The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 75 Little Joe Appears

Chapter 75 Little Joe Appears

Liu Chan was well aware of his danger in Soochow, so even though he might be punished by Sun Jiao, he never tried his best to fight today's matter, but treated it with an attitude that it had nothing to do with him and didn't bother himself.

But seeing how the world has developed to this point, I really don't know how much time I will be wasting myself, so I started to use my brain and try to solve it as soon as possible.But after careful consideration, Liu Chan found that his power in Soochow was too small, and he was helpless for a while.

However, Liu Chan suddenly thought of Mr. Zhang Xing, because Mr. Zhang not only taught him "Book of Songs", but also "Han Shu".Although the husband has passed away, Liu Chan never dared to forget what he explained.Because of this, he thought of an incident recorded in the "Book of the Later Han Dynasty", and stepped forward and said to Sun Jiao: "Has the governor ever heard about the deeds of Jing Zhaoyin and Dong Xuan, Emperor Guangwu of this dynasty?"

Sun Jiao was not as illiterate as ordinary vulgar military generals. Since he was able to make friends with literati and celebrities such as Zhuge Jin, he naturally had a wide range of knowledge, so he nodded and said, "Of course I know."

In fact, the things recorded in the "Book of the Later Han Dynasty" are like this: During the time of Emperor Guangwu of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Jing Zhaoyin, who was in charge of the affairs of the capital, was called Dong Xuan.At that time, it was not easy to be an official in Beijing, and the relatives of the emperor could not control them.Once, the servant of Princess Huyang, Liu Xiu's sister, killed someone and hid in the princess's house. The officials could not arrest him.Later, when the princess went out, she asked the servant to accompany her in the car, but Dong Xuan stopped her at Xiamen Pavilion, arrested the servant and killed her.The princess went to cry to Emperor Liu Xiu that Emperor Guangwu was going to kill Dong Xuanzhang.Dong Xuan said: "I am right, I am implementing the emperor's decree." The emperor said, "Although there is nothing wrong, but you have offended someone, you should kowtow and apologize."But Dong Xuan straightened his neck and didn't kowtow, and several people couldn't hold it down.The emperor had no choice but to find a step for himself and said: "It turns out that this person is sick and has a strong point."

But soon, Sun Jiao's face became slightly feverish.He naturally knew that "Yang Huang" was using this story to insinuate that he should stand firm and not be overwhelmed by Mrs. Bu's strength.

What made Sun Jiao even more embarrassed was that when "Yang Huang" was on the street at that time, he had already told him very clearly that this matter should be submitted to the Jianye Order for trial to comply with the law.At that time, he thought that there was nothing special about this matter, and he could deal with it all together, but he didn't expect that Mrs. Bu suddenly appeared on the way!It was too late for Sun Jiao to regret.

And just after Liu Chan finished speaking, the eyes of Gu Tong and Zhuge Rong suddenly lit up.Although the two of them eat, drink and have fun all day long, because of their family background, they read a lot.So they naturally knew Dong Xuan's deeds, and they were secretly praising Liu Chan in their hearts. At this time, they were able to think of this matter to mention Sun Jiao.Then they saw that Sun Jiao's face had changed, and they knew that his heart must have started to turn upside down.

Sun Jiao knew Dong Xuan, but Mrs. Bu was confused by Liu Chan's words and Sun Jiao's silence now.

In fact, although there are many beauties in the Three Kingdoms, there may not be many with a little ink. If we talk about women who know classics and historical articles, there may only be one or two women like Cai Wenji.Not to mention a woman like the eldest grandson empress of Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty who could write thirty volumes of "Nv Ze".So it is true that Mrs. Bu cannot be blamed for being "brainless".

So, Mrs. Bu said a little arrogantly: "No matter who the Emperor Guangwu and Dong Xuan are, and what's going on between them, now on my Jiangdong ground, we should act according to Jiangdong's rules!"

Although Mrs. Bu's words are somewhat close to the truth, how can she say such words without a king or a father in public?What's more, she has a special status, she is Sun Quan's wife!Everyone just felt a surge of excitement in their hearts.

Especially Sun Jiao, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.Others may not know, but there has been news from him that Sun Quan may accept the canonization in the near future and become the King of Wu.But where did the king of Wu come from?In name, of course, it was canonized by the Son of Heaven.Then the Wu State after that is naturally also a vassal state under the Han Dynasty!It is really inappropriate for Mrs. Bu to say such a thing.

So, Sun Jiao said to Mrs. Bu: "Ma'am, don't talk nonsense, you, a woman, cannot interfere with the affairs of the country!" His tone of speech was no longer gentle, but almost stiff.

Mrs. Bu didn't expect that Sun Jiao's attitude towards her would change drastically in an instant. She was a little stunned for a while, and then looked at Liu Chan angrily with her beautiful eyes.

Seeing Mrs. Bu looking at her, Liu Chan smiled and nodded politely to her.It was only then that Mrs. Bu realized that the person who spoke just now was a thin man with big eyes and a bright smile.But looking at his attire, he was actually the only minor among those present!Mrs. Bu couldn't help but feel extremely surprised by Liu Chan's energy.

After finally reading a few books, Bu Xie hurried forward and told Mrs. Bu about Dong Xuan's deeds in a low voice.Mrs. Bu didn't expect Dong Xuan's story to be like this, her complexion became even more ugly, and she said to Sun Jiao: "Uncle, no matter what, my two children were indeed beaten, you must give Sun Huan and others a deep blow today. Lessons!"

Although the words were directed at Sun Jiao, in fact her angry eyes were fixed on Liu Chan all the time.Liu Chan just pretended not to know it and dealt with it indifferently.

Faced with Mrs. Bu's nonsense, Sun Jiao also became a little impatient, and said: "Madam, you have to know that Bu Xie Bu Chan is from your Bu family, but Sun Huan is not a child of my Sun family!" At this time, Sun Jiao finally resumed his usual style of interacting with rangers, and no longer backed down to Mrs. Bu.

Mrs. Bu's face turned blue with anger, her voice was trembling, and her beautiful voice no longer said, "You, you, how could you treat me so rudely!"

Sun Jiao had no choice but to turn her head aside, it was really embarrassing for such a beautiful woman to complain so much to him.

But at this time, an unusually beautiful voice came from the door again, "People who are rude can only be treated with rudeness!"

The tone of this sentence is really very serious, and there is a hint of complaint, but the voice is extremely clear, like a stream of clear spring flowing through the heart, it sounds very comfortable.

Everyone looked at the door one after another and almost exclaimed.

I saw a tall and beautiful woman standing outside the door.

She was wearing white plain clothes, only a few peonies were embroidered on the bottom of the clothes, blooming lifelike, simple and so elegant, forming such a sharp contrast with the faint sadness and anxiety on her face.

In fact, she is no longer young, she may be close to forty years old, but her beauty still remains, so beautiful that even the bright moon in the sky that has just emerged from the clouds has lost its brilliance in an instant!
The beauty of this person is not only about her looks, she also has a kind of temperament, a kind of inner nature.

After one glance at it, people will feel that this is not a character who should appear in the world, this is clearly a fairy princess who should go away against the wind!
Compared with this person, Bu Lianshi is not inferior in beauty, even younger, but Bu Lianshi is Bu Lianshi, and she will never become a fairy princess.At least that's how Liu Chan feels.

When Liu Chan looked at this new beauty, his heart was not as excited as when he saw the step trainer for the first time.On the contrary, he now feels very peaceful in his heart
——The beauty in front of him was like a cloud of mist, which made him feel that he should not think about those blasphemous thoughts.

Therefore, there is only one question left in Liu Chan's mind: who is this peerless beauty?

When Sun Jiao saw the beauty appearing, she was a little dumbfounded at first, then stood up from her seat with a whoosh, and said respectfully, "Mrs. Zhou, why are you here?" Then she went forward to greet her again.Sun Jiao, the right governor, was too boring. Today, he didn't even sit in his seat, but got up again and again to greet the guests.

Liu Chan woke Zhuge Rong up, and asked in a low voice, "Mrs. Zhou is really a fairy! Who is she?"

Zhuge Rong still stared at Madam Zhou closely with his small eyes, and said enviously: "Of course it is the wife of the late Governor Zhou Yu! Sigh, although she is getting old, her face is still not old!"

Only then did Liu Chan suddenly realize that such a beauty is naturally Xiao Qiao, whose reputation has spread all over the world!In fact, ever since Su Dongpo's song "Nian Nujiao Chibi Nostalgia" came out, Xiao Qiao has left an immortal legend of "Xiao Qiao's first marriage" in the hearts of later generations!
Liu Chan never imagined that today he could meet Xiao Qiao in real life, and sighed at Su Dongpo's talent, Xiao Qiao is really not old!

When Xiao Qiao entered the hall and stood under Mrs. Bu's head, Mrs. Bu's amazing face immediately lost color.Perhaps Mrs. Bu also realized this, and suddenly snorted coldly, turned her back and no longer faced Xiao Qiao.

Xiao Qiao didn't pay attention to Mrs. Bu, nor did she go forward to salute her just because she was his wife.She just asked Sun Jiao softly, "How is my child doing now?"

Sun Jiao couldn't help but glanced at the anxious mother again, then quickly lowered his head slightly, and said, "Chengzu has been arranged to rest inside, and the governor has asked a doctor to diagnose him, and there is nothing wrong with his body."

Hearing this, Xiao Qiao finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then her beautiful eyes swept over everyone.Sun Huan, Zhuge Rong and Gu Tong, because they had a lot of contacts with Zhou Yin on weekdays, so she naturally recognized them, but Liu Chan and Zhao Feng were strange to her.However, she has already learned that these people are the ones who stand up for Zhou Yin today.

Zhuge Rong suddenly became active, stepped forward and introduced the names of Liu Chan and Zhao Feng to Xiao Qiao, and said, "Ma'am, these two have contributed a lot just like us today."

Liu Chan almost rolled his eyes when he heard Zhuge Rong's words. On the street just now, Zhuge Rong was at most helping Zhou Yin into the carriage. Sun Huan and Zhao Feng should be the ones who contributed the most, right?And what about myself?It's nothing to do with me at all, staying out of the matter, it's not helpful at all!Zhuge Rong is too thick-skinned to steal the credit of Sun Huan and Zhao Feng!He couldn't help stabbing Zhuge Rong again, but he quickly dodged it.

Liu Chan looked at Xiao Qiao again, a faint blush appeared on his face, and he stepped forward and said, "Madam, don't listen to his nonsense. In fact, the people who contributed the most are Sun Shuwu and my guard Zhao Feng."

Hearing this, Xiao Qiao may feel that Liu Chan's words are funny, and she showed a wonderful smile and said, "Mr. Yang, you don't have to be modest. You all have been kind to my Zhou family. I am here to thank you all. If you are free in the future, please come I'm a guest."

Liu Chan and the others were overjoyed. It was such an honor to be invited to the banquet by Xiao Qiao. Of course, everyone immediately agreed.Even Sun Huan, who had been dark-faced just now, also showed a look of surprise on his face.

But Xiao Qiao's conversation with everyone ended immediately. After all, she came to pick up Zhou Yin today, and she always remembered Zhou Yin in her heart.He turned to Sun Jiao and said, "Dudu Sun, can I let my concubine come in and bring Chengye home?"

Sun Jiao naturally wanted to agree, and a good solution to today's incident immediately appeared in his mind!He should take the opportunity to announce the dissolution of the trial, and the guilt of everyone naturally means that they will not be held accountable.Then everyone can have fun.

(End of this chapter)

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