu's situation, he specifically asked him about Shamoko's situation.Then, under the leadership of Zong Yu, they quickly found Sha Moke among the marching troops.

Sha Moke was born unusually tall and mighty, his height was nine feet, and his appearance was also extremely ferocious, his face was bloody and his blue eyes protruded.He was only wearing a leopard skin suit, which was simply put on, revealing a large part of his upper body.The skin on the body may be dark and shiny because it has been exposed for many years.

Perhaps it was because of his unusually tall stature that his mount was also unusually tall, at least one size larger than ordinary people's mounts.It was a group of green horses, and besides two large longbows hanging from the saddle bridge, there was a strange long weapon.This is the very famous barbed wire bone in Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

This ancient weapon was mostly made of iron or hardwood.One end is equipped with a handle, and the other end is oblong with iron spikes on it.Tribulus terrestris is actually an improved type of hammer, that is, adding many sharp thorns to the hammer head, it becomes a terrestris bone.

Huang Quan and Zhuge Qiao were the most vicious people they had ever met, and Zhang Fei was the most vicious person they had ever met.But Zhang Fei's appearance is that his face is a little darker, his beard is a little thicker, and his mouth is a little bloody, everything is actually normal. How can it be like this Shamoko, at first glance, it makes people People feel like demon gods from hell.

In fact, in the hearts of Huang Quan and Zhuge Qiao, they even faintly sensed an inexplicable evil aura about Shamoke, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

Then, Huang Quan and Zhuge Qiao's eyes fell on a wild general who was accompanying Sha Moke.This person is also taller, about half a head shorter than Shamoko.However, the temperament of this person is very different from that of Shamoko. It makes people feel a little kind, and seems to be a kinder person.

Zong Yu immediately introduced to Huang Quan and Zhuge Qiao in a low voice: "The person next to Sha Moke is his cousin Sha Shixun. This person has a good impression of us Han people, and he is not hostile to Han people like ordinary barbarians. .”

Huang Quan nodded, and kept Sha Shixun in his heart.Then, he asked Zong Yu to take himself and Zhuge Qiao to meet Sha Moke.

Actually, Sha Moke and Sha Shixun had already seen Huang Quan and Zhuge Qiao just now.Both of them are now wearing Hanfu, and both of them are literati, no matter their clothes, temperament or appearance, they are very different from their Wuxi Man.In addition, it is not far from Xiangtan City now, so they can know at a guess that these two people are the envoys who came out to meet him.

But Shamoke is Shamoke, and he is also used to arrogance, so he deliberately pretended not to see Huang Quan and Zhuge Qiao, so that even now, he is still riding on his mount.

Seeing that Sha Moke did this, it was actually very disrespectful, so he stepped forward and whispered, "Brother, the emissary of Liu Chan, the son of the Prince of Hanzhong, should have arrived, so we should get off our horses and go to greet him." ?”

Sha Moke glanced at Huang Quan out of the corner of his eye, and said calmly: "No need, isn't it just a few Han Chinese? Let's talk about it when they come over."

Sha Shixun's face suddenly showed hesitation, and he persuaded again: "Brother, I think the clothes and temperament of those two people are extraordinary, and they must be ordinary people. We should not neglect them."

When Sha Moke heard this, he sneered.He knew very well that his cousin was sent to the southern part of the border with Shanyue ten years ago, but unexpectedly, he was influenced by the Shanyue people and yearned for the Han people's way of life.Therefore, Sha Moke would definitely not agree with Sha Shixun's words, and said disapprovingly: "Aren't they just two weak scholars who have no strength to restrain a chicken? If Liu Chan sends a general to meet me, I will go there to meet me personally." It's okay for them, but if it's two literati..."

Although Samoko's words were not fully spoken, the meaning was already quite clear.

When Sars heard the words, he couldn't help sighing secretly in his heart.Although this cousin of his is leading the huge Wuxi barbarian, why is his vision so short-sighted?How did he know that among the Han people, Chinese officials are always more noble than military officials.Nowadays, it is a troubled time, which has led to the rise of the military officer's status.

Sha Shixun originally wanted to continue persuading Sha Moke a few words, but seeing Huang Quan and others had come, he had no choice but to shut up.

When Huang Quan and others walked in again, Sha Shixun dismounted.However, Sha Shixun felt a little dumbfounded that Sha Moke was still sitting on the horse at this time, but he had turned his head to stare at Huang Quan and Zhuge Qiao Haozongyu.

At this time, Sha Moke sat on the horse and asked Zong Yu condescendingly: "Who are these two people you brought?" His tone seemed very arrogant.

Seeing this, Sha Shixun stepped forward two steps quickly and pulled Lasha Moke's saddle.Sha Moke turned his head and glanced at Sashi, but finally got off the horse.

(End of this chapter)

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