The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 695 Killing At Every Step

Chapter 695 Killing At Every Step ([-])

Liu Chan and Yu Jin, under the escort of the Jie Fan Army, quickly came towards Puqi City.

The two of them kept discussing some things on the road.Of course, one of the most important things is to design how to successfully weaken the strength of the Wuxi Man after this war, and finally achieve the conquest of the Wuxi Man.

But there is one thing, Liu Chan is very clear in his heart.He should arrange relevant personnel in Jingzhou now, so that he can take immediate action when targeting Wuxi Man in the future.

After Liu Chan thought about it for a while, the candidate he selected was absolutely beyond Yu Jin's comprehension.

As it happened, Liu Chan issued a call-up order to Ma Zhong who was stationed in Yong'an.However, the recruitment order was not for recruiting Ma Zhong, but for recruiting Ma Zhong's Yamen general Zhang Ni, asking him to rush to Wuling County immediately to serve as a soldier there, and ordering Zhang Ni to form and train a team of at least An army of 5000 men.

The Ma Zhong here is not the Ma Zhong from Jiangdong who killed Guan Yu, who had already been killed by Guan Xing.This Ma Zhong of the Shu Han was highly valued by Liu Bei, and he was evaluated as a figure like Huang Quan. Later, he became the general of Zhennan and named Peng Xianghou.Xianghou, this title is at the same level as Zhuge Liang's Wuxianghou later, which shows that this person is indeed high and powerful.

What Yu Jin really couldn't understand was why Liu Chan chose an unknown Zhang Yi whose name he had never heard of.After all, the reason why the son wanted to appoint a soldier in Wuling County was that the task was still very difficult.The army he formed will serve as the vanguard, or even the main force, when using troops against the Wuxi barbarians in the future.

Yu Jin had always been rigorous, so he had no choice but to ask Liu Chandao: "My lord, Zhang Yi is an unknown person at this time. How did you know that this person is qualified to be a soldier in Wuling County?"

Liu Chan just smiled, and then told Yu Jin everything he knew about Zhang Yi's early actions.However, Zhang Ni's main achievement in another time and space was to help the Shu Han regime pacify Nanzhong.

Nanzhong has rebelled many times since Zhuge Liang's death, and killed the prefect many times, so that the later prefects did not dare to take office, and only did remote control in Anding.After Zhang Ni took office, he gave both kindness and power, not only often giving money to Nanzhong people, but also punishing rebels, winning the trust of Nanzhong people.Zhang Ni has been stationed in Nanzhong for 15 years. When he left, the people of Nanzhong were reluctant to leave. They said goodbye to Zhang Ni sadly and returned to Chengdu to worship as the general of the gangsters.

Therefore, the reason why Liu Chan recruited Zhang Yi to Wuling County to form an army was very clear.Zhang Yi is of course still an official as small as a sesame seed, but his potential in using troops against ethnic minorities is absolutely unparalleled.

Xiang Chong, the famous general of the Shu Han Dynasty, Zhuge Liang praised him in the "Executive Teacher List" as "a well-mannered man with a good understanding of military affairs. There is no matter how big or small, if you consult them carefully, you will surely make the formation harmonious, and the good and the bad will get what they want."Later, this man also won the emperor's trust and served as the leader of the Central Army, that is, the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Guard.But it was this Xiang Chong who died on the battlefield when he suppressed the barbarians in Yizhou.

Zhang Yi's evaluation in history is definitely not as good as Xiang Chong's.But Zhang Ni has the expertise in fighting barbarians. In the eyes of a strict person like Liu Chan, he must use his abilities according to his ability, and he will only choose the most suitable talents.Therefore, just like he activated Xiong Ping and Meng Xi at that time, he also activated Zhang Yi, who was also an unknown generation, this time, so there is nothing too surprising.

Almost at the same time, Guan Suo suddenly joined forces with Meng Da, the prefect of Xincheng, and sent troops to attack Shangyong City. The news of Li Zhao and Li Xinhui joining the army has also begun to spread in the streets and alleys of Chengdu.

Of course, Meng Da and Liu Feng have been getting along very badly.However, most of the people who know these things are limited to high-level people of the Shu Han regime and people from the three eastern counties.However, as the rumors spread, the feud between Meng Da and Liu Feng was immediately spread to everyone.

Of course, the most important thing is that among these gossips, there are all kinds of speculations about Guan Suo's dispatch of troops.Some people think that Guan Suo is rebelling.Guan Suo and his elder brother Guan Xing are now in charge of an army of more than [-] people in Xiangyang City.Therefore, after the two brothers defeated Shangyong, they would immediately surrender to Cao Wei together with Meng Da in exchange for the greatest fame and fortune.

For such rumors, anyone with a little brain can tell at a glance that this is definitely a naive and ignorant conclusion, and there are even slanderous elements in it, which are only suitable for deceiving ignorant people and fools.

The Guan brothers are the sons of Guan Yu, and they are loved by Liu Bei, the king of Hanzhong.They are also the confidantes of the eldest son Liu Chan, and handed over Xiangyang County, the most important town in the north of Jingzhou, to their two brothers to guard it.With such a relationship, why did they surrender to Cao Wei?And after the surrender, it is impossible to get a better future than in Shuhan.

However, it is a little strange that such rumors are actually the most marketable, because the Celestial Dynasty has always implemented a policy of ignoring the people, which has created the most fools.Therefore, this has actually become the most widely circulated and most talked about rumor.

However, the rumors with the second largest circulation are still of relatively high quality.This rumor was used to speculate on the behind-the-scenes purpose and main messenger of Guan Suo and Meng Da.Of course, they did target the right person: Liu Chan.

As for Liu Chan's purpose to envoy Guan Suo and Meng Da, some of the rumors have also guessed: to eliminate Liu Feng, a competitor, to clear the way for consolidating his position.

It is undeniable that Liu Chan did have such thoughts.But in fact, there is another most important aspect. Liu Chan's battle in the south of Jingzhou now requires reinforcements from everywhere.Since Liu Feng refused to execute his call-up order, of course he had the temptation to destroy Liu Feng by the way and capture Shangyong's army.

As for Guan Suo's report to Chengdu, after procrastinating on the road for a long time, one copy was finally sent to General Zuo's office in the form of a battle report, and the other was sent to the government office in the form of a seal. Shangshutai Fuya, it will be given to Liu Bei.

Of course, the distance between Liu Chan and Chengdu in Xiangtan must be farther than the distance between the three eastern counties and Chengdu.But in fact, Liu Chan's document arrived in Chengdu together with Guan Suo's two documents.A letter from Liu Chan was written to Zhuge Liang in General Zuo's mansion, informing him of the whole story.The other one was an apology, which was also sent to Shangshutai and handed over to Liu Bei, King of Hanzhong.

Thus, the news that Liu Feng and Li Xinhui were killed by Guan Suo and Meng Da's troops was finally confirmed.

All of a sudden, the officials under General Zuo's Mansion and Shangshutai were all in commotion.This matter involved more than just a guarding general uniting with a prefect to attack and kill another prefect.This also involved the mutual attack and killing between relatives and brothers of the Wang family in Hanzhong!

Things are really serious.

So, as Liu Chan expected, such important news cannot be concealed at all.In less than an hour, the news leaked out from the General Zuo's Mansion and the Shangshutai Mansion, which completely set the whole city of Chengdu into a frenzy.

The elder son's act of killing his brother is definitely an extremely serious act of immorality, second only to killing his father and mother.Such behavior was absolutely not allowed at the time.

The General Zuo's Mansion immediately realized that the public opinion had begun to ferment, and the matter would definitely become more and more serious.So, almost out of an instinctive sense of fear of social public opinion discussing government affairs, the two chief officials of General Zuo's mansion, Zhuge Liang and Dong He, immediately used force through the Chengdu Order and began to suppress various public opinions.

It should be said that the actions of General Zuo's Mansion were considered reasonable and legal at the time, and it should even be considered effective.Therefore, it is impossible for such an approach to be contested by the Chengdu Order and not be implemented.

(End of this chapter)

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