Chapter 755 Chase Me ([-])

Zhang Bao and Xiong Ping looked over immediately.

Both of them opened their mouths wide and stared at the two pairs of big eyes, looking a little scary, but they were both speechless.Of course, the movements of their hands must have stopped, obviously because they were surprised or even inexplicably terrified to see Liu Chan actually present.

Gai Meng saw Zhang Bao and the three of them suddenly stopped, and all looked to the side, feeling a little curious in his heart, so he followed their direction.

Gai Meng was also stupid to follow.

Liu Chan was riding a war horse, followed by Zhao Feng and a group of white-eared guards. There didn't seem to be much expression on his face, he couldn't tell if he was angry or something, but he just looked a little serious.

Now, not only Ge Meng, but also Zhang Bao and Xiong Ping panicked.They dismounted one after another, and all rushed to Liu Chan's horse and knelt down to plead guilty.

Looking at the appearance of the three generals in front of him, Liu Chan really couldn't help but want to call him a jerk a few times.But in fact, he didn't do this. First, because this is the front of the Wuxi barbarian army, it is impossible for him to disgrace his generals; second, these people are all high-ranking generals. Give them some leeway for self-esteem.

But Liu Chan did show his dissatisfaction with their performance, so that he didn't get off the horse as usual.

Liu Chan continued to sit on the horse, looked at the three generals kneeling below, and asked indifferently: "You are all pleading guilty to this son, why are you guilty?"

When the three of them heard the words, their faces immediately showed shame, and their faces turned red.Especially Gai Meng, his complexion has always been very fair, but Zhang Bao and Xiao Pan are both dark-skinned, so they are also the most red.

Gai Meng said: "Your Majesty, the last general commanding the army to fight is not good, this is a great crime!"

Liu Chan looked at Zhang Bao.

Zhang Bao lowered his head and didn't dare to look at Liu Chan, but of course he understood that Liu Chan wanted him to speak too.Zhang Bao muttered, "The last general also made a big mistake..."

Xiong Ping raised his head and cupped his hands to Liu Chan in a rough voice, and said angrily: "My lord, the defeat in the previous battle was indeed our fault. But today's battle, if it hadn't been for Captain Meng's careful arrangement If not, we will all be wiped out because of the sudden retreat of that bastard Shamoko!"

Liu Chan frowned, it seems that Xiong Ping still doesn't know how to reflect on himself!
It should be said that it's not that Liu Chan doesn't appreciate Xiong Ping's character who dares to speak up when he has something to say. In fact, such people are the most lacking in official circles, and such people are actually the most trustworthy people.But the problem is that Xiong Ping is impulsive and lacks introspection, which limits his growth.

Just when Liu Chan wanted to teach Xiong Ping a lesson and let him reflect on his own performance, Zhao Feng stepped forward and pointed to the front, and said to Liu Chan, "My lord, look over there."

Liu Chan looked in the direction indicated by Zhao Feng, and there was a faint puff of smoke floating under the sunlight in the northeast direction.

Liu Chan asked: "What is that?"

Zhao Feng explained: "Based on the general's judgment, it should be the dust made by an army marching. Under such a clear weather, you can still see the dust flying in the distance, which shows the number of that army. It is very large; moreover, it can also explain that the speed of the army's march may be very fast."

At this time, Gai Meng also turned his head to look over there, and said, "My lord, that is the direction where the Jiangdong army is retreating, and they should have made it out."

As soon as Gai Meng's words came out, it also explained a little meaning. In fact, the Jiangdong Army had just retreated from the battlefield, and the battle between them had just ended.

As soon as Liu Chan rolled his eyes, he didn't have any intention to argue with Xiong Ping.He asked Gai Meng, "Didn't your army pursue it when Jiangdong's army retreated?"

Gai Meng's face showed shame again, and he replied: "Although the Jiangdong Army retreated hastily, in fact, they still had the upper hand in the situation on the battlefield at that time, so the last general did not organize troops to pursue. Your Excellency crime."

But Liu Chan nodded suddenly, with a trace of unnoticeable relaxation on his face, he said with an oh, "I see."

Then, Liu Chan turned his head and said to Zhao Feng who was behind him: "Immediately send an order to General Yu Jin to lead the army to pursue the Jiangdong Army!"

Then, Liu Chan waved to Sha Moke and said loudly, "Shuai Shuai, come here!" Of course, the voice did not carry much enthusiasm.

Sha Moke stayed where he was at this time, and after hearing Liu Chan's words, he rode his horse and walked towards this side.

Of course, the three of Gai Meng listened to Liu Chan's new order for the ban.Gai Meng then said: "My lord, the Jiangdong army has already gone a little far, I don't know if General Yu Jin's men can catch up."

But Liu Chan waved his hand to tell Gai Meng not to speak, because Shamoke had already come.

Liu Chan said solemnly to Sha Moke: "Shuai Shuai, hurry up and get your troops out of the way, General Yu Jin's troops have to pass. Also, General Yu is going to chase Jiangdong Army, so you lead your troops to follow Be behind him as a support. Remember, you must never leave the battlefield without permission this time, or you will bear the consequences!"

The tone of what Liu Chan's team Sha Moke said should be said to be very severe, as if he was giving an order to his generals.

Sha Moke didn't want to fight any more at this time, and immediately said: "Liu Shizi, the enemy has gone far at this time, and my troops are exhausted, how can I still catch up?"

Liu Chan sneered and said, "Even if you can't catch up, you will try your best to catch up with me!"

"What is the meaning of Liu Shizi's words!?"

Liu Chan sneered and said, "This is your last chance. Whether you can continue to maintain the alliance between us depends on your performance this time!"

Sha Moke said angrily, "What if we can't catch up?"

Liu Chan continued to sneer and said, "My son said that he will definitely be able to catch up with you."

Then, Liu Chan ignored Sha Moke and turned to Gai Meng, "Gai Meng, you immediately form a cavalry team and set out to chase the Jiangdong army first. You must entangle them with me."

A look of hesitation appeared on Gai Meng's face, and he said, "Your Majesty, after a day of fighting, the cavalry team has already exhausted their physical strength, look..."

Liu Chan was furious when he heard the words, and suddenly raised the whip in his hand, but it didn't fall on Gai Meng's body, but pointed at Gai Meng's nose.Gai Meng is very tall, even if Liu Chan is sitting on a horse, the height of his raised hands is exactly the tip of Gai Meng's nose.

Liu Chan immediately reprimanded: "A group of defeated troops dare to ask for a rest in front of me! I tell you, you immediately carry out the order. If you can't entangle the enemy until General Yujin's troops arrive, you and your cavalry don't have to come back to see you." Me!"

Liu Chan's words were extremely serious, and the faces of Ge Meng and Xiong Ping suddenly became as pale as dead people.

Liu Chan said to Zhang Bao again: "General Zhang, organize an infantry team on your side and follow the Wuxi barbarian army all the way. If they dare to retreat privately, they can attack directly to the rear without waiting for my order!"

What Zhang Bao received was a beautiful job, of course he accepted the job without any hesitation, and he was even happy in his heart.However, Sha Moke's face was livid with anger.

(End of this chapter)

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