Chapter 68
After everyone calmed down from the astonishment just now, Liu Chan originally thought that Sun Huan must find Zhao Feng to settle the score again.Not wanting to, Sun Huan suddenly laughed twice, stepped forward to salute Zhao Feng, and said, "Your Excellency is really good, I admire you! My servant, Sun Shuwu, do you know your surname Gao?"

Sun Huan's abnormal behavior was indeed beyond Zhao Feng's expectation, and he couldn't help being a little dumbfounded, and it took a long time before he realized it.He cupped his hands and returned the salute: "Don't dare, I'm Zhao Feng, he's just a guard who followed my little master."

When Sun Huan heard this, he couldn't help but gasped again.He never imagined that someone as capable as Zhao Feng would be just an accompanying guard?He looked at Zhuge Rong in amazement.

Zhuge Rong pointed at Liu Chan, and said with a smile: "Don't look at me like that, I just found out that he is so capable. His master is the one beside me."

Sun Huan's gaze then moved to Liu Chan who was slightly shorter than Zhuge Rong, and found that Liu Chan was also a stranger, and he had never met him before.He suddenly remembered that if Zhao Feng hadn't blocked him just now, he might have accidentally injured this young master.He bowed to Liu Chan and said, "My son Huan and Sun Shuwu, I almost offended you just now, please forgive me."

Liu Chan saw that although Sun Huan was a little impulsive, he was very broad-minded, and his impression of him improved a lot, so he didn't want to entangle him in the fight just now.He also politely said: "It's okay, I just got a little scared just now. I'm Yang Huang, a native of Jingzhou."

When Sun Huan and Gu Tong heard the words, they just nodded, and did not start to check Liu Chan's identity because he came from outside Soochow.

Zhuge Rong on the side saw the two talking in such a way that he was not used to it, so he smiled and said: "You two don't have to be so polite, that's how Shuwu and I like to fight , everyone never cared about it. Everyone should take their seats first."

He pulled Liu Chan into the seat and sat down himself, as if the fight between him and Sun Huan just now had never happened at all.Liu Chan couldn't help sighing inwardly, the lives of these people are too boring, and they can only pass their days in this way.

Sun Huan also wanted to invite Zhao Feng to his seat.But now that the eldest son is present, where it is Zhao Feng's turn to take the seat, he refuses again and again.Seeing that he couldn't force Zhao Feng, Sun Huan just gave up, but looked at Zhao Feng who was standing aside from time to time, showing great sympathy for each other.

After Liu Chan sat down, he looked at the table, on which there was a pair of leaf playing cards in the shape of a long strip.Liu Chan knew that this kind of cards was divided into four colors like the cards of later generations, but there were only forty cards.It is said that this kind of leaf play is the prototype of gambling cards and tarot cards in later generations, and it was passed down together with the Mongolian army when it invaded Europe.

Liu Chan had never played this kind of card before, but he often saw soldiers playing it in the military camp, and he had never seen anyone order it to be banned, so he felt no stranger to it.Seeing Liu Chan staring at the leaf card, Sun Huan asked, "Can Mr. Yang know how to play?"

Liu Chan smiled slightly and said, "I've seen others play it before."

As soon as Sun Huan heard it, he knew that Liu Chan had no research on leaf cards at all, and he might even be a novice, who had never played a game of cards at all.Gu Tong, who was on the opposite side, was quite clever. He saw the opportunity earlier than Sun Huan, so he explained to Liu Chan the rules of the leaf card game in detail.

After listening to Liu Chan, he suddenly had a feeling in his heart. This rule clearly has many similarities with the card gambling of later generations, and some places seem to be related to bridge, so it is not particularly difficult to understand.

Seeing Liu Chan nodding frequently, Gu Tong seemed to have understood it, so he suggested: "Young Master Yang, why don't we try to play a few games first? Only in this way can you master the real gameplay."

Now Liu Chan has also developed a little interest in this leaf opera, so naturally he would not refuse the other party's kindness, so he agreed.Seeing that Liu Chan was also a cheerful person, Gu Tong immediately showed a knowing smile on his face, and then began to shuffle, pick up, and cut the cards. The movements were very fast, as expected of a perennial card player.

However, Liu Chan is a novice, and his skills are still not good enough.After the first round, Gu Tong had already won before he had even played a few cards in his hand.But after the next few games, Liu Chan's skills are gradually improving.After six innings, Liu Chan's cards have been played quite smoothly.His strong learning ability surprised the other three.

At this time, Sun Huan saw that Liu Chan had almost learned the game, and he had to hone his poker skills by himself, and suggested that everyone could play a few games.How did he know that the reason why Liu Chan was willing to sit down and play cards with them was naturally not to gamble with them.In fact, Liu Chan has always been quite repulsive to things like playing cards and gambling.He even has a theory of his own

——There are three kinds of people in this world who absolutely cannot be trusted: the promises of politicians, the oaths of alcoholics and gamblers.

Now Liu Chan just wants to use the name of playing cards to build a good relationship with these people, especially that Gu Tong, because his clan brother is Gu Shao, the person he personally came to Jianye to investigate this time.If Liu Chan wants to see Gu Shao these two days, he will have to rely on his relationship.So facing Sun Huan's proposal, Liu Chan naturally would not refuse, and he was already prepared to lose money in his heart.

So, everyone shuffled, played and dealt the cards again.After a few rounds, except for Liu Chan, most of the other three had won money, and everyone's interest was immediately aroused.Liu Chan did some calculations and found that he had lost as much as twenty gold in total.But Liu Chan was not annoyed, because he felt that losing money was necessary and inevitable.And as long as they can establish friendship with Gu Shao, then everything is easy to talk about.

However, after a few more rounds, the situation suddenly began to change.Between the three of Sun Huan, there had always been mutual wins and losses, especially Gu Tong who won the most, but now for several rounds in a row, it was Zhuge Rong who won the cards!Liu Chan really couldn't figure out the reason, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Zhao Feng behind him.He knew that Zhao Feng had been in the army for many years, so it was impossible for him not to know how to play this kind of leaf trick.

Needless to say, the tacit understanding between Zhao Feng and Liu Chan, he immediately understood what Liu Chan meant, and then looked up behind Gu Tong and Sun Huan.

Liu Chan suddenly noticed that behind Gu Tong and Sun Huan, at some point there were already two soldiers serving with tea in their hands.There was no need to make a fuss about such a thing, but Liu Chan recognized these two people, they were clearly the two soldiers who had just collected Zhuge Rong's money and had been guarding the door!

Now Liu Chan suddenly understood that just now Zhuge Rong gave those soldiers money from time to time, and later told him that he wanted them to return the money accordingly.It turned out that there were ghosts in his guard camp, and Zhuge Rong was using these soldiers to attack him!Liu Chan originally felt that Zhuge Rong was just an unlearned and incompetent dude, but now he began to feel that his intentions were not right, and he immediately became a little annoyed.

As a result of this round, Zhuge Rong really won.During the period, Liu Chan observed the two soldiers from time to time, and found that they would always make some small moves towards Zhuge Rong.Let Liu Chan be more sure that Zhuge Rong is going out.As a result, Liu Chan didn't want to play any more, and this is not the way to take advantage of him. How could he be played around like this!
Liu Chan stood up from his seat and said to Zhao Feng: "My card skills are still not good, can you come down and help me? Otherwise, everyone will not be able to play."

Zhao Feng originally didn't want to end, but after hearing Shizi say this, he couldn't tolerate his refusal, so he had to end in place of Liu Chan.Sun Huan ordered his men to move a pier for Liu Chan to rest on the side.

But what surprised everyone was that Zhao Feng, who seemed extremely loyal and honest, actually won three games in a row smoothly after leaving the field. It was a pleasant surprise for Liu Chan, and Liu Chan's face was immediately full of smiles. , but Zhuge Rong's face has become a little unnatural.

After a few more rounds, Zhuge Rong showed his power again and started to win money again, which really surprised Liu Chan.

As the game continued, Liu Chan looked more and more surprised, Sun Huan frowned, and Gu Tong's expression was no longer indifferent.Because the current game has turned into a dragon-tiger fight between Zhao Feng and Zhuge Rong, and Sun Huan and Gu Tong have almost become a foil.

As the game continued, although Zhao Feng's card skills were very high, he gradually won back the money Liu Chan lost, but because someone from Zhuge Rong was reminding him, he was actually the one who won the most money, and the battle situation has changed. In full swing.

At this time, Zhao Feng suddenly turned his head and glanced at Liu Chan.Liu Chan couldn't help feeling tense, because Zhao Feng's eyes were clearly telling him that he wanted to be as famous as Zhuge Rong.Liu Chan originally wanted to stop it, because he couldn't afford to lose the money. The so-called "lose money without losing the battle", how can you lose your demeanor and principles of life?
But at this time, I saw Zhao Feng grabbing a card in his hand. I don't know how he did it. After he flipped it over, it turned into another card!

Zhao Feng's amazing skills are comparable to the thousand skills in "God of Gamblers". Liu Chan was a little dumbfounded, and he didn't know where he learned the thousand skills.Could it be that Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong, the great generals of the Five Tigers, also taught their disciples to play cards and gamble?For a while, Liu Chan didn't know whether he should stop Zhao Feng.

So, relying on the unknowing thousand skills, Zhao Feng won four rounds in a row!

With Zhao Feng's record, Liu Chan had some doubts at first, but later found that the other three people hadn't noticed his Qianshu at all, so he was finally relieved.On the other hand, Zhuge Rong, his face is livid now, and there is a great possibility of going berserk.He couldn't help but glared at Zhao Feng, obviously unable to understand that he was so good, how could he still lose to this guy?

At this time, Liu Chan checked the time. Everyone had been playing for more than two hours, and the afternoon was almost over.The cards have been played up to the present time, and it is time to end.And he calculated today's harvest, and he has already won more than [-] gold!
This is definitely an unexpected result for Liu Chan, because he originally planned to come here to lose money.Unexpectedly, this Zhao Feng was actually a master at playing cards, and he won so much money for himself!

Liu Chan was extremely happy in his heart, and winning money from gambling brought him a little excitement.Then he said loudly: "Everyone has been playing for such a long time, you must be a little tired? We have plenty of time in the future, how about playing another day?"

Hearing Liu Chan's words, Zhuge Rong was really upset because he actually lost eight gold medals to Zhao Feng.But Zhuge Rong knew that he would not be able to beat Zhao Feng today anyway, so he could only sigh in his heart that he was unlucky, and threw the cards in his hand on the table.

Sun Huan and Gu Tong lost the most, they were already afraid of losing, and they wished to end the game quickly, so they immediately threw the cards in their hands onto the stone table.

(End of this chapter)

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