Chapter 687

At the same time, the day of attack that was decided between Sun Huan and Zhu Huan finally arrived.Otherwise, how dare Sun Huan suddenly stop retreating and take advantage of the favorable terrain to go down to the stronghold, making the stance of going to war with Gai Meng's army?
Sun Huan has an army of 1 in his hands, and it is all infantry.The army in Gai Meng's hands is also 1 people, but unlike Sun Huan, the army equipment in his hands is obviously much better than that of Sun Huan.In the hands of Gai Meng, it can be said that it is the only large cavalry team in the southern region.With such a decisive force, it is almost impossible for Sun Huanjun to defeat Gai Mengjun.

Moreover, once Sun Huanjun fought against Gai Mengjun, the risk he faced would be the greatest after the opponent found out the real details of his own side.At that time, Gai Meng's army may fully utilize the high mobility characteristics of the cavalry to attack Sun Huan frantically.And when the time comes, it will be almost impossible for Sun Huan to retreat again.It is impossible for the two legs of his soldiers to outrun the four legs of Gaimeng's cavalry.

Immediately, Zhu Huan rectified his troops and quietly walked out of the mountain.All the scouts under him were immediately scattered, and the areas they were going to monitor were of course the northern and southern regions.In the north, that is the rear area of ​​Gaimeng's army, and in the south, it is the situation in Puqi City.

Then, Zhu Huan's scout team found some strange places with some doubts. Judging from the traces of marching on the ground, the number of Gai Meng's troops seemed to exceed the number stated in the information sent by Sun Huan.

But when the chief scout sent the information to Zhu Huan, Zhu Huan obviously didn't care about it, but simply judged that Zhang Fei might have sent Gai Meng more troops.After all, Gai Meng wanted to defeat Sun Huan's 1 army with an army of 1. Although it was possible, it was still difficult to win.

Therefore, at this time, Zhu Huan, who had successfully appeared behind Gai Meng's army, seemed to be unable to restrain his desire for victory. He immediately ordered the army to chase behind Gai Meng's army at the fastest speed, and gave Gai Meng's army a fatal blow. hit.

The war drum was still ringing non-stop, as if vowing to shatter all the tranquility of this morning before he was willing.

Sun Huan's army and Gai Meng's army, in the midst of such voices, pulled out their camps one after another, and finally stopped their positions at a distance of about two miles.Their army formation, it should be said, was already arranged properly on the way to pull out.

Therefore, when the two sides encountered each other, they did not appear in long marching columns, and then rearranged the military formations in front of the formation.Because in that case, it is too reckless and lack of preparation.If the local government suddenly attacked while arranging the army, it would definitely be an irreparable defeat.

In this attack, Sun Huan's army sent 7000 people, leaving 3000 people to stick to the camp.Gai Meng's army has an advantage in combat power, so the camp in the rear should be said to be relatively safe, and it is unlikely to be directly attacked by Sun Huan's army, so Gai Meng dispatched an army of 8000 people this time, leaving only 2000 people Hold fast to your camp.

As expected in the morning, it was getting late at this time, but the sky still looked gloomy, and there was no sign of Qiuyang breaking through the sky at all.The sky looks a bit gray, maybe it will rain or not.

Gai Meng distributed his army into a typical three large-scale army formations on the left, middle and right.This is obviously the Jingzhou Army's serious force distribution method since Liu Chan became the commander-in-chief, and it is actually the most useful army formation.

However, Gai Meng's troop configuration this time is somewhat different.He distributed most of the cavalry in the left and right wings of the army, and all of them were uniform cavalry, which were [-] cavalry. The right wing was handed over to Commander Xiong Ping, and the relatively weak left wing The army formation is commanded by the chief general Gai Meng.

As for the military formation in the center, it was handed over to Meng Xi to take charge.Gai Meng was equipped with a mixed infantry and cavalry formation of 2000 infantry and 1000 cavalry there.

Judging from this formation, Gai Meng is the most powerful cavalry team, all of which are distributed on the two wings of the entire army formation.The attack power of the army formation of the Chinese army is the weakest, and it seems to be used for defense.

So looking at it comprehensively, Gai Meng's combat intention against Sun Huan's army this time is very clear.He decided to take advantage of the high-speed maneuverability of the cavalry, and use the relatively flat terrain here to allow his cavalry to use the wide space in the direction of the two wings to launch a powerful attack on the enemy.

Since the main attack force was placed on the two wings, Gai Meng had to let the central army formation hold firm to stabilize the stability displayed after the attack on the two wings, so that the enemy could not break through his central army formation.Otherwise, if the final breakthrough is implemented and the cavalry's room for movement is gradually reduced from the rear, the Gai Meng army will become more passive.

Sun Huan looked at the tactical arrangement of Gai Meng's army with great admiration, and couldn't help admiring in his heart, this Gai Meng is really an extraordinary general, and the formation he formed is really full of creativity.

But in fact, Sun Huan was also extremely envious of Gai Meng.

Because most of Gai Meng's army is cavalry, in order to maintain enough room for movement, the distance between people will be much larger than that of infantry.Therefore, the cross section of Gai Mengjun is definitely far more than that of Sun Huanjun.In this case, even if the number of Gai Meng's army is only 1000 more than that of Sun Huan's army, it feels intuitively that it is twice as large as one's own troops.

So, of course, Sun Huan was very envious of Gai Meng being able to control such a large cavalry team.He even proudly believed that if he had such a large cavalry team in his hands, there would be no need to implement any tactical retreat, and it would be fine to just press the army directly to Puqi for a decisive battle.

However, now is not the time to be envious or frustrated!Since his side was temporarily at a disadvantage in terms of momentum, he had to make necessary adjustments to his army formation as quickly as possible.

So, Sun Huan's creativity was also revealed.He first sent an order to the military formations on the two wings, asking them to press forward with a distance of about 100 meters, while the central military formation was still.

In this case, Sun Huanjun's army formation will become a character shape.In fact, if it is possible, Sun Huan can actually turn the entire army formation into a deep concave arc array like a crescent moon.Correspondingly, with the number of troops unchanged, Sun Huan made the depth of his army correspondingly deeper, increasing the overall defense capability of the army formation.

Then, Sun Huan issued an order to Sun Yin, the general of Fujun Zhonglang.Ask him to separate 1000 of his 700 Lujiang Shangjia troops from the central army formation, and arrange them in a horizontal formation at the front of his right-wing formation, and their formation must be in line with The distance between the original right-wing formations was kept at two feet.Then, Sun Huan sent the remaining 300 Lujiang Shangjia troops to the front of the left-wing army formation.

Originally, the number of the Jia Army on the Lujiang River had been maintained at around 200 since Zhou Yu founded it.Moreover, when the Lujiang Shangjia Army attacked Jiangling City, half of them, 100 people, died in the hands of Yu Jin.It stands to reason that the number of the Jia army on the Lujiang River at this time should be only 100 people. How could it suddenly become a scale of 1000 people?
The reason is that at that time, Sun Quan saw the armored army on the Lujiang River dressed in heavy armor and invincible among the enemy troops, and he liked it even more in his heart.Therefore, after losing half of the Lujiang Shangjia Army, he decided to re-establish a larger Lujiang Shangjia Army.So, of course, this matter was handed over to Sun Jiao, the right governor who was sticking to the rear at that time.

Judging from the situation of Soochow, they are indeed capable of forming a large-scale heavy armored infantry.Because in addition to the need to select soldiers who are tall and strong, it is necessary to build correspondingly thick armor.Since the Jiangdong Army already had armored units such as the death-defying army, and the conquered Shanyue people were very good at casting technology, thick armor should also be forged.

Therefore, with Sun Zhen's efforts, such a heavy infantry team with a number of 1000 people was built in a short period of time.Sun Quan still named it the Lujiang Shangjia Army, and handed it over to Sun Jun's eldest son, Fujun Zhonglang General Sun Yin, to command it.

This time, Sun Zhen also brought Sun Yin with him when he sent troops, and finally assigned his Lujiang Shangjia Army to Sun Huan's command.This has become the most powerful combat force used by Sun Huan to counter Gai Meng's cavalry.

(End of this chapter)

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