Chapter 760 Decisive Strike ([-])

Therefore, He Jing had no choice but to send an archery team nearby, which was the lightest army.The bow and arrow team must buy him some time so that he can organize the sword players into a strict formation, so that it is possible to block the impact of the enemy's cavalry.

This cavalry team of the Shuhan Army first fought against Cao Wei, and then fought against the Jiangdong Army. It has long been tempered by time to become an elite division.

So, such a force has fought for such a long time, what kind of scenes have they not seen?Encountering the shooting of the enemy's bows and arrows is nothing more than a trivial matter, and he has accumulated a lot of experience in dealing with bows and arrows.

According to Gai Meng's instructions, Gai Meng's troops rushed to the front, so after reorganizing the entire army into the sharpest and most conducive wedge-shaped formation during the march, his troops were of course Located at the top of the wedge formation, it became the vanguard of the entire army.

Gai Meng was now at the forefront of the huge wedge-shaped formation, besides the sound of horseshoes sounding like war drums, there was the rushing wind that made his dark skin feel a little painful.

Xiong Ping's position is also the most conducive to observing the enemy's situation.If he was at the back of the entire army formation, or in the middle of the army formation, the long dust raised by the horseshoes on the ground would have covered his sight long ago, let alone observe the enemy's situation while advancing. .

Therefore, Xiong Ping could easily see that the enemy's bow and arrow team had begun to regroup in the chaos.

Xiong Ping is full of confidence in his troops. Although everyone's physical strength is a bit tight, the enemy army is also exhausted. Even after driving such a distance, their physical strength should be far behind that of the cavalry.

Moreover, Xiong Ping knew very well in his heart that bows and arrows have a certain range, and they can't exert their power when they are too far away, and they have no defense ability at all if they are too close.Unless he was looking for death, he would have retreated at that time and replaced it with other arms with stronger defenses.Therefore, Xiong Ping's cavalry team must close the distance with the enemy army as soon as possible. In this case, the Jiangdong Army's bow and arrow team will be useless.

Therefore, Gai Meng allowed the cavalry to continue to accelerate as they advanced, rushing towards the Jiangdong Army's position.

And Xiong Ping himself, at this time, did not rely on his bravery and continued to charge forward.The speed of him and his escort was the only part that started to slow down a little, and the cavalry who caught up behind quickly overtook them and filled their original positions.Xiong Ping and his guards obeyed the orders of the generals this time. Although they attacked with the cavalry, they didn't have the idea of ​​fighting on the front line.

At this moment, the bow and arrow team of the Jiangdong Army in front finally assembled, but the formation seemed scattered, and it must have been organized very hastily.The bows and arrows of the archery team pointed obliquely at the sky, but in fact it was windy weather, and the wind direction was facing them, and the wind direction was obviously not good for them.

Then, there was a sound of "Xixisuosuo" in the bow and arrow team of the Jiangdong Army, but the number of long arrows that flew up first was actually not many, and apparently only some archers were shooting.

Gai Meng is now in the middle of the army formation, and the surrounding dust is fluttering violently. He can only see the figures of the surrounding guards, but he still sees some long arrows that rise relatively high from the position in the air. I couldn't hear the sound of the bowstring at all, but I still knew that the Jiangdong Army's bow and arrow team had shot.

With the falling of those long arrows, Xiong Ping didn't know what happened to the cavalry in front, but he didn't hear the screams of the arrows and the sound of falling down, nor did the horses fall down, causing the army formation to collapse. Continuous tripping occurs in a certain part of the body.

Gai Meng felt a little relieved.

At this time, in the formation of the Jiangdong Army, some commanders were already yelling: "Are you all blind? Didn't you see how far the enemy was? I didn't give an order, and you shot indiscriminately! You guys These bastards, do you need to be so nervous? Hurry up and reload the arrow!"

It turned out that this was an oolong incident. Some archers of the Jiangdong Army were obviously in a state of confusion now. Facing the huge power of the cavalry of the Shu Han Army, they finally panicked in their hearts.Therefore, before the cavalry came within range, and no one gave an order, someone shot first.Of course, the Jiangdong Army participating in the war was an elite force, and such people were in the minority after all.

But the problem is that although only a few soldiers were shooting at the beginning, when the other archers saw it, they thought that the commander had given the order to shoot, and they followed suit without even thinking about it.The result is self-evident. The Jiangdong Army's archery team shot the first round of arrows, but all of them fell in front of the cavalry team, not even hurting a single hair of the enemy.

Faced with such an oolong situation, the morale of the cavalry was immediately boosted. They did not have to wait for Xiong Ping's order to continue to accelerate, and everyone was already continuing to accelerate towards the enemy.

The horseshoes of the cavalry horses slammed on the ground, making a heart-shattering rumble.

The archers of the Jiangdong Army anxiously reloaded their arrows while suppressing their violent heartbeats. The failure just now drastically lowered their morale.Everyone's face is very ugly, showing the worry about their lives.

"Shoot, shoot! Shoot..." The cavalry team had already entered the range, but the archer team seemed a little flustered this time, and they haven't finished loading all the arrows yet, and the commander was suddenly sweating profusely , had to keep scolding the archers.

The commander's urging was obviously useful, and the archers gradually stabilized their emotions, and began to attack in the direction of the cavalry of the Shu Han army.After the bow and arrow was fired, it still had some effect. At least seventy or eighty cavalrymen or horses of the Jiangdong Army fell to the ground with arrows. For a while, people shouted and screamed.

But after shooting two waves of arrows, it was the last blow of the Jiangdong Army's bow and arrow team.Although they did cause some trouble to the cavalry, at this time the cavalry had already rushed to the front of the Jiangdong Army.

Facing such an enemy army, the archery team has long been powerless.Even if they didn't get He Jing's order, the clever ones among them had already run away, and those who reacted slowly didn't dare to stay any longer, and all turned around and ran away.The archery team dispersed immediately.

Looking at the archers whom he had placed high hopes on, the blow to the Jiangdong Army was almost insignificant and they were defeated in this way, He Jing's heart was not only angry, but also depressed.

But now is not the time for He Jing to continue to be angry, because Jiang Dongjun has already rushed under his nose.

Moreover, He Jing has already used time to organize some sword players to form an formation.He immediately issued an order to the array of knife players.Holding the sword in his hand on the horse, he pointed in the direction of the formation of sword players, and shouted loudly: "Fight, fight, keep the formation and go forward to meet the enemy!"

(End of this chapter)

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