The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 743 Attack and Defense Change Hands

Chapter 743 Attack and Defense Changed Hands ([-])

With the fastest speed, Liu Chan and Yu Jin led an army of 1 people to the camp where Gai Meng's coalition forces were located.In fact, they marched in a hurry along the way, and they didn't go very smoothly. The scouts could always find non-friendly scouts snooping on their whereabouts from time to time.Obviously, those scouts belonged to either Shuanghuan or He Qi.

Facing such a state of being watched at any time, Liu Chan is like a woman who is not a prostitute taking off her clothes and taking a shower, only to find that there are a group of strange men peeping around her.If she feels enjoyment, this person really can't be a normal woman...

Therefore, of course Liu Chan felt very upset in his heart, and immediately spread out the scouts to drive away the enemy's scouts and protect the actions of his own army.

Therefore, a new fierce battle inevitably broke out between the scout teams of the two sides at this time.In such cases, although the scale is mostly very small, the scout teams of both sides usually have only a few to dozens of people participating in the battle.

Although this kind of battle is really nothing compared to the life-and-death battle between tens of thousands of people, but its cruelty and intensity are definitely not inferior to large-scale battles.After all, the soldiers who can be transferred to the scouting team are all people with clever minds and strong skills.These people and those secret agents lurking in the enemy's territory can be regarded as a group of unsung heroes outside the main battlefield.

Although they had the protection of the scouts of their own army, they finally drove the enemy's scouts far away after a very hard and brutal battle.But even so, the enemy army seemed not to give up at all, and kept sending more scouts to Liu Chan's side.In this case, the competition between the scout teams of the two sides suddenly became fierce.

From time to time, Liu Chan could get news from the scout captain that his scout team was shot or seriously injured by the enemy.

Even at the most serious time, there was a serious incident in which a small scout team with a total of ten people was ambushed by the enemy, and only two people escaped as a result.And one of these two people was hit by three arrows in the back. Fortunately, they didn't hurt their vitals, but it is estimated that they will be pushed out from the scout team in the future.The other one was better, with six not-so-deep wounds on his body, but his face was pale because of the profuse bleeding.

Such a predicament would appear during the march, which was absolutely unexpected to Liu Chan before he came out of Puqi City.In fact, even Yu Jin, who joined the army, did not expect that the battle situation in Jiangxia County would have turned into what it is today.

It is impossible for Liu Chan and Yu Jin to be rookies on the battlefield. According to the arrogance of the enemy scouts, after discussing with them, they have already judged a very serious message: that is the coalition forces of Gai Meng. After the defeat in the last war, they have temporarily lost control of the entire battlefield in Jiangxia County, so that the enemy's scouts can now gradually infiltrate in the direction of Puqi City in a grand manner.

If this situation is allowed to continue to develop, it will definitely be extremely unfavorable to the situation of the Shu Han coalition forces.Because at that time, the communication between them and Puqi City will most likely be completely cut off by the enemy.

Therefore, Liu Chan immediately sent people back to Puqi City as emergency information to Zhang Fei for handling the situation along the way.In the message, Liu Chan strongly advised Zhang Fei, even with a tone of order, that he must be seriously concerned about this matter, and immediately organize all the forces that can be used in Puqi City, and those who dare to continue to infiltrate the rear of the battlefield All the enemy scouts were wiped out, and it was guaranteed that the enemy's scouts would never dare to approach the rear of the battlefield again.

Moreover, Liu Chan and Yu Jin also felt that the situation was not very good at this time.

And it is true.

Shuang Huan's army and He Qi's army, after defeating Gai Meng's coalition forces, each rested for a day, and in the next few days, they attacked Gai Meng's army at the same time.

It should be said that at this time the offensive and defensive postures of the two sides have completely reversed, and the original defender has become an active attacker in this matter.

This is why, after Liu Chan's reinforcements came out of Puqi City, their marching route was obviously located in the southeast of the camp of the Gai-Meng coalition army, and why these areas were full of enemy scouts.

At the same time, it is estimated that Gai Meng's coalition forces can only hold on to the area west of the camp at this time, and they will give up the area to the east for the enemy to occupy.

Shuanghuan and He Qi's troops immediately began to challenge Gai Meng's coalition forces.Because of the previous losses, Gai Meng's coalition forces didn't want to go out to fight right away-it was really ten years in the east of the river and ten years in the west of the river, and the feng shui took turns.But the enemy army was obviously not willing to give up such a good time for the decisive battle, and various provocative actions were continuously transmitted to the generals of the various armies.

So Shamoko couldn't hold his breath at first.Because his army did not live in the same camp with Gai Meng and Zhang Bao, but built a camp by itself, so when he dispatched troops, it was too late for Gai Meng to stop him.

As a result, a new battle broke out between Samoke's army and Jiangdong's army.At the beginning, under the brave and invincible leadership of Shamoke, the Wuxi barbarian army fought smoothly, and seemed to be gradually repelling the enemy.

At this time, the troops of Gai Meng and Zhang Bao, who had been organizing the army in the camp, were not without any reaction.Several of their leading generals watched the battle in the distance anxiously, and even sent orders to the army to attack at any time to support the Wuximan army.

But at this time, the situation seemed to have gradually become favorable to the Wuxi Man army, and Gai Meng and the others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But Meng Xi was a different person on the spot. He suddenly said to Gai Meng: "General Gai, our army needs to attack immediately."

Gai Meng smiled and said, "Lieutenant Meng, are you going to lead the army out to pick up some bargains? I don't think we should go out. The Wuximan army has fought quite smoothly."

When Gai Meng was talking, Zhang Bao on the side also turned to look at Meng Xi. The look in his big eyes was of course impossible to be friendly, but with a hint of disdain on the contrary.He obviously had the same idea as Ge Meng.

Meng Xi immediately explained: "General Gai, the last general's intentions are not like this, don't get me wrong. From the general's point of view, the current actions of the Jiangdong Army are really suspicious."

Before Ge Meng could speak, Zhang Bao suddenly sneered, and said sarcastically, "What's suspicious, isn't there someone who wants to go out and ask for some credit?"

Meng Xi blushed, deliberately not answering Zhang Bao so as not to cause new conflicts between the two parties.He continued to explain to Gai Meng: "After the last battle, Jiangdong's army should have had a great morale. In addition, this battle must have been carefully prepared. But such an army is not as good as Wuximan. The newly defeated troops who were not considered elite were repulsed in front of them, and the reason for this is suspicious no matter how you write it.”

(End of this chapter)

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