Chapter 807 Lame General ([-])

In other words, the Jiangdong army has entered Jiangdong on a large scale and at a high speed, conquering a large number of counties and counties in a short period of time, and has directly heard the news of Moling, the capital of Jiangdong, like a gust of wind sweeping through every county in Kuaiji County .

But this gust of wind only stirred up huge waves among the people, and the local rich and powerful families were unexpectedly indifferent to these news.

It's like ordinary common people are the sea water above the sea level, and these rich and powerful families are the part of the sea water below the sea level. If your sea level water is turbulent even if it is blown by strong winds, the sea water under their sea level is still calm. move.The sea level is the sea level, and it does not affect the situation under the sea at all.

No matter from which aspect this metaphor looks, it is indeed very appropriate.Ordinary common people are indeed in two completely different worlds.Ordinary common people are sometimes sensitive to even the slightest disturbance, which means that they are very easily agitated by others.

This is actually why, in every war in history, ordinary people are always at the forefront, but in the end it is often the most powerful conspirator who is the most agitated, and in the end it is still the civilians who are seriously injured. Strength, but found a new ruler on top of his head to oppress him.The history of the Celestial Dynasty has always been repeated in this way, and there has never been an era that deviates from this trajectory.

But it is different for those rich and powerful families.These people can be said that on the one hand, they are well-read poems and books, and have enough wisdom and insights to make judgments on events; The most sensible choice, otherwise the result will be tragic.Therefore, these people must be cautious and cautious before making a decision!

And these factors often determine to a certain extent: the actions of ordinary people can hardly affect the decisions of local wealthy families.However, the decision of the local wealthy family has a decisive impact on the local residents!

Therefore, at this time, the indifferent reflection of the rich and powerful families in Kuaiji County created a completely different scene in Kuaiji County and Wu County.

The four great families in Wu County: the children of the Gu, Lu, Zhu, and Zhang families began to gather together one after another, and they started to fight with their own guys to fight against the Shu Han army.

The number of children of these four families is so large that it can reach thousands of people.In addition, some of these people even have their own private soldiers, and some can use their super influence in the local area to recruit troops, and the number of troops they can bring out can be multiplied.This is the manifestation of the great influence of their children.

Wu County is in a state of chaos, but Kuaiji County is still indifferent. What will happen when the Shu Han army arrives?Do you still want Jiang Dong?What should the lord Sun Quan do?Some people in Kuaiji County finally felt that they could no longer remain indifferent.

Liu Zan is about 50 years old, but there is not a trace of white hair on his temples.He doesn't appear to be tall, with a slightly slumped nose, and a thick and short beard on his chin, but he looks heroic.

At this time, even though the early winter sun was shining outside, sweeping away the humidity of Jiangdong's early winter, Liu Zan did not go out, but sat in his study.His nostrils were constantly moving, probably because he was panting heavily due to excitement, and he was obviously in a bad mood.

Suddenly, with a slap, Liu Zan slapped the table in front of him with a loud slap, which alarmed his eldest son Liu Lue.

Liu Lue is about 30 years old, and his appearance is six points similar to Liu Zan, but his figure is taller than Liu Zan.This person is also a relatively well-known younger generation in Kuaiji County, but he has not actually become an official until now because he has no such opportunity.

There is a very important reason for this, that is, he was born in Kuaiji County, and his family is not a powerful family in Kuaiji County, at most it is quite powerful.In Jiangdong, a place where "fighting fathers" are the most popular, and in this era when "fighting fathers" is the only way to get ahead, Liu Lue should be said to have been buried.

Liulue rushed into Liuzan's study, and quickly asked, "Father, what's wrong with you?"

When Liu Zan saw that the person who came was Liu Lue, the annoyance on his face began to subside, he just thought about Liu Lue and waved his hand, and said, "It's okay. Have you heard that Yu Fan's family or Wei Teng's family have already started to take action outside?" Woolen cloth?"

With a blank expression on Liulue's face, he asked, "Who are they going to take action against, Father?"

Hearing this, Liu Zan couldn't help becoming even more angry, and couldn't help but slapped the table in front of him again, the loud noise made Liu slightly jump.

Liu Zan shouted: "You idiot, what are you doing? Don't you understand the current situation in Jiangdong? Of course they started to gather the children and troops in the county to resist the Shu Han army!"

It was only then that Liu Lue suddenly realized that what Liu Zan had said just now had no beginning or end, how did he know that he was talking about this matter?

But a father is a father after all, and as a son, one must always respect his authority.

Liu Lue didn't make excuses, but immediately replied: "Father, Yu Fan's family and Wei Teng's family seem to be very calm, and there is no news or movement that shows that they have already started to take action. You know, I told them The children of Wei Teng’s family have a good personal relationship, so there’s no reason why they should organize a team instead of encouraging me to join in.”

Liu Zan nodded, feeling that what Liu Lue said was somewhat reasonable.

But soon, his face suddenly changed into a sullen look, and suddenly he said loudly: "Damn Yu Fan and Wei Teng! Why have things come to this point, the Shu Han army is said to have killed Yixian County, there are still a few steps away from our Kuaiji County! Also, the lord has already marched to Qu'a. It is said that there is only one army newly formed by that kid Zhuge Ke in Moling. How can it resist The Shu Han army must be held! But what are Yu Fan and Wei Teng thinking, Wu County is recruiting troops wantonly, but there is no movement at all from their side?!"

Liulue saw that his father suddenly became agitated again, and quickly comforted him: "Father, calm down. You know, Mr. Yu Fan is not in Kuaiji County at all. It is said that he is rushing back from Moling. As for Mr. Wei Teng, the newcomer After being taught a lesson by the lord, I’m afraid I’m still angry. Therefore, it’s understandable that their reaction is not enthusiastic enough now.”

(End of this chapter)

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